Course Exam
330012 VO Nutrition and Immunology (2014S)
Food allergies
Note: The time of your registration within the registration period has no effect on the allocation of places (no first come, first served).
- Registration is open from Tu 06.05.2014 10:00 to We 04.06.2014 10:00
- Deregistration possible until We 04.06.2014 10:00
Examination topics
Lectures on the topics listed above, power point presentations, disscussion of pertinent literature
Assessment and permitted materials
Final written exam, 2h (combination of multiple choice, single choice, open questions)
Minimum requirements and assessment criteria
Students will understand the basics in immunology, the structure of the immune system, the functions of its components as well as the methods of communication within the immunological network. In addition, they will apprehend the interactions between nutrition and the immune system either with regard to single nutrient or to the nutrient matrix. This will include immunopathological phenomena such as infections, chronic inflammatory processes, and allergies. They will be able to differentiate between reasonable and unsound product descriptions.
Last modified: Sa 02.04.2022 00:27