Course Exam
330107 VO General and Inorganic Chemistry (2016S)
for nutritional scientists
Note: The time of your registration within the registration period has no effect on the allocation of places (no first come, first served).
- Registration is open from Su 27.03.2016 10:00 to We 20.04.2016 20:00
- Deregistration possible until We 20.04.2016 20:00
Examination topics
Powerpoint slides and Chapters in Mortimer.
Assessment and permitted materials
One Final Single Choice Exam consisting of 43 questions will determine the grade. 60% is necessary to pass the course. 100-90% = 1; 89-80% = 2; 79-70% = 3; 69-60% = 4; 59-0% = 5. Calculator allowed.
Minimum requirements and assessment criteria
One Final Single Choice Exam consisting of 43 questions will determine the grade. 60% is necessary to pass the course. 100-90% = 1; 89-80% = 2; 79-70% = 3; 69-60% = 4; 59-0% = 5.
Last modified: Sa 02.04.2022 00:27