Univ.-Prof. Dr. Fedor Poljakov
- Mail: fedor.poljakov@univie.ac.at
- Phone: +43-1-4277-42830
Business Card: vCard
Research Profile: u:cris
Office Hours: Sprechstunde Do 15:30 – 16:30 nach vorheriger Anmeldung per e-mail mit einer kurzen Schilderung des Anliegens
Member - Equal Opportunities Working Party
Teaching (iCal)
- 480063 KO Colloquium on Literature and Cultural Studies: Russian, Ukrainian - Russian literary magazines in the 20th and 21st centuries
- 480068 VO Newer Russian Literature: An Overview
- 480106 SE B.A. Seminar on Literature: Russian - Russian narratives about cities and landscapes (19th- 21st centuries)
- 480123 SE Seminar on Literature and Culture - Russian Literary Images of Rulers (17th-20th centuries)
- 480056 SE Seminar on Literature and Culture - Images of Italy in Russian Modernism
- 480099 KO Colloquium on Literature and Cultural Studies - Overview of new publications in Eastern Slavic Studies
- 480108 SE B.A. Seminar on Literature - Russian Literatures and Journalism in Exile: The Third Wave (1960s - 1980s)
- 480138 VO Older East Slavic Literature: An Overview
- 480063 KO Colloquium on Literature and Cultural Studies: Russian, Ukrainian - Russian poetry in selection: reading and interpretation
- 480068 VO Newer Russian Literature: An Overview
- 480106 SE B.A. Seminar on Literature: Russian - Russian literature in the USA in the 20th and 21st century
- 480123 SE Seminar on Literature and Culture - Literary and artistic associations of Russian modernism
- 480056 SE Seminar on Literature and Culture - Foreign worlds in the perception of Russian and Ukrainian literature of the 19th-20th centuries.
- 480099 KO Colloquium on Literature and Cultural Studies - Philological and cultural-scientific methods in East Slavic Studies
- 480108 SE B.A. Seminar on Literature - East Slavic folk traditions in a literary context
- 480138 VO Older East Slavic Literature: An Overview
- 480063 KO Colloquium on Literature and Cultural Studies - Russian Lyric of the 20th century: Reading and Interpretation
- 480068 VO Newer Russian Literature: An Overview
- 480106 SE B.A. Seminar on Literature: Russian - Russian Witnesses of the Soviet Gulag-System
- 480123 SE Seminar on Literature and Culture - Literary and Art Criticism of the "Silver Age"
- 480042 SE Seminar on Literature and Culture - European cities in Russian literature
- 480063 KO Colloquium on Literature and Cultural Studies - Für Masterstudierende
- 480068 VO Newer Russian Literature: An Overview
- 480090 SE B.A. Seminar on Literature: Russian - Russian exile literature in the USA
- 480056 SE B.A. Seminar on Literature - Riverscapes of Russian Literature: Poetics and Ideology
- 480114 KO Colloquium on Literature and Cultural Studies - For examen candidates
- 480129 SE Seminar on Literature and Culture - Ivan Bunin's Poetry, Prose and Journalistic Texts
- 480138 VO Older East Slavic Literature: An Overview
- 480068 VO Newer Russian Literature: An Overview
- 480124 KO Colloquium on Literature and Cultural Studies for graduate candidates - Literatur- und kulturwissenschaftliches Konversatorium für Abschlusskandidat*innen
- 480056 SE B.A. Seminar on Literature - Landscapes and places of memory in Russian literature from the 19th-20th centuries
- 480114 KO Colloquium on Literature and Cultural Studies - for examen candidates
- 480129 SE Seminar on Literature and Culture - Literature and art of the so-called third wave of emigration (1960s - 1980s)
- 480068 VO Newer Russian Literature: An Overview
- 480072 SE BA Seminar on Literature - Russian travel literature (18th - 21st century)
- 480140 SE Seminar on Literature and Culture - The Russian-Jewish literary worlds (19th & 20th century)
- 480163 KO Colloquium on Literature and Cultural Studies
- 480036 SE Seminar on Literature and Culture - The death of the poet: Biographical and mythopoetic documents of the Russian literature (19th and 20th century)
- 480056 SE B.A. Seminar on Literature - Literature and power in Soviet culture (1953-1982)
- 480114 KO Colloquium on Literature and Culture - for examen candidates
- 480138 VO Older East Slavic Literature: An Overview
- 480056 SE BA Seminar on Literature - Russian-french literary und cultural relations in the 18th - 21st century
- 480068 VO Newer Russian Literature: An Overview
- 480140 SE The russian satire in exile - Seminar on Literature and Culture
- 480163 KO Colloquium on Literature and Cultural Studies
- 480056 SE Ethnographic topics in Russian literature - B.A. Seminar on Literature
- 480075 SE Russian journeys to Western Europe from 18th to 20th century in literary documents - Seminar on Literature and Culture
- 480097 KO Places of Russian literary communication: saloons and associations from 19th to 20th century - Kolloquium on Literature and Culture
- 480138 VO Older East Slavic Literature: An Overview
- 070144 VO VO Einführung in die interdisziplinären Osteuropastudien
- 480036 SE Russian Exile Literature: 1940s - 1960s - Seminar on Literature and Culture
- 480056 SE The Reception of German Works in Russian Culture of the 19th and 20th Century - B.A. Seminar on Literature
- 480135 KO Russian Poetry of the 20th Century: Close Reading and Interpretation - Colloquium on Literature on Culture
- 480138 VO Older East Slavic Literature: An Overview
- 480055 VO Newer Russian Literature: An Overview
- 480084 KO Selected texts of the Russian Modernity - Colloquium on Russian and Ukrainian Literature
- 480085 SE Russian Memoirs: societal and literary occurrences - B.A. Seminar on Literature
- 480123 SE The perception of the February and October Revolutions in contemporary Russian literature - Seminar on Russian and Ukrainian Literature and Culture
- 070276 VO VO Einführung in die interdisziplinären Osteuropastudien
- 480036 SE Soviet Culture during the Cold War - Seminar on Literature and Culture
- 480056 SE Literature and Journalism of the 3rd Emigration (1960ies-1980ies) - B.A. Seminar on Literature
- 480135 KO East Slavic Folklore in the Literary Tradition - Colloquium on Literature on Culture
- 480138 VO Older East Slavic Literature: An Overview
- 070133 SE Seminar (PM4) - Kiew - Iasi - Konstantinopel: Kulturgeschichte der Orthodoxie zwischen Union und Reformation
- 480055 VO Newer Russian Literature: An Overview
- 480084 KO Dante Alighieri in Russian Culture - Colloquium on Russian and Ukrainian Literature
- 480085 SE The Russian-French Cultural Ties in the 19th - 20th Centuries - B.A. Seminar on Literature
- 480123 SE Russian Literary Journals in the 20th - 21st Centuries - Seminar on Russian Literature and Culture
- 480120 SE Russian Literature in Italy - Seminar on Literature und Culture
- 480126 KO Introduction to the Russian folklore - Colloquium on Regional and Cultural Studies
- 480138 VO Older East Slavic Literature: An Overview
- 480141 KO The Russian contemporary poetry - Colloquium on Literature and Culture
- 480055 VO Newer Russian Literature: An Overview
- 480085 SE The reception of German works in Russia - Seminar on Russian Literature
- 480123 SE The Lyric Poetry of the Acmeist Tradition - Seminar on Russian Literature and Culture
- 480160 KO Russian Literary Streamings from the End of the 19th to the Beginning of the 20th Century - Colloquium on Russian and Ukrainian Literature and Culture
- 480110 KO The social development from 1968 to 1982 as reflected in oppositional literature - Colloquium on Regional and Cultural Studies
- 480120 SE Literary criticism in Russian exile culture (1920ies - 1970ies) - Seminar on Literature und Culture
- 480138 VO Older East Slavic Literature: An Overview
- 480141 KO Russian satirical literature of the 20th century
- 480055 VO Newer Russian Literature: An Overview
- 480085 SE Italian visions in the Russian literature of the 19th and 20th century - Seminar on Russian Literature
- 480130 SE Thaw and frost: The cultural situation in the Soviet Union after Stalin’s death - BA-Seminar on Russian Literature
- 480055 VO Newer Russian Literature: An Overview
- 480085 SE Russian Travelogues of the 18th-20th Centuries
- 480130 SE The Crimean Themes in the Russian Literature of the 19th-20th Centuries
- 480052 VO Introduction to Slavonic Literatures
- 480115 SE Russian exilic literature of the 20th century: The themes of memory and cultural dialogue
- 480123 KO Colloquium on Literature and Culture
- 480138 VO Older East Slavic Literature: An Overview
- 130033 VO Recent Russian Literature
- 130049 SE Bachelor Seminar on Russian Literature
- 130136 KO Colloquium on Russian Literature and Culture
- 130187 SE Space and Landcapes in the Russian Literature of the 19th-21st Centuries
- 130016 VO Older East Slavonic Literature: An Overview
- 130046 KO Russian Acmeist Poetry: Close Reading and Interpretation
- 130127 SE The Russian Reception of Dostoevsky and Tolstoy in the 20th Century
- 130244 KO Colloquium on Russian Literatur and Culture
- 130046 VO Literary history at a glance: Russian Literature
- 130101 SE-MA Master Seminar Literature Russian Studies
- 130125 KO Emigrantskaja poezija i proza
- 130187 SE Russian Literature - Literature and Art in the Silver Age
- 130282 VO Russian Literature - Russian satirical literature in the 20th Century
- 130014 KO Conversatorium for Diploma and Doctoral Students
- 130016 VO Older East Slavic and Russian literature
- 130127 SE Aesthetic and literary positions of Russian Modernism
- 130313 PV Privatissimum
- 130314 VO Literaturnaja kritika simvolistov i akmeistov
- 130185 VO Wendezeiten in der russischen Literaturgeschichte Teil I: - Von Puskin bis Brodskij
- 130187 SE-B BA-Seminar Literaturwissenschaft
- 130210 VO Historiosophische Konzepte der russischen Kultur
- 130282 SE Russische Literaten im europäischen Exil im 20. Jahrhundert
- 130458 VO Ring Lecture - Shakespeare's Sonetts
- 130147 SE-B BA-Seminar Literaturwissenschaft - für Russisten und Ukrainisten, auch anrechenbar für Diplomanden
- 130148 SE Russische Gogol-Rezeption
- 130149 VO Russische Dichtung des 20. Jahrhunderts - Begleitanalysen zur Vorlesung
- 130226 VO Das politische Lied in Ost- und Südosteuropa
- 130425 VO Russische Dichtung des 20. Jahrhunderts
- 130072 VO Unofficial Russian Literature and Journalism of the 1960Žs to the 1980Žs
- 130146 KO Conversatorium on Russian Literature - Tutorial for Exam Candidates - Privatissimum für Examenskandidaten
- 130147 SE Literature Seminar: Literary Criticism of Russian Modernity - the Magazines "Vesy" and "Apollon" - Die Literaturkritik der russischen Moderne: Die Zeitschriften "Vesy" i "Apollon"
- 130379 VO Identity and Ideology in Literary Polemics of PushkinŽs Period
- 130147 SE Literary Seminar for Students of Russian - Travel and Pilgrimage - Russian Travelogues from the 15th to the 21st cerntury
- 130148 SE Literary Seminar for Students of Russian - The Reception of Puskin in 20th century Russian Literature
- 130149 VO Russian Literature II (Old Literature)
- 130425 PV Tutorial for Examination Candidates
- 130072 VO Russian Literature I (Newer Literature)
- 130146 PV Tutorial for Examination Candidates, diploma and doctoral students
- 130147 SE Literary Seminar for Students of Russian - Present-Day Literature and Journalism in Russian Literary Journals
- 130375 KO Conversatorium: Mazepa in Russian, Ukrainian and Polish Literature
- 130379 SE Mazepa in Russian, Ukrainian and Polish Literature
- 130147 SE Literaturwiss.Seminar für Russisten - Literaturwissenschaftliches Seminar für Russisten A: Die Welt von Altgläubigen und Sektierern in der russischen Literatur
- 130149 VO Russische Literatur II ( ältere Literatur) - Russische Literatur II ( ältere Literatur)
- 130428 PS Literaturwissenschaftl. Proseminar für Russisten B - Literaturwissenschaftliches Proseminar für Russisten B: Russische Legenden und Volksüberlieferungen
- 130429 PS Literaturwissenschaftl. Proseminar für Russisten C - Literaturwissenschaftliches Proseminar für Russisten C
- 130006 VO Russische Literatur I (neuere Literatur) - Russische Literatur I (neuere Literatur)
- 130146 PV Privatissimum für Diplomanden und Dissertanten - Privatissimum für Examenskandidaten, Diplomanden und Dissertanten
- 130147 SE Literaturwiss. Seminar für Russisten: Gogol' - Literaturwissenschaftliches Seminar: Die russisch-ukrainische Welt Nikolaj Gogol's
- 130148 SE Lit. Seminar: Herrscherbilder der russ. Literatur - Literaturwissenschaftliches Seminar: Herrscherbilder der russischen Literatur der Neuzeit (17.-20. Jahrh.)
- 130146 KO Kolloquium für Examenskandidaten - Kolloquium für Examenskandidaten
- 130147 SE Literaturwiss.Seminar für Russisten - Literaturwissenschaftliches Seminar für Russisten: Parodie und Satire im 20. Jahrhundert
- 130148 SE Literaturwiss. Seminar für Russisten - Literaturwissenschaftliches Seminar für Russisten: Russische Literatur im Spiegel der Religionsphilosophen
- 130210 VO Russische Literatur II (ältere Literatur) - Russische Literatur II (ältere Literatur)
- 130004 SE Literaturwiss. Seminar für Russisten - Literaturwissenschaftliches Seminar für Russisten: Das neue Russland - Literaturenwicklung in der postsowjetischen Zeit
- 130006 VO Russische Literatur I (neuere Literatur) - Russische Literatur I (neuere Literatur)
- 130007 KO Neuerscheinungen russ. Lit.-u. Kulturwissenschaft - Neuerscheinungen zur russischen Literatur-und Kulturwissenschaft (Kolloqium für Examenskandidaten)
- 130180 SE Literaturwissenschaftliches Seminar für Russisten - Literaturwissenschaftliches Seminar für Russisten: Die "Pariser Note" - das Fortleben der Petersburger Literatur im Exil
- 729037 VO Russische Literatur II ( ältere Literatur) - Russische Literatur II ( ältere Literatur)
- 729038 SE Literaturwiss. Seminar: Russ. Literatur nach 1917 - Literaturwissenschaftliches Seminar für Russisten: Zwischen Widerstand und Anpassung - Russische Literatur nach 1917
- 729039 PS Literaturwiss.Seminar: Russische Reiseliteratur - Literaturwissenschaftliches Proseminar für Russisten C: Russische Reiseliteratur vom 18. - 20. Jahrhundert
- 729040 KO Die Mythologie des Weiblichen in der russ. Kultur - Die Mythologie des Weiblichen in der russischen Kultur ( in russ. Sprache)
- 700161 SE Literaturwiss. Seminar für Russisten - Literaturwissenschaftliches Seminar für Russisten: Literatur und Künste im Silbernen Zeitalter
- 703566 VO Russische Literatur I (neuere Literatur) - Russische Literatur I (neuere Literatur)
- 703572 KO Das Bild des Nordens in der russischen Literarur - Das Bild des europäischen Nordens und des Baltikums in der russischen Literarur
- 729429 VO Ansätze der Moskauer/Tartuer semiotischen Schule - Die kulturologischen Ansätze der Moskauer/Tartuer semiotischen Schule
- 729037 VO Russische Literatur II ( ältere Literatur) - Russische Literatur II ( ältere Literatur)
- 729038 SE Literaturwiss. Seminar: Russ. "Underground" - Literaturwissenschaftliches Seminar für Russisten: Russischer "Underground" (in russ. Sprache)
- 729039 SE Literaturwiss.Seminar: Russ. Lyrik d. 18.-20. Jh. - Literaturwissenschaftliches Seminar für Russisten: Lyrik des 18.-20. Jahrhunderts
- 729040 KO Der Russland-Mythos - "V Rossiju mozhno tol¿ko verit¿": der Russland-Mythos
- 700161 SE Literaturwiss. Seminar für Russisten - Literaturwissenschaftliches Seminar für Russisten: Das Gedächtnis der Frauen - Erinnerungen und Autobiographien der russischen Schriftstellerinnen im 20. Jahrhundert
- 703566 VO Russische Literatur I (neuere Literatur) - Russische Literatur I (neuere Literatur)
- 703572 VO Russische literarische Italien-Bilder - Russische literarische Italien-Bilder im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert
- 715384 PV Literaturwissenschaftliches Kolloquium - Literaturwissenschaftliches Kolloquium: Forschungstendenzen in der Russistik (Literatur, kulturwissenschaftliche Fragen, Ethnologie)
- 700161 SE Ethnologische und literarische Bilder Russlands - Seminar: Die Entdeckung des eigenen Volkes. Ethnologische und literarische Bilder Russlands und der Ukraine im 19. und Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts
- 715484 VO Der Tod des Dichters (Puskin - Majakovskij) - Der Tod des Dichters - ein Thema von Puskin bis Majakovskij
- 715486 VO Schreibende Paare - ein literarischer Dialog - Schreibende Paare: ein literarischer Dialog der Geschlechter
- 715487 VO Die religiöse Suche russicher Dichter der Moderne - Die religiöse Suche russicher Dichter der Moderne
- 715488 SE Literaturwissenschaftliches Seminar für Russisten - Literaturwissenschaftliches Seminar für Russisten: Das literarische Leben in den Zentren der russischen Emigration 1920-1960
Last modified: We 29.01.2025 05:00
Ersatzmitglied der UniversitätsprofessorInnen im Arbeitskreis für GleichbehandlungsfragenFedor Poljakov, List of Publications
Fedor Poljakov, Curriculum vitae