Univ.-Prof. Dr. Lutz Nasdala
- Mail: lutz.nasdala@univie.ac.at
- Phone: +43-1-4277-53220
Business Card: vCard
Research Profile: u:cris
Deputy Head - Department of Mineralogy and Crystallography
Department of Mineralogy and Crystallography, Josef-Holaubek-Platz 2 (UZA II), 1090 Wien, Room 2A251
Teaching (iCal)
- 280001 VO STEOP: The Earth System
- 280003 VO STEOP: Introduction to Mineralogy and Cristallography
- 280017 VU Introduction to Crystal Optics and Microscopy of Rock-Forming Minerals
- 280140 VO Current Advances in Earth Sciences
- 280141 VO Instrumental Analysis in Earth Sciences
- 280172 VU Mineral Spectroscopy - Vibration Spectroscopy
- 280194 PR Indiv. Research Project Mineralogy, Geomaterials and Applied Earth Sciences
- 280001 VO STEOP: The Earth System
- 280003 VO STEOP: Introduction to Mineralogy and Cristallography
- 280017 VU Introduction to Crystal Optics and Microscopy of Rock-Forming Minerals
- 280140 VO Current Advances in Earth Sciences
- 280141 VO Instrumental Analysis in Earth Sciences
- 280172 VU Mineral Spectroscopy - Vibration Spectroscopy
- 450001 KO Geoscience PhD Seminar
- 280140 VU Gemstones as Geomaterials
- 280171 VU MA-ERD-M-6 Mineral Spectroscopy - Electronic Spectroscopy (PI)
- 280194 PR Indiv. Research Project Mineralogy, Geomaterials and Applied Earth Sciences
- 280001 VO STEOP: BA-ERD-1 The Earth System (NPI)
- 280003 VO STEOP: BA-ERD-2 Introduction to Mineralogy and Cristallography (NPI)
- 280017 VU BA-ERD-13 Introduction to Crystal Optics and Microscopy of Rock-Forming Minerals (PI)
- 280055 VO MA-ERD-1 Current Advances in Earth Sciences (NPI)
- 280056 VO MA-ERD-1 Instrumental Analysis in Earth Sciences (NPI)
- 280072 VU MA-ERD Mineral Spectroscopy - Vibration Spectroscopy (PI)
- 280094 PR MA-ERD-W-1.2 Indiv. Research Project Mineralogy, Geomaterials and Applied Earth Sciences (PI)
- 450004 SE Topics in mineralogy IV - Advances and Applications of spectroscopic techniques in Earth and material sciences
- 280071 VU MA-ERD-M-6 Mineral Spectroscopy - Electronic Spectroscopy (PI)
- 280094 PR MA-ERD-W-1.2 Indiv. Research Project Mineralogy, Geomaterials and Applied Earth Sciences (PI)
- 280141 VU MA-ERD-W-3.22 Nuclear Waste Repository and Radiation Damage (PI)
- 450004 SE Topics in mineralogy IV: - Advances and Applications of spectroscopic techniques in Earth and material sciences (PI)
- 280001 VO STEOP: BA-ERD-1 The Earth System (NPI)
- 280003 VO STEOP: BA-ERD-2 Introduction to Mineralogy and Cristallography (NPI)
- 280017 VU BA-ERD-13 Introduction to Crystal Optics and Microscopy of Rock-Forming Minerals (PI)
- 280055 VO MA-ERD-1 Current Advances in Earth Sciences (NPI)
- 280056 VO MA-ERD-1 Instrumental Analysis in Earth Sciences (NPI)
- 280072 VU MA-ERD Mineral Spectroscopy - Vibration Spectroscopy (PI)
- 280094 PR MA-ERD-W-1.2 Indiv. Research Project Mineralogy, Geomaterials and Applied Earth Sciences (PI)
- 450004 SE Topics in mineralogy IV (PI) - Advances in mineral physics and applied mineralogy
- 280071 VU MA-ERD-M-6 Mineral Spectroscopy - Electronic Spectroscopy (PI)
- 280094 PR MA-ERD-W-1.2 Indiv. Research Project Mineralogy, Geomaterials and Applied Earth Sciences (PI)
- 280140 VU MA-ERD-W-3.21 Gemstones as Geomaterials (PI)
- 280001 VO STEOP: BA-ERD-1 The Earth System (NPI)
- 280003 VO STEOP: BA-ERD-2 Introduction to Mineralogy and Cristallography (NPI)
- 280017 VU BA-ERD-13 Introduction to Crystal Optics and Microscopy of Rock-Forming Minerals (PI)
- 280055 VO MA-ERD-1 Current Advances in Earth Sciences (NPI)
- 280056 VO MA-ERD-1 Instrumental Analysis in Earth Sciences (NPI)
- 280072 VU MA-ERD-M-7 Mineral Spectroscopy - Vibration Spectroscopy (PI)
- 280094 PR MA-ERD-W-1.2 Indiv. Research Project Mineralogy, Geomaterials and Applied Earth Sciences (PI)
- 280008 VU BA_ERD_6 Spezielle Mineralogie der gesteinsbildenden Minerale (PI)
- 280077 VU MA-ERD-12 Spectroscopy of minerals (PI)
- 280116 EX MA-ERD-17.32 Earth Science field trips II (PI)
- 450004 SE Topics in Mineralogy IV - Advances and Applications of spectroscopic techniques in Earth and material sciences
- 280001 VO STEOP: BA-ERD-1 The Earth System (NPI)
- 280018 VU BA_ERD_14 Rock optical microscopy (PI)
- 280061 VU MA-ERD-2 Instrumental analytical methods in Geosciences (PI)
- 280104 UE MA-ERD-17.20 Mineralogical phase analyses (PI)
- 450009 SE Topics in mineralogy III: Advances in experimental, theoretical and applied Crystallography
- 280008 VU BA_ERD_6 Spezielle Mineralogie der gesteinsbildenden Minerale (PI)
- 280077 VU MA-ERD-12 Spectroscopy of minerals (PI)
- 280105 VU MA-ERD-17.21 Technical and Applied Mineralogy (PI)
- 450004 SE Topics in Mineralogy, II - Advances in mineral physics and applied mineralogy
- 280001 VO STEOP: BA-ERD-1 The Earth System (NPI)
- 280018 VU BA_ERD_14 Rock optical microscopy (PI)
- 280061 VU MA-ERD-2 Instrumental analytical methods in Geosciences (PI)
- 280104 UE MA-ERD-17.20 Mineralogical phase analyses (PI)
- 280107 VU MA-ERD-17.23 Applied Mineral Spectroscopy
- 280115 EX MA-ERD-17.32 Earth Science field trips I (PI)
- 450009 SE Topics in mineralogy I - Crystallographic techniques in mineralogy and material research
- 280008 VU BA_ERD_6 Special mineralogy of rock-forming minerals (PI)
- 280077 VU MA-ERD-12 Spectroscopy of minerals (PI)
- 450004 SE Topics in Mineralogy IV - Advances and Applications of spectroscopic techniques in Earth and material sciences
- 280001 VO STEOP: BA-ERD-1 The Earth System (NPI)
- 280018 VU BA_ERD_14 Rock optical microscopy (PI)
- 280061 VU MA-ERD-2 Instrumental analytical methods in Geosciences (PI)
- 280104 UE MA-ERD-17.20 Mineralogical phase analyses (PI)
- 280107 VU MA-ERD-17.23 Applied Mineral Spectroscopy
- 280115 EX MA-ERD-17.32 Earth Science field trips I (PI)
- 450009 SE Topics in Mineralogy III - Advances in experimental, theoretical and applied Crystallography
- 280008 VU BA_ERD_6 Spezielle Mineralogie der gesteinsbildenden Minerale (PI)
- 280077 VU MA-ERD-12 Spectroscopy of minerals (PI)
- 280105 VU MA-ERD-17.21 Technical and Applied Mineralogy (PI)
- 280116 EX MA-ERD-17.32 Earth Science field trips II (PI)
- 450004 SE Topics in Mineralogy - Advances in mineral physics and applied mineralogy
- 280001 VO STEOP: BA-ERD-1 The Earth System (NPI)
- 280018 VU BA_ERD_14 Rock optical microscopy (PI)
- 280061 VU MA-ERD-2 Instrumental analytical methods in Geosciences (PI)
- 280104 UE MA-ERD-17.20 Mineralogical phase analyses (PI)
- 450004 SE Topics in Mineralogy
- 280008 VU BA_ERD_6 Spezielle Mineralogie der gesteinsbildenden Minerale (PI)
- 280077 VU MA-ERD-12 Spectroscopy of minerals (PI)
- 450004 SE Topics in Mineralogy, IV - Kapitel: Advances in mineral physics and applied mineralogy
- 280001 VO STEOP: BA-ERD-1 The Earth System (NPI)
- 280061 VU MA-ERD-2 Instrumental analytical methods in Geosciences (PI)
- 280104 UE MA-ERD-17.20 Mineralogical phase analyses (PI)
- 280107 VU MA-ERD-17.23 Applied Mineralspectroscopy (PI)
- 450000 SE Seminar for doctoral candidates ( Ph.D. students), III
- 450004 SE Topics in Mineralogy, III - Advances in experimental, theoretical and applied Crystallography
- 280008 VU BA_ERD_6 Special mineralogy of rock-forming minerals (PI)
- 280077 VU MA-ERD-12 Spectroscopy of minerals (PI)
- 280105 VU MA-ERD-17.21 Technische und angewandte Mineralogie (PI)
- 280116 EX MA-ERD-17.32 Earth Science field trips II (PI)
- 450004 VO+SE Topics in Mineralogy, II - Kapitel: Advances in mineral physics and applied mineralogy
- 280001 VO STEOP: BA-ERD-1 The Earth System (NPI)
- 280053 SE PM Bachelor Thesis (PI)
- 280061 VU MA-ERD-2 Instrumental analytical methods in Geosciences (PI)
- 450000 SE Seminar for doctoral candidates ( Ph.D. students)
- 450004 VO+SE Topics in mineralogy I - Crystallographic techniques in mineralogy and materials research
- 280018 VO PM Mineralogy I - Rock forming Minerals (NPI)
- 280062 SE PM Bachelor Thesis (PI)
- 280095 VO Mineral Spectroscopy II (MP0_28_16) (NPI)
- 280096 UE Mineral Spectroscopy II (MP0_28_16) (PI)
- 280162 SE+EX Earth Science field trips (W0_28_60) (PI)
- 450000 SE Seminar for doctoral candidates ( Ph.D. students) IV
- 450004 SE Topics in Mineralogiy and Crystallography, IV - Stukturelle Charakterisierung mit Pulverdiffraktometrie
- 280001 VO PM STEOP The Earth System (NPI)
- 280050 VO PM Applied Mineralogy in Material Science (NPI)
- 280061 SE PM Bachelor Thesis (PI)
- 280093 VO Mineral Spectroscopy I (MP0_28_15) (NPI)
- 280094 UE Crystal-structure analysis I (MP0_28_15) (PI)
- 450000 SE Seminar for doctoral candidates ( Ph.D. students)
- 450004 VO+SE Topics in Mineralogy and Crystallography, III - Advances in experimental, theoretical and applied crystallography
- 280018 VO PM Mineralogy I - Rock forming Minerals (NPI)
- 280062 SE PM Bachelor Thesis (PI)
- 280095 VO Mineral Spectroscopy II (MP0_28_16) (NPI)
- 280096 UE Mineral Spectroscopy II (MP0_28_16) (PI)
- 280162 SE+EX Earth Science field trips (W0_28_60) (PI)
- 450000 SE Seminar for doctoral candidates ( Ph.D. students), II
- 450004 VO+SE Topics in Mineralogiy and Crystallography, II - Stukturelle Charakterisierung mit Pulverdiffraktometrie
- 280002 VO PM STEOP Mineralogy and Crystallography (NPI)
- 280050 VO PM Applied Mineralogy in Material Science (NPI)
- 280061 SE PM Bachelor Thesis (PI)
- 280093 VO Mineral Spectroscopy I (MP0_28_15) (NPI)
- 280094 UE Crystal-structure analysis I (MP0_28_15) (PI)
- 450000 SE Seminar for doctoral candidates ( Ph.D. students)
- 450004 VO+UE Topics in Mineralogy and Crystallography, I - Aktuelle Themen in der Mineralogie und Kristallogrphie, I
- 280018 VO PM Mineralogy I - Rock forming Minerals (NPI)
- 280062 SE PM Bachelor Thesis (PI)
- 280095 VO Mineral Spectroscopy II (MP0_28_16) (NPI)
- 280096 UE Mineral Spectroscopy II (MP0_28_16) (PI)
- 280154 VO Applied Mineralogy II (W2_28_49) (NPI)
- 280162 SE+EX Earth Science field trips (W0_28_60) (PI)
- 450000 SE Seminar for doctoral candidates ( Ph.D. students)
- 450007 VO Topics in lithospheric research, IV - Analysig deformation of geological Materials, I
- 280002 VO PM STEOP Mineralogy and Crystallography (NPI)
- 280050 VO PM Applied Mineralogy in Material Science (NPI)
- 280061 SE PM Bachelor Thesis (PI)
- 280093 VO Mineral Spectroscopy I (MP0_28_15) (NPI)
- 280094 UE Crystal-structure analysis I (MP0_28_15) (PI)
- 280098 UE Crystallography (MP0_28_17) (PI)
- 450000 SE Seminar for doctoral candidates ( Ph.D. students)
- 450004 VO+SE Topics in Mineralogy and Crystallography, III
- 280014 VO Mineralogy I - Rock forming Minerals (BA08) (NPI)
- 280157 SE+EX Earth Science field trips (W0_28_60) (PI)
- 280530 SE Seminar Mineralogy-Crystallography
- 450000 SE Seminar for doctoral candidates ( Ph.D. students)
- 280003 VO Mineralogy and Crystallography (BA02) STEP (NPI)
- 280051 VO Applied Mineralogy in Material Science (BA26) (NPI)
- 280052 UE Applied Mineralogy in Material Science (BA26) (PI)
- 280087 VO Mineral Spectroscopy I (MP0_28_15) (NPI)
- 280088 UE Crystal-structure analysis I (MP0_28_15) (PI)
- 280522 SE Bakkalaureatsarbeit - (lt. Studienplan 01.10.2003)
- 450000 SE Seminar for doctoral candidates ( Ph.D. students)
- 450004 SE Topics in Mineralogiy and Crystallography, I
- 280014 VO Mineralogy I - Rock forming Minerals (BA08) (NPI)
- 280089 VO Mineral Spectroscopy II (MP0_28_16) (NPI)
- 280090 UE Mineral Spectroscopy II (MP0_28_16) (PI)
- 280148 VO Applied Mineralogy II (W2_28_49) (NPI)
- 280149 UE Applied Mineralogy II (W2_28_49) (PI)
- 280157 SE+EX Earth Science field trips (W0_28_60) (PI)
- 280522 SE Bakkalaureatsarbeit - (lt. Studienplan 01.10.2003)
- 450004 SE+UE Topics in mineralogical spectroscopy, II
- 280001 VO The Earth System (BA01) STEP (NPI) - part I
- 280051 VO Applied Mineralogy in Material Science (BA26) (NPI)
- 280052 UE Applied Mineralogy in Material Science (BA26) (PI)
- 280087 VO Mineral Spectroscopy I (MP0_28_15) (NPI)
- 280088 UE Crystal-structure analysis I (MP0_28_15) (PI)
- 280506 SE+UE Topics in mineralogical spectroscopy, I - Aktuelle Themen in der Mineralspekrtroskopie, I
- 280522 SE Bakkalaureatsarbeit - (lt. Studienplan 01.10.2003)
- 280089 VO Mineral Spectroscopy II (MP0_28_16) (NPI)
- 280090 UE Mineral Spectroscopy II (MP0_28_16) (PI)
- 280506 SE+UE Topics in mineralogical spectroscopy, II
- 280001 VO The Earth System (BA01) STEP (NPI) - part I
- 280051 VO Applied Mineralogy in Material Science (BA26) (NPI)
- 280052 UE Applied Mineralogy in Material Science (BA26) (PI)
- 280087 VO Mineral Spectroscopy I (MP0_28_15) (NPI)
- 280088 UE Crystal-structure analysis I (MP0_28_15) (PI)
- 280092 UE Crystallography (MP0_28_17) (PI)
- 280506 SE+UE Topics in mineralogical spectroscopy, I - Aktuelle Themen in der Mineralspekrtroskopie, I
- 280041 VO Mineral Spectroscopy II (MP0_28_16) (NPI)
- 280042 UE Mineral Spectroscopy II (MP0_28_16) (PI)
- 280073 VO Applied Mineralogy II (W2_28_49) (NPI)
- 280074 UE Applied Mineralogy II (W2_28_49) (PI)
- 280342 SE Seminar Mineralogy-Crystallography
- 280356 SE+UE Topics in mineralogical spectroscopy
- 280360 SE Special topics of spectroscopy (Raman)
- 280461 VO The Earth System (BA01) STEP (NPI) - (= BPB 10)
- 280480 UE Introduction of Using Scientific Infrastructure
- 280481 SE Introduction to Scientific Working
- 280482 SE Seminar Mineralogy - Crystallography
- 280079 SE SE: material- and raw material-science(B.Sc.work) - Seminar in material- and raw material-science (B.Sc.work)
- 280093 EX Mineralogical excursions - Mineralogical excursions
- 280212 VO Luminescene methods in earth science - Luminescene methods in earth science
- 280359 VO+UE Optical Crystallography - Optical Crystallography
- 280080 SE Materialwissenschaftliches Seminar (Mag.) - Materialwissenschaftliches Seminar (Magisterstudium)
- 280093 EX excursions in Austria and in foreign countries - excursions in Austria and in foreign countries
- 280110 VO+UE Introduction to spectroscopy (UV-VIS, IR, Raman) - Introduction to spectroscopy (UV-VIS, IR, Raman)
- 280425 SE Bakk.Arbeit Min.-Krist., Mat.-u.Rohstoffforschung - Bakkalaureatsarbeit Mineralogie-Kristallographie, Material- und Rohstoffforschung
- 280446 VO Radioaktivität im Mineralreich - Radioaktivität im Mineralreich: Strukturelle Effekte und Umweltrelevanz
- 280079 SE Seminar Material- & Rohstoffforschung (Bakk.) - Seminar aus Material- und Rohstoffforschung (Bakkalaureatsarbeit)
- 280080 SE Materialwissenschaftliches Seminar (Mag.) - Materialwissenschaftliches Seminar (Magisterstudium)
- 280093 EX excursions in Austria and in foreign countries - excursions in Austria and in foreign countries
- 280212 VO Lumineszenzmethoden in den Geowissenschaften - Lumineszenzmethoden in den Geowissenschaften
- 280321 SE Seminar Mineralogie - Kristallographie (Bakk) - Seminar Mineralogie - Kristallographie (Bakkalaureatsarbeit)
- 280380 EX excursions in Austria and in foreign countries - excursions in Austria and in foreign countries
- 807433 VO Raman-Spektroskopie in der Mineralogie - Raman-Spektroskopie in der Mineralogie
- 807455 VO Raman-Spektroskopie in der Mineralogie - Raman-Spektroskopie in der Mineralogie
Last modified: Tu 28.01.2025 20:20