Universität Wien

Module Exam

OR-1 STEOP-Introduction Middle Eastern Studies (2022W)

Wednesday 25.01.2023 11:30 - 12:15 Hörsaal A UniCampus Zugang Hof 2 2F-EG-32


Note: The time of your registration within the registration period has no effect on the allocation of places (no first come, first served).



Examination topics

Material presented in class as well as the contents of the presentations that can be found on moodle

Assessment and permitted materials

Written exam - to be taken in person in the classroom, without any aids

Minimum requirements and assessment criteria

achieving a pass grade in the written exam without any aids. There will be 12 questions for 5 points each. 0-30 points: fail (nicht genügend, 5). Pass grades: 31-38: genügend (4), 39-46: befriedigend (3), 45-54: gut (2), 55-60: sehr gut (1)

Last modified: Su 16.03.2025 21:15