Mag. Mag. Stefan Khittel
Currently not an active member of staff
Teaching (iCal)
- 240030 VO Anthropology and war (3.3.2)
- 140218 AG EF2 - EI - Introduction to Development Studies
- 140266 SE T I - Social Utopia in Postdevelopment
- 240187 VO Postcolonial Theory and Anthropological Practices (P2)
- 140116 AG EF2 - EI - Introduction to Development Studies
- 140192 SE T I - After the War - Peace and Development - um die Entwicklungspraxis in "No-War-No-Peace" Gesellschaften"
- 240084 SE Postcolonial Entanglements (P4)
- 240128 SE Visual Anthropology and the Postcolonial (P4)
- 140346 VO T I - Development without State? - Development, Governance, and Indigenous Societies in Southeast Asia and South America
- 240158 VS Freedom Concepts, Representations and Problems (3.3.1)
- 140113 PS Philosophy and Critique of Social Science
- 140137 SE T I - The Development-Security Nexus or How Development makes the World a Safer Place
- 140237 AG EF2 - EI - Introduction to Development Studies
- 140380 AG Fieldwork in crisis areas. An empirical approach.
- 140051 PS Philosophy and Critique of Social Science
- 140243 SE T III - No Harm Done? Development and Security
- 240032 VS Diasporic Utopias
- 240040 VS Postcolonialism and Social Anthropology - Debates and Studies
- 140237 AG EF2 - EI - Introduction to Development Studies
- 140326 AG EF2 - EI - Introduction to Development Studies
- 240020 PS Introduction to quantitative research methods
- 240014 PS Qualitative Research Methods
- 240045 SE Agency and Resistance - Agency and Resistance
- 240066 VO After the Imperial Turn - After the Imperial Turn: Discourses and Debates in Postcolonial Studies
- 406806 SE Being there - Being there: Wissenschaftstheoretische Fragen zur Feldforschung in Anthropologie und Geowissenschaften
Last modified: Tu 14.02.2023 12:26