Universität Wien

Module Exam

E III module examination Experimental Physics III: Quantum Mechanics, Atomic and Nuclear (2025S)


Note: The time of your registration within the registration period has no effect on the allocation of places (no first come, first served).



Examination topics

Content of all lectures and exercises related to E3

Assessment and permitted materials

1. part: Multiple choice knowledge background (40 pt)
2. part: Free simple calculations, understanding and transfer. (Atom etc. 60 pt, Nuclear etc. 40 pt)

Allowed: Only pocket calculators. No open books. No cheat sheet. No computers or communication. Constants will be provided.
One cheat sheet 1 page A4 any font size in one color.

Minimum requirements and assessment criteria

Grades in all parts follow the percentage of points. You must score at least 50% (of all relevant parts) for a positive evaluation:
(4, genügend): [50% - 62.5%[
(3, befriedigend): [62.5% - 75%[
(2, gut): [75% - 87.5%[
(1, sehr gut): [87.5% - 100%[

Last modified: Su 16.03.2025 18:18