Universität Wien
Course Exam

270114 VO Estimation of physical-chemical properties (2021S)

4.00 ECTS (3.00 SWS), SPL 27 - Chemie

Friday 15.10.2021



Examination topics

Topics presented in lecture and material provided in moodle.

Assessment and permitted materials

Oral exam - digital via BigBlueButton
Exams will be according to prior agreement
permitted aid: exclusively calculator

Minimum requirements and assessment criteria

minimum requirement:
A positive rate requires a solid basic knowledge and understanding of both lecture parts.

evaluation standards:
sehr gut - excellent performance, is able to reproduce (nearly) the entire content of the lecture, shows good understanding of the content and its context
gut - good knowledge of the lecture content with a little shakiness, basic understanding of content and context
befriedigend - middle-rate performance
genügend - clear deficits, but able to reproduce main contents of the lecture with support
nicht-genügend: inacceptable lack of knowledge on the lecture content

Last modified: Fr 15.10.2021 15:48