Universität Wien
Course Exam

141113 VO Culture and History of South Arabia (2020W)


Wednesday 24.03.2021 17:30 - 18:15 Digital
Die Prüfung findet - sofern möglich - vor Ort statt.


Note: The time of your registration within the registration period has no effect on the allocation of places (no first come, first served).



Examination topics

The final exam will consist of 15 multiple-choice questions and 2 essay questions. Each multiple-choice question is worth 4 points, while each essay is worth 20 points. All multiple-choice questions must be completed. For the essays, a list of six possible essay questions will be given. Students must select any TWO of these six questions and answer each in 6-7 sentences. Extra credit will NOT be given if you answer an additional third essay question. Exams will be provided in both English and German. No points will be taken off for grammatical or spelling errors in English, so long as the general points are made clear. Points will, however, be taken off for factual errors, for essays that are not long enough, and for multiple-choice questions that are answered incorrectly or not answered at all.

Assessment and permitted materials

See "Literatur" below. No power-points, books, articles, or class notes can be used in the exam, which is strictly closed-book.

Minimum requirements and assessment criteria

Grading will be based on performance on the exam. Different versions of the final exam will be offered on four different scheduled exam times. The first exam will take place at the end of the current Winter Semester (29 Jannuar 2021). The remaining three exams will take place over the course of the following Spring Semester. More information on the dates of the exams will be provided towards the end of the Winter Semester. Each student will be able to take the exam up to four times.

The grading system is as follows:
5--0-52: not enough
4--53-65: enough
3--66-77: satisfactory
2--78-90: good
1--91-100: very good

If you receive a score of 5, you must retake the exam.

Last modified: Fr 12.05.2023 00:17