Course Exam
190045 VO BM 5 Theory Development in Education Science (AHP+MP+PP) (2024S)
Medienpädagogik und Psychoanalytische Pädagogik
Note: The time of your registration within the registration period has no effect on the allocation of places (no first come, first served).
- Registration is open from Th 02.05.2024 09:00 to Fr 21.06.2024 09:00
- Deregistration possible until Th 27.06.2024 23:00
Examination topics
In the performance assessment, reference is made to the texts provided, the slides provided and the explanations given in the lecture.
Assessment and permitted materials
The performance assessment takes place in the form of an online exam (max. 28 points) with open questions and single-choice questions. You are invited to take the exam at the end of the summer semester, at the beginning of the winter semester, towards the middle of the winter semester or at the end of the winter semester.
Minimum requirements and assessment criteria
15 points are required for a positive assessment of the course.
1 (very good) 25-28 points
2 (good) 21-24 points
3 (satisfactory) 18-20 points
4 (sufficient) 15-17 points
5 (not sufficient) 0-14 points
1 (very good) 25-28 points
2 (good) 21-24 points
3 (satisfactory) 18-20 points
4 (sufficient) 15-17 points
5 (not sufficient) 0-14 points
Last modified: We 26.06.2024 21:06