ao. Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Ingeborg Lang, Privatdoz.
- Mail:
- Phone: +43-1-4277-76530
Business Card: vCard
Research Profile: u:cris
Vice Dean - Faculty of Life Sciences
Teaching (iCal)
- 300110 PP Actual research topics in taxonomy, systematics and morphology of plants and fungi - Projektpraktikum
- 300119 SE Evolutionary Ecology - Masterseminar MEC-9
- 300186 PP Dipping into ecological research
- 300299 UE Specific Research Project in Ecology
- 300386 UE Cells in the light microscope
- 300449 SE Literature seminar on biodiversity and ecosystems
- 300477 SE Scientific Presentation - Seminar for Master Students in Botany
- 300616 UE Life Cycles of Plants
- 300022 PR Specific Research Project in Ecology
- 300110 PP Actual research topics in taxonomy, systematics and morphology of plants and fungi - Projektpraktikum
- 300119 SE Functional Ecology - Masterseminar MEC-9
- 300128 VO Developmental Biology and Reproduction of plants
- 300248 VO Cell Biology of Plants - Structure and Function of the Plant Cell
- 300378 UE Introduction to biodiversity and ecosystem research
- 300419 PR Diversity in plants and fungi: from form to function
- 300428 VO Plant Ultra Structure and Cytology
- 300449 SE Literature seminar on biodiversity and ecosystems
- 300643 PP Sun - Energy for Life: Interdisciplinary project - Seminar
- 300110 PP Actual research topics in taxonomy, systematics and morphology of plants and fungi - Projektpraktikum
- 300119 SE Evolutionary Ecology - Masterseminar MEC-9
- 300169 UE Ecology, Anatomy and Physiology of Carnivorous Plants and their traps
- 300186 PP Dipping into ecological research
- 300299 UE Specific Research Project in Ecology
- 300330 PR Drivers of plant and fungal diversity: from genomes to biomes
- 300386 UE Cells in the light microscope
- 300449 SE Literature seminar on biodiversity and ecosystems
- 300616 UE Life Cycles of Plants
- 300022 PR Specific Research Project in Ecology
- 300110 PP Actual research topics in taxonomy, systematics and morphology of plants and fungi - Projektpraktikum
- 300119 SE Functional Ecology
- 300128 VO Developmental Biology and Reproduction of plants
- 300186 PP Dipping into ecological research
- 300248 VO Cell Biology of Plants - Structure and Function of the Plant Cell
- 300378 UE Introduction to biodiversity and ecosystem research
- 300419 UE Structural diversity in plants and fungi: from form to function
- 300428 VO Plant Ultra Structure and Cytology
- 300643 PP Sun - Energy for Life: Interdisciplinary project - Seminar
- 300119 SE Evolutionary Ecology
- 300299 UE Specific Research Project in Ecology
- 300330 PR Drivers of plant and fungal diversity: from genomes to biomes
- 300386 UE Cells in the light microscope
- 300616 UE Life Cycles of Plants
- 300018 SE Specific Research Project in Ecology
- 300119 SE Functional Ecology
- 300128 VO Developmental Biology and Reproduction of plants
- 300248 VO Cell Biology of Plants - Structure and Function of the Plant Cell
- 300378 UE Introduction to biodiversity and ecosystem research
- 300419 UE Structural diversity in plants and fungi: from form to function
- 300428 VO Plant Ultra Structure and Cytology
- 300643 PP Sun - Energy for Life: Interdisciplinary project - Seminar
- 300180 SE Plant cell biology - Insights, concepts, challenges
- 300243 SE Functional and Evolutionary Ecology 1
- 300299 UE Specific Research Project in Ecology
- 300330 PR Drivers of plant and fungal diversity: from genomes to biomes
- 300386 UE Cells in the light microscope
- 300018 SE Specific Research Project in Ecology
- 300210 SE Plant cell biology - Insights, concepts, challenges
- 300248 VO Cell Biology of Plants - Structure and Function of the Plant Cell
- 300279 PP Environmental stress on the cellular level - How cells react to external impacts
- 300419 UE Structural diversity in plants and fungi: from form to function
- 300643 PP Sun - Energy for Life: Interdisciplinary project - Seminar
- 300299 UE Specific Research Project in Ecology
- 300386 UE Cells in the light microscope
- 300007 SE Specific Research Project in Ecology
- 300158 SE New concepts in light- and electron microscopy - (scientific results, instruments, methods)
- 300210 SE Plant cell biology - Insights, concepts, challenges
- 300277 PP Functional Ecology of Carnivorous Plants - Structure and functioning of the traps and their glands
- 300279 PP Environmental stress on the cellular level - How cells react to external impacts
- 300378 UE Introduction to biodiversity and ecosystem research
- 300643 PP Sun - Energy for Life: Interdisciplinary project - Seminar
- 300299 UE Specific Research Project in Ecology
- 300386 UE Cells in the light microscope
- 300007 SE Specific Research Project in Ecology
- 300158 SE New concepts in light- and electron microscopy - (scientific results, instruments, methods)
- 300279 PP Environmental stress on the cellular level - How cells react to external impacts
- 300419 UE Structural diversity in plants and fungi: from form to function
- 300643 PP Sun - Energy for Life: Interdisciplinary project - Seminar
- 300299 UE Specific Research Project in Ecology
- 300330 PR Drivers of plant and fungal diversity: from genomes to biomes
- 300386 UE Cells in the light microscope
- 300007 SE Specific Research Project in Ecology
- 300158 SE New concepts in light- and electron microscopy - (scientific results, instruments, methods)
- 300219 SE Cell Imaging and Ultrastructure 1 - Seminar for Master and PhD-students - in Special Cell Imaging and Ultrastructure Research
- 300279 PP Environmental stress on the cellular level - How cells react to external impacts
- 300419 UE Structural diversity in plants and fungi: from form to function
- 300643 PP Sun - Energy for Life: Interdisciplinary project - Seminar
- 300057 SE Cell Imaging and Ultrastructure Research (2) - Seminar for Master- and PhD Students
- 300299 UE Specific Research Project in Ecology
- 300386 UE Cells in the light microscope
- 300517 SE+UE Theory and Application of Confocal Microscopy - (parallel courses)
- 300158 SE New concepts in light- and electron microscopy - (scientific results, instruments, methods)
- 300219 SE Cell Imaging and Ultrastructure 1 - Seminar for Master and PhD-students - in Special Cell Imaging and Ultrastructure Research
- 300279 PP Environmental stress on the cellular level - How cells react to external impacts
- 300419 UE Structural diversity in plants and fungi: from form to function
- 300517 SE+UE Theory and Application of Confocal Microscopy - (parallel courses)
- 300643 PP Sun - Energy for Life: Interdisciplinary project - Seminar
- 300057 SE Cell Imaging and Ultrastructure Research (2) - Seminar for Master- and PhD Students
- 300299 UE Specific Research Project in Ecology
- 300386 UE Cells in the light microscope
- 300517 SE+UE Theory and Application of Confocal Microscopy - (parallel courses)
- 300158 SE New concepts in light- and electron microscopy - (scientific results, instruments, methods)
- 300219 SE Cell Imaging and Ultrastructure 1 - Seminar for Master and PhD-students - in Special Cell Imaging and Ultrastructure Research
- 300237 UE Structure of Plants - from cells to ecology
- 300279 PP Environmental stress on the cellular level - How cells react to external impacts
- 300517 SE+UE Theory and Application of Confocal Microscopy - (parallel courses)
- 300643 PP Sun - Energy for Life: Interdisciplinary project - Seminar
- 300221 SE Cell Imaging and Ultrastructure Research (2) - Seminar for Master- and PhD Students
- 300285 SE+UE Light and video microscopy in theory and practice (parallel courses)
- 300386 UE Cells in the light microscope
- 300517 SE+UE Theory and Application of Confocal Microscopy - (parallel courses)
- 300158 SE New concepts in light- and electron microscopy - (scientific results, instruments, methods)
- 300285 SE+UE Light and video microscopy in theory and practice (parallel courses)
- 300419 UE Specific Research Project Structural Botany: From cell to organism
- 300517 SE+UE Theory and Application of Confocal Microscopy - in parallel courses
- 300643 PP Sun - Energy for Life: Interdisciplinary project - Seminar
- 300285 SE+UE Light and video microscopy in theory and practice (parallel courses)
- 300386 UE Cells in the light microscope
- 300158 SE New concepts in light- and electron microscopy - New concepts in light- and electron microscopy (scientific results, instruments, methods)
- 300237 UE Structure of Plants - from cells to ecology
- 300285 SE+UE Light and video microscopy in theory and practice (parallel courses)
- 300419 UE Specific Research Project: Structural Botany
- 300643 PP Sun - Energy for Life: Interdisciplinary project - Seminar
- 300285 SE+UE Light and video microscopy in theory and practice (parallel courses)
- 300386 UE Cells in the light microscope
- 300158 SE New concepts in light- and electron microscopy - New concepts in light- and electron microscopy (scientific results, instruments, methods)
- 300237 UE Structure of Plants - from cells to ecology
- 300285 SE+UE Light and video microscopy in theory and practice (parallel courses)
- 300418 UE The Plant Cell: Physiological and Ecological Aspects
- 300643 SE Sun - Energy for Life: Interdisciplinary project - Seminar
- 300285 SE+UE Light and video microscopy in theory and practice (parallel courses)
- 300287 UE Analogue and digital photography for scientific documentation
- 300386 UE Cells in the light microscope
- 300158 SE New concepts in light- and electron microscopy - New concepts in light- and electron microscopy (scientific results, instruments, methods)
- 300237 UE Structure of Plants - from cells to ecology
- 300285 SE+UE Light and video microscopy in theory and practice (parallel courses)
- 300643 SE Sun - Energy for Life: Interdisciplinary project - Seminar
- 300287 UE Analogue and digital photography for scientific documentation
- 300386 UE Cells in the light microscope
- 300158 SE New concepts in light- and electron microscopy - New concepts in light- and electron microscopy (scientific results, instruments, methods)
- 300237 UE Structure of Plants - from cells to ecology
- 300279 SE+UE Filmdesign for scientific purposes
- 300643 SE Sun - Energy for Life: Interdisciplinary project - Seminar
- 300287 UE Analogue and digital photography for scientific documentation
- 300386 UE Cells in the light microscope
- 300158 SE New concepts in light- and electron microscopy - New concepts in light- and electron microscopy (scientific results, instruments, methods)
- 300643 SE Sun - Energy for Life: Interdisciplinary project - Seminar
- 300287 VO+UE Analogue and digital photography for scientific documentation
- 300386 VO+UE Cells in the light microscope
- 300425 VO+UE Structure of Plants
- 300158 SE New concepts in light- and electron microscopy - New concepts in light- and electron microscopy (scientific results, instruments, methods)
- 300279 SE+UE Filmdesign for scientific purposes
- 300287 VO+UE Analogue and digital photography for scientific documentation
- 300386 VO+UE Cells in the light microscope
- 300425 VO+UE Structure of Plants
- 300158 SE New concepts in light- and electron microscopy - New concepts in light- and electron microscopy (scientific results, instruments, methods)
- 300279 SE+UE Filmdesign for scientific purposes
- 300279 SE+UE Filmdesign for scientific purposes
- 300279 SE Scientific Film in Biology - Scientific Film in Biology; Production -Design -Cut
- 300287 UE Photo, film and video: scientific docu in biology - Photography, film and video: scientific documentation in biology
- 300128 VO Introduction to Foto - Film - Video - Introduction to Foto - Film - Video: Scientific Documentation in Biology
- 300172 UE Foto - Film - Video - Foto - Film - Video: Scientific Documentation in Biology
- 300279 SE Scientific Film in Biology - Scientific Film in Biology
- 300287 UE Photo, film and video: scientific docu in biology - Photography, film and video: scientific documentation in biology
- 300128 VO Introduction to Foto - Film - Video - Introduction to Foto - Film - Video: Scientific Documentation in Biology
- 300172 UE Foto - Film - Video - Foto - Film - Video: Scientific Documentation in Biology
- 300279 SE Scientific Film in Biology - Scientific Film in Biology
- 809221 UE Photo, film and video: scientific docu in biology - Photography, film and video: scientific documentation in biology
- 809480 VO Einführung zu Foto-Film-Video - Einführung zu Foto-Film-Video: Wissenschaftliche Dokumentation in der Biologie
- 809829 UE Foto-Film-Video: Wissenschaftl.Dokumentation - Foto - Film - Video: WissenschaftlicheDokumentation in der Biologie (gemeinsam mit Gregor Eder)
- 859690 SE+UE Projekt-PR: Funkt. Cytologie u. Anatomie d.Pflanze - Projektpraktikum: Funktionelle Cytologie und Anatomie der Pflanze: Struktur und Funktion der Drüsen von fleischfressenden Pflanzen.
- 800219 EX Excursion to moors and mosses - Excursion to moors and mosses
- 809088 UE Biological course of introduction II - Biological course of introduction II
- 809221 UE Photo, film and video: scientific docu in biology - Photography, film and video: scientific documentation in biology
- 809480 VO Principles of scientific documentation - Principles of scientific documentation
- 809407 UE Zellphysiologische Übungen - Zellphysiologische Übungen
- 809480 VO Einführung zu Foto-Film-Video - Einführung zu Foto-Film-Video: Wissenschaftliche Dokumentation in der Biologie
- 809829 UE Foto-Film-Video: Wissenschaftl.Dokumentation - Foto - Film - Video: WissenschaftlicheDokumentation in der Biologie (gemeinsam mit Alfons Svoboda)
- 859690 SE+UE Projekt-PR: Funkt. Cytologie u. Anatomie d.Pflanze - Projektpraktikum: Funktionelle Cytologie und Anatomie der Pflanze: Struktur und Funktion der Drüsen von fleischfressenden Pflanzen.
- 809088 UE Biologische Einführungsübungen Teil II - Biologische Einführungsübungen Teil II (in Parallelkursen, nur gemeinsam mit Teil I)
- 809221 UE Photo - Film - Video: Dokum. i. d. Wissensch. - Photo - Film - Video: Dokumentation in der Wissenschaft
- 809288 VO Einf. i. d. Licht- u. Videomikroskopie - Einführung in die Licht- und Videomikroskopie
- 809480 VO Grundlagen der wissenschaftlichen Dokumentation - Grundlagen der wissenschaftlichen Dokumentation: Foto - Film - Video
- 859391 VO Fortpflanzungszellen - Fortpflanzungszellen: Struktur und Funktion bei Tier und Pflanze
- 859448 VO Medien und Unterrichtsmaterialien in Biologie - Medien und Unterrichtsmaterialien in Biologie und Umweltkunde
- 859681 SE Spezielle Zellphysiologie u. wissenschaftl. Film 2 - Spezielle Zellphysiologie und wissenschaftlicher Film II: Dokumentation vondynamischen Vorgängen in der Biologie für Forschung und Unterricht. Struktur und Funktioin der Zelle, Techniken der modernen Licht- und Videomikroskopie (insbesondere für Diplomanden und Dissertanten)
- 809480 VO Einführung zu Photo-Film-Video - Einführung zu Photo-Film-Video: Dokumentation in der Wissenschaft
- 809829 UE Foto-Film-Video: Dokumentation i. d. Wiss. - Foto - Film - Video: Dokumentation in der Wissenschaft
- 811116 SE Medienkunde und Unterrichtstechnik - Medienkunde und Unterrichtstechnik
- 859690 SE Funktionelle Cytologie - Funktionelle Cytologie: Struktur und Funktion der Zelle
- 859694 SE Wiss. Film in der Biologie - Wissenschaftlicher Film in der Biologie: Grundlagen der Produktion und praktische Beispiele
- 859698 SE Spezielle Zellphysiologie u. Wiss. Film I - Spezielle Zellphysiologie u. Wissenschaftlicher Film I mit folgenden Fachgebieten: Struktur und Funktion der Zelle (Dynamik, Cytoskelett, chemische und mechanische Irritation, Endo-, Exocytose, Zellteilung, Zellwachstum) Fluoreszenz - und Videomikroskopie, Mikromanipulation, Dokumentation (wiss. Film)
- 809088 UE Biologische Einführungsübungen Teil II - Biologische Einführungsübungen Teil II (in Parallelkursen, nur gemeinsam mit Teil I)
- 809221 UE Photo - Film - Video: Dokum. i. d. Wissensch. - Photo - Film - Video: Dokumentation in der Wissenschaft
- 809480 VO Einführung zu Photo-Film-Video - Einführung zu Photo-Film-Video: Dokumentation in der Wissenschaft
- 809515 UE Anleitung zur Literaturarbeit/ Zellphysiologie - Anleitung zur Literaturarbeit im Bereich Zellphysiologie
- 859293 VO Grundlagen der Lichtmikroskopie - Grundlagen der Lichtmikroskopie
- 809480 VO Einführung zu Photo-Film-Video - Einführung zu Photo-Film-Video: Dokumentation in der Wissenschaft
- 809829 UE Foto-Film-Video: Dokumentationi. d. Wiss. - Foto - Film - Video: Dokumentation in der Wissenschaft
- 811116 SE Medienkunde und Unterrichtstechnik - Medienkunde und Unterrichtstechnik
- 809088 UE Biologische Einführungsübungen Teil II - Biologische Einführungsübungen Teil II (in Parallelkursen, nur gemeinsam mit Teil I)
- 809221 UE Photo - Film - Video: Dokum. i. d. Wissensch. - Photo - Film - Video: Dokumentation in der Wissenschaft
- 809480 VO Einführung zu Photo-Film-Video - Einführung zu Photo-Film-Video: Dokumentation in der Wissenschaft
- 809515 SE Anleitung zur Literaturarbeit/ Zellphysiologie - Anleitung zur Literaturarbeit im Bereich Zellphysiologie
- 809480 VO Einführung zu Photo - Film - Video - Einführung zu Photo - Film - Video: Dokumentation in der Wissenschaft
- 809488 VO Das Bewegtbild in der Biologie - Das Bewegtbild in der Biologie: Film - Beispiele für Forschung und Unterricht
- 809511 VO Botanik,allg.Biologie f.Haushalt.-u.Ernährungsw. - Botanik, und allgemeine Biologie f. Haushalts- und Ernährungswissenschaften
- 809829 UE Photo - Film - Video: Dokument. i. d. Wissenschaft - Photo - Film - Video: Dokumentation in der Wissenschaft
- 809088 UE+VO Biologische Einführungsübungen Teil II - Biologische Einführungsübungen Teil II (in Parallelkursen), nur gemeinsam mit Teil I
- 809221 UE Photo - Film - Video: Dokum. i. d. Wissensch. - Photo - Film - Video: Dokumentation in der Wissenschaft
- 809239 UE Licht- und Videomikroskopie in der Praxis - Licht- und Videomikroskopie in der Praxis
- 809957 UE Biologische Einführungsübungen Teil II - Biologische Einführungsübungen Teil II
- 811129 UE Pflanzenanatomische Übungen - Pflanzenanatomische Übungen (Parallelveranstaltung 1)
- 812079 UE Pflanzenanatomische Übungen - Pflanzenanatomische Übungen (Parallelveranstaltung 2)
- 859279 UE Photo-Film-Video:Dokumentation in der Wissenschaft - Photo-Film-Video:Dokumentation in der Wissenschaft
- 859345 UE Zellphysiologische Übungen mit Exkursion - Zellphysiologische Übungen mit Exkursion
- 809829 SE Wissenschaftliche Dokumentation - Wissenschaftliche Dokumentation: Photo - Film - Video
Last modified: Fr 17.01.2025 11:00