Univ.-Prof. Dr. Peter Schweitzer
- Mail: peter.schweitzer@univie.ac.at
- Phone: +43-1-4277-49537
Business Card: vCard
Research Profile: u:cris
Deputy Head - Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology
Teaching (iCal)
- 240507 SE MM2 Fieldwork methods for field school Alaska
- 240510 PR MM2 Field school Alaska
- 400016 SE Conceptualising People in Built and Natural Environment - Theory seminar
- 070053 VO Introduction to Multidisciplinary East European Studies
- 070255 SE Seminar - Research Accounts, Methods and Techniques
- 240017 VO Theoretical Traditions and Developments in Anthropology
- 240042 SE BM7 FbSE Anthropological Perspectives on Infrastructure
- 240515 SE MM3 Cultures of Alaska
- 240540 SE MM7 Research Design Workshop
- 400004 FK Research Colloquium Social and Cultural Anthropology - Research Colloquium
- 070053 VO Introduction to Multidisciplinary East European Studies
- 070255 SE Seminar - Research Accounts, Methods and Techniques
- 240017 VO Theoretical Traditions and Developments in Anthropology
- 240530 SE MM7 Research Design Workshop
- 960005 UE Code Culture
- 960006 UE Living City
- 960007 UE Media Management
- 960008 UE Global Conversation
- 240008 VO Introduction to Political Anthropology
- 240528 SE Anthropology of Time (P4)
- 400004 FK Environments, Mobilities, Technologies - Research colloquium
- 070167 VO Introduction to Multidisciplinary East European Studies
- 070255 SE Seminar - Research Accounts, Methods and Techniques
- 240035 VO History of Russian and Soviet Anthropology
- 240523 SE Maritime Anthropology (P4)
- 960001 UE Code Culture
- 960002 UE Global Conversation
- 960003 UE Media Management
- 960004 UE Living City
- 240008 VO Introduction to Political Anthropology
- 240520 SE Anthropological Perspectives on Infrastructure (P4)
- 240533 UE Vienna Anthropology Days (P5)
- 240535 AL Anthro Lab (P6)
- 070167 VO Introduction to Multidisciplinary East European Studies
- 070255 SE Research Accounts, Methods and Techniques
- 240515 SE Anthropology of Remoteness (P4)
- 400015 SE Social Science Approaches to the Built Environment - SE Theory for Doctoral Candidates
- 960002 UE Code Culture
- 960003 UE Global Conversation
- 960004 UE Media Management
- 960005 UE Living City
- 070132 VO Introduction to Multidisciplinary East European Studies
- 240509 SE Follow-up Seminar to Fieldschool Northern Fennoscandia: Fieldwork & Write-up (P3, P4)
- 240514 SE The Social Life of (Rail-)Roads (P4)
- 240529 AL Anthro Lab (P6)
- 240702 UE Supervision Workshop
- 400004 FK Colloquium for Doctoral Candidates
- 240039 SE Theoretical discourses
- 240502 PR CREOLE: Methods-P1 PR
- 240504 SE Methods Seminar for Fieldwork Seminar Northern Fennoscandia (P1)
- 240513 SE Maritime Anthropology (P4)
- 240703 UE Supervision Workshop
- 070059 VO Introduction to Multidisciplinary East European Studies
- 240008 VO Introduction to Political Anthropology
- 240035 VO History of Russian and Soviet Anthropology
- 240510 SE Cultures of Northern Fennoscandia (P3, P4)
- 240516 SE Anthropological Perspectives on Infrastructure (P4)
- 400004 FK Colloquium for Doctoral Candidates - Forschungskolloquium für DissertantInnen
- 240039 SE Theoretical discourses
- 240518 SE Anthropology of Remoteness (P4)
- 400014 SE Social Sciences and Climate Change
- 070246 VO Introduction to the interdisciplinary studies on Eastern Europe
- 240008 VO Introduction to Political Anthropology
- 240508 SE Making Sense of Siberia (P3, P5)
- 240517 SE Environmental Anthropology and the Anthropocene (P4)
- 240525 AL Anthro Lab (P6)
- 400005 FK Colloquium for Doctoral Candidates - Forschungskolloquium für DissertantInnen
- 240501 PR Field Practice Siberia (P1)
- 240503 SE Methods Seminar accompanying the Field Practice Siberia (P1)
- 240517 SE The Social Life of (Rail)-Roads (P4)
- 400016 SE Social Science Approaches to the Built Environment - SE Theory for Doctoral Candidates
- 070144 VO VO Einführung in die interdisziplinären Osteuropastudien
- 240008 VO Introduction to Political Anthropology
- 240036 SE Theoretical discourses
- 240510 VS Cultures of Siberia (P3, P4)
- 240531 AL Anthro Lab (P6)
- 240038 VO History of Russian and Soviet Anthropology
- 240039 SE Theoretical discourses
- 070276 VO VO Einführung in die interdisziplinären Osteuropastudien
- 240505 SE Writing Alaska (P1)
- 240509 VO The Arctic and Subarctic from the Middle Ages to the Present (P3)
- 240527 AL Anthro Lab (P6)
- 400016 SE Uses and Abuses of the Concept of Ontology - SE Theory for Doctoral Candidates
- 970008 KU univie: Vienna Arctic Summer School 2016
- 070326 VO VO Einführung in die interdisziplinären Osteuropastudien
- 240014 VO Introduction to Political Anthropology
- 240510 SE Cultures of Siberia (P3, P4)
- 240530 AL Anthro Lab (P6)
- 400007 SE SE Theory for Doctoral Candidates - Culture?
- 240070 PR Fieldwork Alaska (P1)
- 240097 AL Anthro Lab (P6)
- 400012 FK Colloquium for Doctoral Candidates - Environment, Mobility, Technology
- 240105 VO Introduction to political Anthropology
- 240160 VO History of Russian and Soviet Anthropology
- 240180 SE Cultures of Alaska (P3)
- 240189 SE Anthropology and Climate Change (P4)
- 240058 SE Theoretical discourses
- 240087 SE Culture, Inc. (P4)
- 240100 AL Anthro Lab (P6)
- 240135 VO Introduction to political Anthropology
- 240184 VO Introduction to the Anthropology of the Circumpolar North
- 240211 AL Anthro Lab (P6)
- 400008 SE SE Theory for Doctoral Candidates - Environment, Science and Technology
- 240175 SE Theoretical discourses
- 240193 SE Russia Through the Lens of (Western) Anthropology (P3)
- 240202 SE Anthropology of Climate Change (P4)
- 240105 VO History of Russian and Soviet Anthropology
- 240106 SE Cultures of Alaska
- 240191 VS The North as Construct and Imagination (P3) - Images, Visions, Memories, and Stereotypes of the Arctic and Subarctic
- 240068 VO Ethnography of Siberia
- 240064 VO Introduction Anthropology Circumpolar North - Introduction to the Anthropology of the Circumpolar North
- 240060 SE FFSE: Kinship and social security: rural fieldside - Feldforschungsseminar: Kinship and social security: rural fieldside(KASS)
- 240099 SE FFSE: Kinship and social security: urban fieldside - Feldforschungsseminar: Kinship and social security: urban fieldside (KASS)
- 902163 PR Feldpraktikum: rural fieldsite - Feldpraktikum: rural fieldsite
- 902172 PR Feldpraktikum: urban fieldsite - Feldpraktikum: urban fieldsite
- 696633 SE Projektseminar: Kinship and social security (KASS) - Projektseminar: Kinship and social security (KASS)
- 694822 VO Einf. Gesch. d. russischen u. sowjetischen Ethnol - Einführung in die Geschichte der russischen und sowjetischen Ethnologie
- 611043 VO Einführung i.d. Ethnologie d. zirkumpolaren Raumes - Einführung in die Ethnologie des zirkumpolaren Raumes
- 611212 SE SE: Historische und aktuelle Debatten - Seminar: Historische und aktuelle Debatten zu Jäger - und Sammlergesellschaften
- 611154 KO KO: Von Boas bis zur Gegenwart - KO: Von Boas bis zur Gegenwart: Ethnographische Monographien zum zirkumpolaren Norden
- 611264 VO Geschichte d.russischen u.sowjetischen Ethnologie - Geschichte der russischen und sowjetischen Ethnologie (Einführung)
- 611043 VO Ausgew. Kap. d. zirkumpolaren Raumes: Sibirien - Ausgewählte Kapitel d. zirkumpolaren Raumes: Sibirien im Blickwinkel europäischer Ethnologie
- 611264 VO Einf.in die Ethnologie d. zirkumpolaren Raumes - Einführung in die Ethnologie des zirkumpolaren Raumes
- 610099 VO Einführung zirkumpolarer Raum - Einführung in die Völkerkunde des zirkumpolaren Raumes
- 611097 VO Ausgew. Kap. zirkumpolarer Raum - Ausgewählte Kapitel des zirkumpolaren Raumes: politische, wirtschaftliche und kulturelle Entwicklungen seit 1945
- 609247 VO Ethnologie Sibiriens (Einführung) - Ethnologie Sibiriens (Einführung)
- 609940 VO Ausgew. Kap. der Ethnologie Sibiriens - Ausgewählte Kapitel der Ethnologie Sibiriens: Rentierjäger und Rentierhirten; soziale, ökonomische und ideologische Aspekte
Last modified: Tu 28.01.2025 20:00