Universität Wien
Course Exam

160222 VO VO Celtic cultural studies B (2011S)

Medieval Irish and Welsh law

Monday 16.01.2012



Examination topics

Lectures and discussion.

Assessment and permitted materials

c. 4000 word referenced essay on one of the following topics (see German version for essay topics, should you require english essay titles, please contact course convener at r.karl@bangor.ac.uk)

Minimum requirements and assessment criteria

Based on the examination of medieval Irish and Welsh law texts, this module provides students with a detailed understanding of ‘Celtic’ legal history and literature. Students will gain knowledge of medieval Irish (aim 1), and medieval Welsh law (aim 2), as well as of elements connecting these legal traditions (aim 3). They will also gain a general and detailed understanding of the process of interpreting literary (aim 4) and legal history sources (aim 5). In addition, they will acquire the fundamentals of interpretative modelling in Celtic Studies (aim 6) and the foundations of source criticism in interdisciplinary research in Celtic Cultural Studies (aim 7). Transferable skills taught through this module are the ability for critical assessment of evidence (aim 8) and interpretations (aim 9) and the ability to tackle complex research questions (aim 10).

Last modified: Mo 07.09.2020 15:36