Universität Wien
Course Exam

330048 VO Organic chemistry (2020S)

1) Erlaubte Gegenstände sind E-Mail, Maske, Ausweis, Getränk, Schreibutensilien.

Prüfungsdauer 90 Minuten


Note: The time of your registration within the registration period has no effect on the allocation of places (no first come, first served).



Examination topics

lecture, power-point presentations, supporting materials and exercises available via Moodle

*** Update *** in accordance with regulations for courses and examinations - Newsletter 97-97 of May 13, 2020 § 1 para. (2) (Date: May 24th, 2020)
The following applies to „Organic Chemistry“ (Vock):
Relevant to the exam are:
1.) the content of the lectures discussed up to March 10th, 2020 (before „shut-down“);
2.) the content and the theoretical background of the electronic materials provided in Moodle as „VO-Unterlagen“ and exercise sheets;
3.) the topics mentioned in Announcements on March 16th, 2020, taking into account the exceptions mentioned below;
4.) the theoretical content and exercises within the framework of the forum chats.
Due to missing or only rudimentary treatment, the following topics are explicitly NOT relevant to the examination:
- Alkines
- Lipids
- Swern-Oxidation
- Nitrosamines
Considering isoprenoid compounds, only chemical properties and reactivities are relevant, but not questions regarding biosynthesis.

The following applies to „Natural Product Chemistry“ (Hoffmann):
Relevant to the exam are: The content of the online lectures conducted via Collaborate sessions (mp4-files are available in Moodle); corresponding presentations available as pdf-files in the „VO-Unterlagen“ folder.

Assessment and permitted materials

Final written exam in German language, 90 min (multiple choice);
no supporting resources allowed / necessary

*** Update *** in accordance with regulations for courses and examinations - Newsletter 97-97 of May 13, 2020 § 1 para. (2) (Date: May 24th, 2020)
A periodic table of the elements is provided

Minimum requirements and assessment criteria

at least 60% of maximum points to pass the exam
Valuation key:
1–very good (100,00-88,00%)
2–good (87,99-77,00%)
3–satisfactory (76,99-66,00%)
4–adequate (65,99-60,00%)
5–insufficient (59,99-0,00%)

*** Update *** in accordance with regulations for courses and examinations - Newsletter 97-97 of May 13, 2020 § 1 para. (2) (Date: May 24th, 2020)
at least 50% of maximum points to pass the exam
Valuation key:
1–very good (100,00-85,00%)
2–good (84,99-71,00%)
3–satisfactory (70,99-57,00%)
4–adequate (56,99-50,00%)
5–insufficient (49,99-0,00%)

Last modified: Sa 02.04.2022 00:27