Ina Hasenöhrl
Currently not an active member of staff
Teaching (iCal)
- 190077 SE BM 9 Accompanying Course to the Practicum (AHP+SB) - 'How to do things with words' - ein analytischer Blick auf die Historizität pädagogischer Professionalität
- 190017 VU BM 4 Philosophical Methods in Education Science (AHP+SB) - Von der Hermeneutik zur Diskursanalyse
- 190083 SE BM 10 Bachelor's Thesis (AHP+SB) - The making of citizens through art education in American and German contexts
- 190017 VU BM 4 Philosophical Methods in Education Science (AHP+SB) - Von der Hermeneutik zur Diskursanalyse
Last modified: We 01.03.2023 09:07