Universität Wien
Course Exam

141097 VO Introduction to Akkadian II (2021S)

Tuesday 29.06.2021 11:30 - 13:00 Digital


Note: The time of your registration within the registration period has no effect on the allocation of places (no first come, first served).



Examination topics

The material presented in class, course grammar (Skriptum) from page 29 onwards, the texts that we will read together

Assessment and permitted materials

Written exam.
The exam has 3 sections: #1 is "multiple choice," you will be asked about for specific verbal form and you must select the correct answer. #2 contains short phrases in Akkadian, and you must translate them and analyze the verbal forms. #3 is the cuneiform question, so you should (as usual) transcribe, normalize, and then analyze the forms. This last question will be based on the texts that we read together (so the Gīra prayer and Hammu-rāpi's building inscription), but it may be that some small things have been changed! #4 is a bonus question- there are many lines from Hammu-rāpi's building inscription that we didn't have time to read together, and so these are good candidates for bonus questions!

Minimum requirements and assessment criteria

The exam will take place online, via the Moodle platform (as an open-book exam).

Grading key:
19 - 20 = Very good
16 - 18 = Good
13 - 15 = Satisfactory
10 - 12 = Pass
0 - 9 = Fail

Final exam points:
Part 1: 6 points
Part 2: 5 points
Part 3: 9 points
Part 4 (bonus): 5 points

Last modified: Fr 12.05.2023 00:17