Universität Wien
Course Exam

060085 VO Introduction to Ancient Egypt: Special Topics (2021W)


Friday 21.01.2022 09:45 - 11:45 Digital
UPDATE 20.12.2021: ATTENTION, EXAMINATION EC exam on: 21.01. 2022: Due to the current uncertain COVID situation, all exams for EC will be held in DIGITAL MODE (120 minutes).


Note: The time of your registration within the registration period has no effect on the allocation of places (no first come, first served).



Examination topics

contents of the lectures and specified reading.

Assessment and permitted materials

UPDATE 20.12.2021: Due to the current uncertain COVID situation, all examinations STEOP and EC, will take place IN DIGITAL MODE.

Important Notice: The plan is to hold a written exam, presence modus, 120 Minutes. Given the current circumstances and future Covid-development, the modalities might change to a digital written or to a digital oral exam. Changes in examination modalities caused by Covid-19 will be announced separately.

Lecture exam for students of the extension curriculum/EC: planned: written exam, 2 hours (see note above).
STEOP for students of Egyptology: the course is part of the written modul-exam (2 hours) of STEOP Modul C, consisting of two courses (STEOP 1: Introduction into Ancient Egypt: Overview and STEOP 2: Introduction into Ancient Egypt: Themes in focus).

Minimum requirements and assessment criteria

A minimum of 50% is necessary for a positive evaluation.
88 - 100 % 1
75 - 87,99 % 2
62,51 - 74,99 % 3
50 - 62,50 % 4
0 - 49,99 % 5

Last modified: Fr 12.05.2023 00:13