Course Exam
070122 VO Global History - The Mongols and Global History (2020S)
3rd exam: 18.12.2020, 03.00-04.30 as a digital written exam - Take-Home Exam via moodle.
Note: The time of your registration within the registration period has no effect on the allocation of places (no first come, first served).
- Registration is open from Fr 04.12.2020 14:49 to Th 17.12.2020 23:59
- Deregistration possible until Fr 18.12.2020 23:59
Examination topics
The main text to prepare for the exam is:
Morgan, David. The Mongols. Oxford: Blackwell, 2007.Further, additional readings (articles or primary sources) will be assigned each week according to the topic treated in class and will be provided via moodle.
Morgan, David. The Mongols. Oxford: Blackwell, 2007.Further, additional readings (articles or primary sources) will be assigned each week according to the topic treated in class and will be provided via moodle.
Assessment and permitted materials
Written exam at the end of the course (4 chances to take the exam).
Minimum requirements and assessment criteria
Final Exam (online - take-home exam via moodle): Assessment will be by written examination at the end of the course (as usual in Austria, 4 chances to take the exam). Basic readings will be provided for each week of the course via Moodle.You have to reach 51 points out of 100 to pass the class with a two parts exam.
The first part involves 3 short questions/identifications of images for 0-20 points each.
The second part involves an open essay question, worth 45 points.
The first part involves 3 short questions/identifications of images for 0-20 points each.
The second part involves an open essay question, worth 45 points.
Last modified: Fr 12.05.2023 00:13