Universität Wien
Course Exam

340115 VO Research Methods (2024W)

4.00 ECTS (2.00 SWS), SPL 34 - Translationswissenschaft

Tuesday 24.06.2025


Note: The time of your registration within the registration period has no effect on the allocation of places (no first come, first served).



Examination topics

The exam covers all content presented in the lectures and in discussion, complemented by readings indicated in class.

Assessment and permitted materials

Assessment is based on a written examination (on site) which comprises three short and one longer essay question to be answered without the use of any documentary or digital resources.

Minimum requirements and assessment criteria

Grading is based on a six-point system (1 point each per short question, 3 points for longer question; half-points are possible). At least 3 points are required for a passing grade.

Last modified: Tu 11.03.2025 10:07