ao. Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Susanne Gier
- Mail:
- Phone: +43-1-4277-53321
Business Card: vCard
Research Profile: u:cris
Teaching (iCal)
- 280016 VU Stratigraphy, Historical Geology and Regional Geology
- 280112 VU Sedimentology and Stratigraphy
- 280114 VU Geotechnical and Applied Mineralogy
- 280140 VO Current Advances in Earth Sciences
- 280194 PR Indiv. Research Project Mineralogy, Geomaterials and Applied Earth Sciences
- 450005 SE Topics in Geology
- 280011 VU Macroscopic Identification of Rocks - (including 2 field days)
- 280025 PR Geological Mapping in the Field and in Underground Mines
- 280026 VU Clastic sediments
- 280041 VU Applied Geological Analytical Methods - Terrain
- 280046 VO Geo-Energy and Sustainable Geology
- 280157 SE Masters Seminar 1
- 280194 PR Indiv. Research Project Mineralogy, Geomaterials and Applied Earth Sciences
- 280016 VU Stratigraphy, Historical Geology and Regional Geology
- 280112 VU Sedimentology and Stratigraphy
- 280114 VU Geotechnical and Applied Mineralogy
- 280140 VO Current Advances in Earth Sciences
- 450005 SE Topics in Geology
- 280011 VU Macroscopic Identification of Rocks - (including 2 field days)
- 280025 PR Geological Mapping in the Field and in Underground Mines
- 280026 VU Clastic sediments
- 280041 VU Applied Geological Analytical Methods - Terrain
- 280157 SE Masters Seminar 1
- 280194 PR Indiv. Research Project Mineralogy, Geomaterials and Applied Earth Sciences
- 280016 VU BA-ERD-12 Stratigraphy, Historical Geology and Regional Geology (PI)
- 280055 VO MA-ERD-1 Current Advances in Earth Sciences (NPI)
- 280061 VU MA-ERD Sedimentology and Stratigraphy (PI)
- 280082 VU MA-ERD Geotechnical and Applied Mineralogy (PI)
- 280094 PR MA-ERD-W-1.2 Indiv. Research Project Mineralogy, Geomaterials and Applied Earth Sciences (PI)
- 450005 SE Topics in Sedimentology
- 280011 VU BA-ERD-8 Macroscopic Identification of Rocks VU-Terrain (PI) - (including 2 field days)
- 280025 PR BA-ERD-19 Geological Mapping in the Field and in Underground Mines (PI)
- 280026 VU BA-ERD-20 Clastic sediments (PI)
- 280041 VU BA-ERD-25.2 Applied Geological Analytical Methods - Terrain (PI)
- 280057 SE MA-ERD-2 Masters Seminar 1 (PI)
- 280094 PR MA-ERD-W-1.2 Indiv. Research Project Mineralogy, Geomaterials and Applied Earth Sciences (PI)
- 280016 VU BA-ERD-12 Stratigraphy, Historical Geology and Regional Geology (PI)
- 280055 VO MA-ERD-1 Current Advances in Earth Sciences (NPI)
- 280061 VU MA-ERD Sedimentology and Stratigraphy (PI)
- 280082 VU MA-ERD Geotechnical and Applied Mineralogy (PI)
- 280094 PR MA-ERD-W-1.2 Indiv. Research Project Mineralogy, Geomaterials and Applied Earth Sciences (PI)
- 450005 SE Topics in Sedimentology (PI)
- 280011 VU BA-ERD-8 Macroscopic Identification of Rocks VU-Terrain (PI) - (including 2 field days)
- 280025 PR BA-ERD-19 Geological Mapping in the Field and in Underground Mines (PI)
- 280026 VU BA-ERD-20 Clastic sediments (PI)
- 280041 VU BA-ERD-25.2 Applied Geological Analytical Methods - Terrain (PI)
- 280057 SE MA-ERD-2 Masters Seminar 1 (PI)
- 280094 PR MA-ERD-W-1.2 Indiv. Research Project Mineralogy, Geomaterials and Applied Earth Sciences (PI)
- 280016 VU BA-ERD-12 Stratigraphy, Historical Geology and Regional Geology (PI)
- 280061 VU MA-ERD-G-3 Sedimentology and Stratigraphy (PI)
- 280082 VU MA-ERD-A-3 Geotechnical and Applied Mineralogy (PI)
- 280094 PR MA-ERD-W-1.2 Indiv. Research Project Mineralogy, Geomaterials and Applied Earth Sciences (PI)
- 280011 VU BA_ERD_9 Macroscopic Identification of Rocks (PI)
- 280020 PR BA_ERD_15 Geological Field Mapping (PI)
- 280026 VU BA_ERD_20 Clastic Sediments (PI)
- 280092 VU MA-ERD-17.9 Clay Mineralogy and Sediment Geochemistry (PI)
- 280021 VU BA_ERD_16 Earth History and Stratigraphy (PI)
- 280065 VU MA-ERD-5 Sedimentology (PI)
- 280104 UE MA-ERD-17.20 Mineralogical phase analyses (PI)
- 280011 VU BA_ERD_9 Macroscopic Identification of Rocks (PI)
- 280026 VU BA_ERD_20 Clastic Sediments (PI)
- 280092 VU MA-ERD-17.9 Clay Mineralogy and Sediment Geochemistry (PI)
- 300124 UE Petrology and soil science
- 300321 VO Petrology and soil science
- 280021 VU BA_ERD_16 Earth History and Stratigraphy (PI)
- 280065 VU MA-ERD-5 Sedimentology (PI)
- 280104 UE MA-ERD-17.20 Mineralogical phase analyses (PI)
- 280011 VU BA_ERD_9 Macroscopic Identification of Rocks (PI)
- 280026 VU BA_ERD_20 Clastic Sediments (PI)
- 280092 VU MA-ERD-17.9 Clay Mineralogy and Sediment Geochemistry (PI)
- 280116 EX MA-ERD-17.32 Earth Science field trips II (PI)
- 300124 UE Petrology and soil science
- 300321 VO Petrology and soil science
- 450005 SE Topics in Sedimentology: Sediment Weathering, Palaeosoils and Sediment Geochemistry (PI)
- 280021 VU BA_ERD_16 Earth History and Stratigraphy (PI)
- 280065 VU MA-ERD-5 Sedimentology (PI)
- 280104 UE MA-ERD-17.20 Mineralogical phase analyses (PI)
- 280011 VU BA_ERD_9 Macroscopic Identification of Rocks (PI)
- 280026 VU BA_ERD_20 Clastic Sediments (PI)
- 280092 VU MA-ERD-17.9 Clay Mineralogy and Sediment Geochemistry (PI)
- 280116 EX MA-ERD-17.32 Earth Science field trips II (PI)
- 300124 UE Petrology and soil science
- 300321 VO Petrology and soil science
- 280021 VU BA_ERD_16 Earth History and Stratigraphy (PI)
- 280065 VU MA-ERD-5 Sedimentology (PI)
- 280104 UE MA-ERD-17.20 Mineralogical phase analyses (PI)
- 280011 VU BA_ERD_9 Macroscopic Identification of Rocks (PI)
- 280026 VU BA_ERD_20 Clastic Sediments (PI)
- 280092 VU MA-ERD-17.9 Clay Mineralogy and Sediment Geochemistry (PI)
- 280116 EX MA-ERD-17.32 Earth Science field trips II (PI)
- 300124 UE Petrology and soil science
- 300321 VO Petrology and soil science
- 450005 SE Topics in Geodynamics and Sedimentology, IV - Kapitel: Reconstructing Triassic palaeo-environments
- 280001 VO STEOP: BA-ERD-1 The Earth System (NPI)
- 280021 VU BA_ERD_16 Earth History and Stratigraphy (PI)
- 280065 VU MA-ERD-5 Sedimentology (PI)
- 280104 UE MA-ERD-17.20 Mineralogical phase analyses (PI)
- 280011 VU BA_ERD_9 Makroskopische Gesteinsbestimmung (PI)
- 280026 VU BA_ERD_20 Clastic Sediments (PI)
- 280092 VU MA-ERD-17.9 Clay Mineralogy and Sediment Geochemistry (PI)
- 280116 EX MA-ERD-17.32 Earth Science field trips II (PI)
- 300124 UE Petrology and soil science
- 300321 VO Petrology and soil science
- 280021 VU BA_ERD_16 Earth History and Stratigraphy (PI)
- 280065 VU MA-ERD-5 Sedimentology (PI)
- 280040 UE PM Sedimentology und Facies Analysis (PI)
- 280117 VO Methods in Sedimentology, Clay Mineralogy and Diagenesis (W0_28_30) (NPI)
- 280118 UE Methods in Sedimentology, Clay Mineralogy and Diagenesis (W0_28_30) (PI)
- 290189 UE Laboratory Methods in Physical Geography for Advanced Students
- 300124 UE Petrology and soil science
- 300321 VO Petrology and soil science
- 450005 SE Topics in Geodynamics and Sedimentology, IV - Environmental Crises from the Recent to Earth History
- 280028 VO+UE PM Earth History and Stratigraphy (PI)
- 280077 VO Sedimentology (GP0_28_07) (NPI)
- 280078 UE Sedimentology (GP0_28_07) (PI)
- 300649 SE+UE Earth History with Special Emphasis on the Geology of Austria - (in Parallelen)
- 280040 UE PM Sedimentology und Facies Analysis (PI)
- 280117 VO Methods in Sedimentology, Clay Mineralogy and Diagenesis (W0_28_30) (NPI)
- 280118 UE Methods in Sedimentology, Clay Mineralogy and Diagenesis (W0_28_30) (PI)
- 290189 UE Laboratory Methods in Physical Geography for Advanced Students
- 300124 UE Petrology and soil science - Petrology and soil science
- 300321 VO Petrology and soil science
- 280028 VO+UE PM Earth History and Stratigraphy (PI)
- 280077 VO Sedimentology (GP0_28_07) (NPI)
- 280078 UE Sedimentology (GP0_28_07) (PI)
- 280040 UE PM Sedimentology und Facies Analysis (PI)
- 280117 VO Methods in Sedimentology, Clay Mineralogy and Diagenesis (W0_28_30) (NPI)
- 280118 UE Methods in Sedimentology, Clay Mineralogy and Diagenesis (W0_28_30) (PI)
- 290189 UE Laboratory Methods in Physical Geography for Advanced Students
- 300124 UE Petrology and soil science - Petrology and soil science
- 280077 VO Sedimentology (GP0_28_07) (NPI)
- 280078 UE Sedimentology (GP0_28_07) (PI)
- 280035 UE+PR Sedimentology, Facies Analysis (BA17) (PI)
- 280111 VO Methods in Sedimentology, Clay Mineralogy and Diagenesis (W0_28_30) (NPI)
- 280112 UE Methods in Sedimentology, Clay Mineralogy and Diagenesis (W0_28_30) (PI)
- 290189 UE Laboratory methods in physical geography for advanced students
- 300124 UE Petrology and soil science - Petrology and soil science
- 280071 VO Sedimentology (GP0_28_07) (NPI)
- 280072 UE Sedimentology (GP0_28_07) (PI)
- 280035 UE+PR Sedimentology, Facies Analysis (BA17) (PI)
- 280111 VO Methods in Sedimentology, Clay Mineralogy and Diagenesis (W0_28_30) (NPI)
- 280112 UE Methods in Sedimentology, Clay Mineralogy and Diagenesis (W0_28_30) (PI)
- 290189 UE Laboratory methods in physical geography for advanced students II
- 300124 VO+UE Petrology and soil science - Petrology and soil science
- 450007 SE+UE+EX Topics in Sedimentology, II
- 280071 VO Sedimentology (GP0_28_07) (NPI)
- 280072 UE Sedimentology (GP0_28_07) (PI)
- 280501 SE+UE+EX Topics in Sedimentology and Stratigraphy, I
- 280035 UE+PR Sedimentology, Facies Analysis (BA17) (PI)
- 280111 VO Methods in Sedimentology, Clay Mineralogy and Diagenesis (W0_28_30) (NPI)
- 280112 UE Methods in Sedimentology, Clay Mineralogy and Diagenesis (W0_28_30) (PI)
- 280520 SE+UE+EX Topics in Sedimentology, II
- 290189 UE Laboratory methods in physical geography for advanced students II
- 300124 VO+UE Petrology and soil science - Petrology and soil science
- 280001 VO The Earth System (BA01) STEP (NPI) - part I
- 280071 VO Sedimentology (GP0_28_07) (NPI)
- 280072 UE Sedimentology (GP0_28_07) (PI)
- 280501 SE+UE+EX Topics in Sedimentology and Stratigraphy, I
- 280513 SE Bachelor Thesis Petrologie, Ressourcen u. Umwelt
- 280016 UE+PR Sedimentology, Facies Analysis (BA17) (PI)
- 280053 VO Methods in Sedimentology, Clay Mineralogy and Diagenesis (W0_28_30) (NPI)
- 280054 UE Methods in Sedimentology, Clay Mineralogy and Diagenesis (W0_28_30) (PI)
- 280332 SE+UE+EX Results of sedimentological research
- 280338 SE Bakkalaureatsarbeit - Arbeit Petrologie, Ressourcen u. Umwelt
- 290189 UE Laboratory methods in physical geography for advanced students II - Labormethoden in der Physiogeographie für Fortgeschrittene II (Physikalische Analytik)
- 300124 VO+UE Petrology and soil science - Petrology and soil science
- 280461 VO The Earth System (BA01) STEP (NPI) - (= BPB 10)
- 280542 SE+UE Tutorial for sedimentological and stratigraphic research - (for diploma students and PhD students)
- 280546 SE Seminar in Geology - (for diploma students and PhD students)
- 280549 VO Sedimentology (GP0_28_07) (NPI)
- 280550 UE Sedimentology (GP0_28_07) (PI)
- 280018 SE Bakk.Arbeit Petrologie, Ressourcen u. Umwelt - Bakkalaureatsarbeit Petrologie, Ressourcen und Umwelt
- 280038 SE Anleitung zu Wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten - Anleitung zu Wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten
- 280071 SE Petrologisches Seminar - Petrologisches Seminar
- 280144 SE Geological Seminar - Geological Seminar
- 280279 VO+UE Laboratory Methods in Sedimentary Geology - Laboratory Methods in Sedimentary Geology
- 280334 EX Petrologische Exkursionen - Petrologische Exkursionen
- 280336 VO+UE Clay Mineralogy - Clay Mineralogy
- 290189 UE Laboratory methods in physical geography II - Laboratory methods in physical geography for advanced students II
- 300124 VO+UE Petrology and soil science - Petrology and soil science
- 280018 SE Bakk.Arbeit Petrologie, Ressourcen u. Umwelt - Bakkalaureatsarbeit Petrologie, Ressourcen und Umwelt
- 280038 SE Anleitung zu Wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten - Anleitung zu Wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten
- 280048 UE Recognition of rocks - Recognition of rocks
- 280108 VO An introduction to sedimentary petrology - An introduction to sedimentary petrology
- 280144 SE Geological Seminar - Geological Seminar
- 280166 SE Petrological seminar - Petrological seminar
- 280281 UE Techniques in sedimentology - Techniques in sedimentology
- 280392 VO Diagenetic Processes - Diagenetic Processes
- 280018 SE Bakk.Arbeit Petrologie, Ressourcen u. Umwelt - Bakkalaureatsarbeit Petrologie, Ressourcen und Umwelt
- 280038 SE Anleitung Wiss. Arbeiten - Anleitung zu Wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten
- 280144 SE Geological Seminar - Geological Seminar
- 280279 VO+UE Laboratory Methods in Sedimentary Geology - Laboratory Methods in Sedimentary Geology
- 280336 VO+UE Clay Mineralogy - Clay Mineralogy
- 280409 UE Fieldwork in applied sedimentary petrology - Fieldwork in applied sedimentary petrology
- 280531 VO Sedimentary Petrology (with soil science) - Sedimentary Petrology (with soil science)
- 290189 UE Labormethoden in der Physiogeographie - Labormethoden in der Physiogeographie für Fortgeschrittene II (Physikalische Analytik)
- 300124 VO+UE Petrology and soil science - Petrology and soil science
- 280038 SE Anleitung Wiss. Arbeiten - Anleitung zu wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten
- 280048 UE Recognition of rocks - Recognition of rocks
- 280108 VO An introduction to sedimentary petrology - An introduction to sedimentary petrology
- 280166 SE Petrological seminar - Petrological seminar
- 280281 UE Techniques in sedimentology - Techniques in sedimentology
- 280392 VO Diagenetic Processes - Diagenetic Processes
- 695008 UE Labormethoden in der Physiogeographie - Labormethoden in der Physiogeographie für Fortgeschrittene II (Physikalische Analytik)
- 801446 SE Anleitung Wiss. Arbeiten - Anleitung zu wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten
- 801453 VO Sedimentary Petrology (with soil science) - Sedimentary Petrology (with soil science)
- 803603 EX Exkursionen (6 Tage, Petr., Mag. ) - Exkursionen (6 Tage, Petrologie, Magisterstudium)
- 877715 SE Petrologisches Seminar (Bakkalaureat) - Petrologisches Seminar (Bakkalaureat)
- 877733 VO+UE Laboratory Methods in Sedimentary Geology - Laboratory Methods in Sedimentary Geology
- 801446 SE Anleitung Wiss. Arbeiten - Anleitung zu wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten
- 801550 UE Recognition of rocks - Recognition of rocks
- 801554 VO Diagenetic Processes - Diagenetic Processes
- 807161 VO An introduction to sedimentary petrology - An introduction to sedimentary petrology
- 877478 SE Petrological seminar - Petrological seminar
- 878057 UE Techniques in sedimentology - Techniques in sedimentology
- 695008 UE Übungen zur Laborpraxis II - Übungen zur Laborpraxis II (Physikalische Analytik)
- 801446 SE Anleitung Wiss. Arbeiten - Anleitung zu wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten
- 803603 EX Exkursionen (6 Tage, Petr., Mag. ) - Exkursionen (6 Tage, Petr., Mag.)
- 803605 UE Fieldwork in applied sedimentary petrology - Fieldwork in applied sedimentary petrology
- 807335 SE Literaturseminar (Petrologie) - Literaturseminar (Petrologie)
- 807368 VO+UE Clay Mineralogy - Clay Mineralogy
- 877715 SE Petrologisches Seminar (Bakkalaureat) - Petrologisches Seminar (Bakkalaureat)
- 877733 VO+UE Laboratory Methods in Sedimentary Geology - Laboratory Methods in Sedimentary Geology
- 801446 SE Anleitung Wiss. Arbeiten - Anleitung zu wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten
- 801550 UE Recognition of rocks - Recognition of rocks
- 801554 VO Diagenetic Processes - Diagenetic Processes
- 807161 VO An introduction to sedimentary petrology - An introduction to sedimentary petrology
- 872212 SE Petrologisches Diplomanden-Seminar - Petrologisches Seminar (Bericht über die Diplomarbeit)
- 877478 SE Petrological seminar - Petrological seminar
- 801446 SE Anleitung Wiss. Arbeiten - Anleitung zu wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten
- 807368 VO+UE Tonmineralogie - Tonmineralogie
- 872212 SE Petrologisches Diplomanden-Seminar - Petrologisches Seminar (Bericht über die Diplomarbeit)
- 801554 VO Diagenetische Prozesse - Diagenetische Prozesse
- 801566 SE Anleitung Wiss. Arbeiten - Anleitung zu wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten
- 807457 VO Mikrobielle Sedimente - Mikrobielle Sedimente
- 807143 UE Sedimentanalytische Einrichtungen - Einführung in die Benützung der sedimentanalytischen Einrichtungen
- 808017 EX Mineralogisch-petrographische Exkursionen - Mineralogisch-petrographische Exkursionen (für Lehramtsstudenten)
- 807457 VO Mikrobielle Sedimente - Mikrobielle Sedimente
- 807285 VO Mixed - Layer - Phasen in der Tonmineralogie - Mixed - Layer - Phasen in der Tonmineralogie: Entwicklung, Eigenschaften und Identifikation
- 808017 EX Mineralogisch-petrographische Exkursionen - Mineralogisch-petrographische Exkursionen (für Lehramtsstudenten)
- 807181 UE Einf.Benützung sedimentanalyt.Einrichtg. - Einführung in die Benützung der sedimentanalytischen Einrichtungen
- 807143 UE Sedimentanalytische Einrichtungen - Einführung in die Benützung der sedimentanalytischen Einrichtungen
- 807285 VO Mixed - Layer - Phasen in der Tonmineralogie - Mixed - Layer - Phasen in der Tonmineralogie: Entwicklung, Eigenschaften und Identifikation
- 808017 EX Mineralogisch-petrographische Exkursionen - Mineralogisch-petrographische Exkursionen (für Lehramtsstudenten)
- 880813 UE Gesteinsbestimmungsübungen - Gesteinsbestimmungsübungen für Biologie und Warenlehre
- 807181 UE Einf.Benützung sedimentanalyt.Einrichtg. - Einführung in die Benützung der sedimentanalytischen Einrichtungen
- 808039 EX Mineralogisch-petrologische Exkursionen - Mineralogisch-petrologische Exkursionen (für Lehramtskandidaten)
- 807143 UE Sedimentanalytische Einrichtungen - Einführung in die Benützung der sedimentanalytischen Einrichtungen
- 808017 EX Mineralogisch-petrographische Exkursionen - Mineralogisch-petrographische Exkursionen (für Lehramtsstudenten)
- 880813 UE Gesteinsbestimmungsübungen - Gesteinsbestimmungsübungen für Biologie und Warenlehre
- 807181 UE Einf.Benützung sedimentanalyt.Einrichtg. - Einführung in die Benützung der sedimentanalytischen Einrichtungen
- 808039 EX Mineralogisch-petrologische Exkursionen - Mineralogisch-petrologische Exkursionen (für Lehramtskandidaten)
- 807143 UE Sedimentanalytische Einrichtungen - Einführung in die Benützung der sedimentanalytischen Einrichtungen
- 807285 VO Mixed - Layer - Phasen in der Tonmineralogie - Mixed - Layer - Phasen in der Tonmineralogie: Entwicklung, Eigenschaften und Identifikation
- 808017 EX Mineralogisch-petrographische Exkursionen - Mineralogisch-petrographische Exkursionen
- 880813 UE Gesteinsbestimmungsübungen - Gesteinsbestimmungsübungen für Biologie und Warenlehre
- 807181 UE Einf.Benützung sedimentanalyt.Einrichtg. - Einführung in die Benützung der sedimentanalytischen Einrichtungen
- 808039 EX Mineralogisch-petrologische Exkursionen - Mineralogisch-petrologische Exkursionen (für Lehramtskandidaten)
- 807285 VO Mixed-Layer-Phasen in der Tonmineralogie - Mixed-Layer-Phasen in der Tonmineralogie: Entwicklung, Eigenschaften und Identifikation
- 807285 VO Mixed-Layer-Phasen - Mixed-Layer-Phasen in der Tonmineralogie: Entwicklung, Eigenschaften und Identifikation
- 807285 VO Mixed-Layer-Phasen in der Tonmineralogie - Mixed-Layer-Phasen in der Tonmineralogie: Entwicklung, Eigenschaften und Identifikation
- 807285 VO Mixed-Layer-Phasen in der Tonmineralogie - Mixed-Layer-Phasen in der Tonmineralogie: Entwicklung, Eigenschaften und Identifikation
Last modified: We 01.01.2025 05:00