Mag. Dr. Elke Pilat-Lohinger
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- Phone: +43-1-4277-51841
Business Card: vCard
Research Profile: u:cris
Teaching (iCal)
- 280561 SE Exotic Planetary Systems
- 280542 SE Formation of terrestrial planets in habitable zones
- 280551 SE Research Seminar
- 262012 VO Introduction to Computational Astrophysics
- 262013 UE Introduction to Computational Astrophysics- Exercises
- 280504 PR Practical in numerical Astronomy
- 280528 SE Interaction of planets and planetesimals for the architecture of planetary systems
- 280467 SE Exoplaneten Systeme -- Sinn oder Unsinn der Titius Bode Reihe
- 280501 VU Planets and exoplanets
- 269017 VO Computational Concepts in Astronomy and Geosciences II
- 280426 UE PM-TP1 Exercises in Theoretische Physik I: Klassische Mechanik (PI)
- 280454 SE PM-Nawi Seminar Topics of the current astronomical research (PI)
- 280456 SE PM-BacSem Bachelor Seminar on Astronomy (PI)
- 280522 SE PM-Astr/PM-FnNawi Planetary systems in solar neighbourhood (PI)
- 280525 VU PM-Astr Dynamics of planetary systems I: (SoSys) (PI)
- 280454 SE PM-Nawi Seminar Topics of the current astronomical research (PI)
- 280487 PR WM-c-Num Practical in numerical Astronomy (PI)
- 280516 VU PM-Astr/PM-FnNawi: Chaos in astrodynamics (PI)
- 280518 VU PM-Astr/PM-FnNawi Habitable worlds (PI)
- 280522 SE PM-Astr Planetary systems with gas giants (PI)
- 269017 VO Computational Concepts in Astronomy and Geosciences II
- 280426 UE PM-TP1 Exercises in Theoretische Physik I: Klassische Mechanik (PI)
- 280454 SE PM-Nawi Seminar Topics of the current astronomical research (PI)
- 280456 SE PM-BacSem Bachelor Seminar on Astronomy (PI)
- 280513 SE PM-Astr Small body movement in Planetary systems (PI)
- 280515 VU PM-Astr Double stars (PI)
- 450102 SE COSMOS Topic Seminar: Habitable worlds (PI)
- 280454 SE PM-AstSem Seminar Topics of the current astronomical research (PI)
- 280483 VU WM-b-Planet Planets and exoplanets (PI)
- 280507 VU PM-Nawi/PM-Astr: Our planetary system: moons, minor planets and planet 9 (PI)
- 280514 SE PM-Astr/PM-FnNawi Exotic planetary systems (PI)
- 280518 SE PM-Astr/PM-FnNawi Habitable conditions on planets (PI)
- 269017 VO Computational Concepts in Astronomy and Geosciences II
- 280454 SE PM-AstSem Seminar Topics of the current astronomical research (PI)
- 280456 SE PM-BacSem Bachelor Seminar on Astronomy (PI)
- 280508 VU PM-FnNawi / PM-Astr Our planetary system: Formation and dynamics (PI)
- 280509 SE PM-Astr Exo-Objects - temporary visitors in our solar system (PI)
- 280514 SE PM-Astr Exoplanets and Habitability (PI)
- 280454 SE PM-AstSem Seminar Topics of the current astronomical research (PI)
- 280505 SE PM-Astr Exoplanets, Planet Formation and Habitability (PI)
- 280506 SE PM-Astr Current Topics in Star and Planet Formation (PI)
- 280508 VU PM-Astr Exoplanetary systems in stellar systems (PI)
- 280509 SE PM-Astr Exoplanetary Systems: Formation and evolution (PI)
- 269017 VO Computational Concepts in Astronomy and Geosciences II
- 280495 VU PM-Nawi Exoplanets (PI)
- 280498 SE PM-Astr Habitable Planets: Origin and Evolution (PI)
- 280499 SE PM-Astr Diversity of Exo-planetary Systems (PI)
- 280454 SE PM-AstSem Seminar Topics of the current astronomical research (PI)
- 280490 VO Solar system: formation, dynamical evolution and chaos (NPI)
- 280499 SE PM-Astr Planets, Exoplanets and Habitability (PI)
- 280500 SE PM-Astr Exotic Planetary Systems (PI)
- 269017 VO Computational Concepts in Astronomy and Geosciences II
- 280495 SE PM-Astr Astrophysical Conditions for Habitability (PI)
- 280497 SE PM-Astr Architecture and dynamics of extra-solar systems (PI)
- 280498 VO PM-Astr Chaos indicators (NPI)
- 280499 SE PM-Astr Exoplanets, Planet Formation and Habitability (PI)
- 280500 SE PM-Astr On the diversity of planets and planetary systems (PI)
- 450101 VO Planetary Motion in Stellar Systems (NPI)
- 269017 VO Computational Concepts in Astronomy and Geosciences II
- 280500 SE Consolidation module: Planetary systems: dynamics of planets and planetesimals (PI)
- 450101 SE Habitability and Exoplanets (PI)
- 280498 SE Consolidation module: Astrophysics of Habitability (PI)
- 280500 SE Consolidation module: Planetary systems (PI)
- 269017 VO Computational Concepts in Astronomy and Geosciences II
- 280495 SE Consolidation module: Exoplanets and Habitability (PI)
- 280500 SE Consolidation module: Dynamic in multiplanetary systems (PI)
- 280498 SE Consolidation module: Astrophysics of Habitability (PI)
- 280500 SE Consolidation module: Planetary systems (PI)
- 269017 VO Computational Concepts in Astronomy and Geosciences II
- 280495 SE Consolidation module: Exoplanets and Habitability (PI)
- 280500 SE Consolidation module: Planetary systems: stability and chaos (PI)
- 280503 SE Consolidation module: Exoplanets and Habitability (PI)
- 280506 SE Consolidation module: Planet Formation and Habitability (NPI)
- 269017 VO Computational Concepts in Astronomy and Geosciences II
- 280500 SE Consolidation module: Dynamical processes in early Planetary systems (PI)
- 280492 SE Consolidation module: Dynamics of planetary systems (PI)
- 450102 SE Habitability on Planets
- 280500 SE Consolidation module: Stability and chaos in planetary systems
- 280501 SE Consolidation module: Exoplanets and Habitability (PI)
- 280482 UE Astronomical mandatory module: Exercises to Classical Astronomy, Celestial Mechanics, History
- 280492 SE Consolidation module: Celestial Dynamics (PI)
- 280495 VO Consolidation module: Planet Formation and Habitability (NPI)
- 450103 SE Astro- and planetary dynamics (PI)
- 450101 SE Astrophysics of Planet Formation
- 280234 VO Consolidation module: Planetary systems II: Extra-solar planets (NPI)
- 280235 UE Consolidation module: Planetary systems II: Extra-solar planets (PI)
- 280443 VO OPM (NPI): Planetary systems I: Our Solar System
- 280444 UE OPM (PI): Exercises to Planetary systems I: Our Solar System
- 280203 VO Astronomical mandatory module: stars and planets (NPI)
- 280204 UE Astronomical mandatory module: stars and planets (PI)
- 280217 VO Consolidation module: Formation, evolution and habitability of extra-solar planetary systems (NPI)
- 280218 UE Consolidation module: appearance and expansion of extra-solare planet systems (PI)
- 280443 UE Exercises to Exoplanets: Earth and Superearths
- 280444 VO Exoplanets: Earth and Superearths
- 280221 VO Architecture of planetary systems II
- 280236 UE Exercises to Architecture of planetary systems II
- 280197 VO Architecture of planetary systems I
- 280206 UE Exercises to Architecture of planetary systems I
- 280112 UE Habitability of Earths and Super-Earths - Exercises
- 280113 VO Habitability of Earths and Super-Earths
- 280036 SE Astrodynamical seminar
- 280451 SE On the research of extra-solar planets
- 280160 VO Dynamics of planetary systems II - Dynamics of planetary systems II
- 280161 UE Dynamics of planetary systems II - Dynamics of planetary systems II
- 280366 VO Dynamics of planetary systems I - Dynamics of planetary systems I
- 280388 UE Dynamics of planetary systems I - Dynamics of planetary systems I
- 280186 VO Habitable planets - Habitable planets
- 280187 UE Habitable planets - Habitable planets
- 280036 SE Astrodynamisches Seminar - Astrodynamisches Seminar
- 801383 SE Astrodynamisches Seminar - Astrodynamisches Seminar
- 803533 VO Dynamics of planetary systems II - Dynamics of planetary systems II
- 878019 VO Dynamik von Planetensystemen I - Dynamik von Planetensystemen I
- 877690 SE Astrobiologie - Astrobiologie
- 877511 VO Habitable zones in planetary systems - Habitable zones in planetary systems
- 803533 VO Chaos i. Planetensysteme II - Chaos i. Planetensysteme II
- 801389 VO Chaos i. Planetensystem I - Chaos i. Planetensystem I
- 803109 VO Himmelsmechanik I - Himmelsmechanik I
Last modified: We 18.12.2024 11:40