ao. Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Fritz Blakolmer
- Mail:
- Phone: +43-1-4277-40620
Business Card: vCard
Research Profile: u:cris
Teaching (iCal)
- 090021 OV Information-event for students studying Classical Archaeology
- 090032 VO Lecture in: Minoan-Mycenaean Archaeology
- 090033 PS Minoan-Mycenaean Archaeology and Visual Culture - Akrotiri auf Thera-Santorin: eine Metropole der Kykladen in der Bronzezeit
- 090050 UE Production and presentation of research papers
- 090098 OV Information-event for students studying Classical Archaeology
- 090102 VO Minoan and Mycenaean Religion
- 090110 SE War and Peace in the Aegean Bronze Age
- 090114 SE Master’s Thesis Seminar
- 090088 VO Lecture series: Alexander the Great. His Heritage and Legacy in later Times
- 090093 OV Information-event for students studying Classical Archaeology
- 090098 UE Introduction to Scientific Work - Fussnoten, Museen und Griechen
- 090105 VO The Cyclades in the Bronze Age
- 090106 PS Find-places of Mycenaean Greece
- 090077 VO Minoan and Mycenaean Relief Art - VO zu Typologie, Stil, Chronologie
- 090080 PS The Minoan Villa
- 090084 SE Religious Rituals in the Aegean Bronze Age
- 090097 OV Information-event for students studying Classical Archaeology
- 090088 VO Area of Latin Literature (Prose)
- 090096 VO Learning to understand a civilization: Minoan Crete - VO zu Typologie, Stil, Chronologie
- 090097 SE Mycenaean Architecture
- 090098 UE Introduction to Scientific Work - die Griechen und wir
- 090122 OV Information-event for students studying Classical Archaeology
- 090024 PS The Iconography of the Aegean Bronze Age
- 090025 SE Rulership and Society in the Aegean Bronze Age
- 090026 SE Master’s Thesis Seminar
- 090107 OV Information-event for students studying Classical Archaeology
- 090097 VO Mycenaean Greece
- 090103 PS Find places of Minoan Crete
- 090094 PS Textiles, dress, and weapons: Everday life in the Aegean Bronze Age
- 090095 SE Pylos and Messenia: Archaeology of a Mycenaean landscape
- 090096 VO Painting in the Aegean Bronze Age - Vorlesung zu Typologie, Stil, Chronologie
- 090045 VO Introduction to Aegean Archaeology
- 090048 PS Akrotiri, Thera. A Centre of the Cyclades in the Bronze Age
- 090050 SE Peak and Cave Sanctuaries in Minoan Crete - Befunde, Beifunde und Funktionen
- 090010 PS Palatial Architecture in Minoan Crete
- 090011 SE Gesture, Posture and Movement in Aegean Bronze Age Imagery
- 090013 VO Minoan and Mycenaean Religion
- 090089 PS Minoan Iconography
- 090090 SE Necropoleis and sepulchral customs in Mycenaean Greece
- 090101 VO The Cyclades in the Bronze Age - Typology, Style, Chronology
- 090093 PS Find-places of Mycenaean Greece
- 090103 SE Animal Studies in the Aegean Bronze Age
- 090106 VO Scripts of the Aegean Bronze Age
- 090076 PS Clothes, weapons and ships: Everyday life in the Aegean Bronze Age
- 090077 VO Artistic media in the Aegean Bronze Age
- 090078 SE Archaeology of gender in the Aegean Bronze Age
- 090088 VO Introduction to Mycenaean Greece
- 090096 SE New approaches to Minoan Crete
- 090100 KU STEOP: Introduction to the Scientific Practice - die Griechen und wir
- 090087 PS Find-places of Minoan Crete
- 090089 VO Painting in the Aegean Bronze Age - Entwicklung, Stil, Ikonographie
- 090093 SE Aegean architecture: the example of Akrotiri, Thera
- 090039 VO Religion in the Aegean Bronze Age
- 090040 PS Minoan and Mycenaean Iconography
- 090041 SE Mycenaean Palaces
- 090031 VO Archaeology of the Aegean Bronze Age
- 090032 PS Palatial Architecture of the Aegean Bronze Age
- 090033 SE Knossos
- 090074 SE The Shaft Graves at Mycenae
- 090079 KU STEOP: Introduction to the Scientific Practice - Fußnoten, Museen und Griechen
- 090094 VO Relief Art in Aegean Prehistory
- 090082 VO The Cyclades in the Bronze Age
- 090083 PS Thera: from the Bronze Age until the Roman period
- 090084 SE Rituals, deities, and mythological creatures in the Aegean Bronze Age
- 090024 VO Seal Glyptic in the Aegean Bronze Age: a Picture-book without Text
- 090025 PS Find-places of Mycenaean Greece
- 090027 SE "Mycenaean" Crete: Culture - Identity - Ethnicity
- 090048 VO Introduction to Minoan Archaeology
- 090049 PS Ships, weapons, bull-head rhyta: everday life in the Aegean Bronze Age
- 090050 SE The Minoan "Villa": architectural form, decoration and function
- 090007 VO Scripts of the Aegean Bronze Age - von Linear A bis Homer
- 090008 SE The Argolid. Archaeology of a Mycenaean Landscape
- 090009 PS Minoan Iconography
- 090001 VO Mycenaean Greece
- 090009 PS Find-Places of Minoan Crete
- 090012 PV Privatissimum
- 090016 SE Society and Rulership in the Aegean Bronze Age
- 090007 KU STEOP: Introduction to Scientific Work - Fußnoten, Museen und Griechen
- 090021 VO StEOP: Typology, Style, Chronology - Painting in the Aegean Bronze Age
- 090049 SE Hybrid Creatures, Deities, Myth and Symbolism in the Aegean Bronze Age
- 090033 VO The Cyclades in the Bronze Age
- 090034 PS Clothing, weapons and seafaring in the Aegean Bronze Age - Kleidung, Bewaffnung und Seefahrt
- 090035 SE Necropoleis and Sepulchral Customs in Mycenaean Greece
- 090003 VO Aegean Relief Art - Artistic Media and Iconography
- 090008 PS Palatial Architectural Forms in Minoan Crete
- 090014 SE Rituals in the Aegean Bronze Age
- 090027 VO The Shaft Grave Period
- 090031 PS Minoan and Mycenaean Iconography
- 090038 PV Privatissimum - Aegean Archaeology
- 090011 VO Minoan Crete: Anatomy of a Palatial Civilization
- 090015 SE Monumental Architecture of Mycenaean Greece
- 090017 KU STEOP: Introduction to Scientific Work - Götterdämmerung
- 090121 VO Gods and Men in the Aegean Bronze Age
- 090125 PS Find-places of Minoan Crete
- 090182 SE Body Language in Aegean Arts
- 090036 VO Mycenaean Greece
- 090042 PS Thera in the Bronze Age
- 090046 SE Urbanism in Minoan Crete
- 090247 PS Find-places of Mycenaean Greece
- 090273 VO Minoan and Mycenaean Art Forms
- 090289 SE Islands of Minos? The Minoan "Colonization" of the Aegean
- 090051 VO Introduction to Aegean Archaeology
- 090094 SE Archaeology of Gender in the Aegean Bronze Age
- 090103 KU Introduction to the Scientific Practice: We and the Greeks
- 090247 PS Costumes, Weapons and Signs of Distinction in the Aegean Bronze Age
- 090273 VO Kult und Götterwelt in der Frühägäis neu: Minoisch-mykenische Malerei
- 090289 SE Mycenaean Palaces: Form, Function and Ideology
- 090046 VO The Cyclades in the Bronze Age
- 090080 PS Minoan-Mycenaean Iconography
- 090176 SE Cemeteries and Sepulchral Rituals in Minoan Crete
- 090247 PS Archaeological Sites in Minoan Crete
- 090273 VO Cult and Deities in the Aegean
- 090289 SE Mycenaean Sanctuaries
- 090046 VO Mycenean Greece
- 090080 PS Palatial Architecture in Minoan Crete
- 090176 SE Early Aegean Relief Art
- 090247 PS Archaeological Sites on the Mycenaean Mainland - Archaeological Sites on the Mycenaean Mainland
- 090273 VO The Archaeology of Aegean Texts - The Archaeology of Aegean Texts: from Linear A to Homer
- 090289 SE Recent Discuss. in the Archaeology of Minoan Crete - Recent Discussions in the Archaeology of Minoan Crete
- 090046 VO Einführung in die minoisch-mykenische Archäologie - Einführung in die minoisch-mykenische Archäologie
- 090176 SE Von Keramik bis Elfenbein: Werkstoffgattungen - Von Keramik bis Elfenbein: Frühägäische Kunst und ihre Werkstoffgattungen
- 090273 VO Die Schachtgräber von Mykene und ihre Zeit - Die Schachtgräber von Mykene und ihre Zeit
- 090176 PS Die Kykladeninsel Thera - Die Kykladeninsel Thera: Von der Bronzezeit bis in die römische Epoche
- 700669 PS Minoisch-mykenische Bildkunst - Minoisch-mykenische Bildkunst
- 705006 VO Einführung in die minoisch-mykenische Archäologie - Einführung in die minoisch-mykenische Archäologie
- 700669 PS Fundstätten des minoischen Kreta - Fundstätten des minoischen Kreta
- 705006 VO Die minoisch-mykenische Reliefkunst - Die minoisch-mykenische Reliefkunst
- 700669 PS Proseminar zur Auslandsexkursion:Peloponnes - Proseminar zur Auslandsexkursion:Peloponnes
- 705320 EX Auslandsexkursion: Peloponnes - Auslandsexkursion: Peloponnes
- 705006 VO Das helladisch - mykenische Griechenland - Das helladisch - mykenische Griechenland
- 705320 VO Künstlerische Werkstoffgattungen - Künstlerische Werkstoffgattungen der ägäischen Bronzezeit
- 705006 PS Fundstätten der ägäischen Bronzezeit - Fundstätten der ägäischen Bronzezeit
- 705320 VO Einführung in die minoische Archäologie - Einführung in die minoisch - mykenische Archäologie
- 705006 PS Kunst u. Kultur Theras in der Bronzezeit - Kunst u. Kultur Theras in der Bronzezeit
- 705019 EX Auslandesexkursion: Minoisches Kreta - Auslandesexkursion: Minoisches Kreta
- 705320 PS Ikonographie d. ägäischen Kunst - Ikonographie der ägäischen Kunst (gilt auch als Vorbereitung zur Kretaexkursion)
Last modified: Tu 28.01.2025 09:20