Course Exam
250103 VO Frame Theory (2023W)
Examination topics
Everything that is covered in the course, and presented.The current plan is:
1.) Spanning sets in finite dimensional vector spaces
2.) Bessel sequences
3.) Riesz bases
4.) Frames
5.) Special topic in frame theory: e,g, phase retrieval, localization, ...
1.) Spanning sets in finite dimensional vector spaces
2.) Bessel sequences
3.) Riesz bases
4.) Frames
5.) Special topic in frame theory: e,g, phase retrieval, localization, ...
Assessment and permitted materials
Written or oral exam.
Minimum requirements and assessment criteria
A basic understanding of concepts from functional analysis and linear algebra is expected for students to follow the course.For a successful conclusion of this course, students must demonstrate knowledge of the basic concepts and theorems, a basic understanding of the main proofs and applications presented, as well as a ability to use the techniques in similar results.
Last modified: Mo 08.07.2024 09:46