Course Exam
300137 VO Flora and Vegetation of Austria in the European Context (2018S)
Die Prüfung findet um 09:00h im Zimmer 316 statt
Note: The time of your registration within the registration period has no effect on the allocation of places (no first come, first served).
- Registration is open from Th 26.04.2018 11:47 to Fr 27.04.2018 12:00
- Deregistration possible until Fr 27.04.2018 12:00
Examination topics
Lecture, supplemented by illustrations and working materials furnished by the lecturer.
Assessment and permitted materials
Written Examinations on April 27st --- May 25th --- October 10th 2018
4 questions (20 points each).
Minimum requirement for positive credit: 41 points.
4 questions (20 points each).
Minimum requirement for positive credit: 41 points.
Minimum requirements and assessment criteria
The participants acquire a survey vision of the topic and are able to apply their knowledge in theory and in practice work.
Last modified: Sa 26.02.2022 00:27