Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Philipp Scheibelreiter, Privatdoz.
- Mail: philipp.scheibelreiter@univie.ac.at
- Phone: +43-1-4277-34443
Business Card: vCard
Research Profile: u:cris
Deputy Head - Department of Roman Law and Antique Legal History
Teaching (iCal)
- 030373 VO Legal History Lab '24/25: Current research in legal and constitutional history
- 030736 PKU Interactive Course on Civilian Foundations - Law of Property and Principles
- 030806 UE Exercise on Civilian Foundations (Law of Obligations)
- 030822 VO History of Roman Law and selected fields of the law of persons and family law
- 030016 VO Law and society in historical perspective: antiquity
- 030043 PF StEOP: Compulsory Practical Exercise on Civilian Foundations - Law of Property
- 030047 UE Compulsory Practical Exercise on Civilian Foundations - Law of Obligations
- 030053 PKU Digest Exegesis
- 030373 VO Legal History Lab '24/25: Current research in legal and constitutional history
- 030549 SE Credit transactions and banking law in Rome and Athens - Actors, constructions and their legal-historical context
- 030373 VO Legal History Lab '24: Current research in legal and constitutional history
- 030549 SE Telum iacere, equum ad utendum dare: School cases in Classical Roman Law - Their contextualization in ancient legal history
- 030736 PKU Interactive Course on Civilian Foundations - Law of Property and Principles
- 030806 UE Exercise on Civilian Foundations
- 030822 VO History of Roman Law and selected fields of the law of persons and family law
- 060021 VO Storytelling
- 030034 PF StEOP: Compulsory Practical Exercise on Civilian Foundations - Law of Property
- 030039 UE Compulsory Practical Exercise on Civilian Foundations - Law of Obligations
- 030272 PKU Digest Exegesis
- 030373 VO Legal History Lab '23: Current research in legal and constitutional history
- 030549 SE Roman jurists in context - Lives of Roman jurists from a historical, dogmatic and practical legal perspective
- 030549 SE iudex and dikastes - for diploma and doctoral students
- 030736 KU Interactive Course on Civilian Foundations - Law of Property and Principles
- 030806 UE Exercise on Civilian Foundations
- 030822 VO History of Roman Law and selected fields of the law of persons and family law
- 030180 UE Compulsory Practical Exercise on Civilian Foundations - Law of Obligations
- 030272 KU Digest Exegesis
- 030285 VO Law and society in historical perspective: antiquity
- 030373 VO Lecture Series: Current research in legal and constitutional history at the Juridicum
- 030458 PF STEOP: Compulsory Practical Exercise on Civilian Foundations - Sachenrecht
- 030549 SE Seminar on Roman Law - for diploma and doctoral students
- 030373 VO Lecture Series: Current research in legal and constitutional history at the Juridicum
- 030549 SE Rem adquirere pretio soluto? Purchase of price and acquisition of Ownership in Roman Law - for diploma and doctoral students
- 030736 KU Interactive Course on Civilian Foundations - Law of Property and Principles
- 030765 PF StEOP: Compulsory Practical Exercise - Sachenrecht
- 030806 UE Exercise on Civilian Foundations
- 030822 VO History of Roman Law and selected fields of the law of persons and family law
- 030020 SE Mandatum
- 030180 UE Compulsory Practical Exercise on Civilian Foundations - Law of Obligations
- 030272 KU Digest Exegesis
- 030373 VO Lecture Series: Work in Progress - Reports on actual fields of research in legal and constitutional history at Vienna Law Faculty
- 030458 PF STEOP: Compulsory Practical Exercise on Civilian Foundations - Sachenrecht
- 030373 VO Lecture Series: Work in Progress - Reports on actual fields of research in legal and constitutional history at Vienna Law Faculty
- 030504 SE Violence and ounishment. Antiquity, Christian Europe and Buddhist Tibet in comparison - seminar for diploma students
- 030549 SE Furtum. Case Studies on the Delict of Theft in Roman Law - for diploma and doctoral students
- 030765 PF StEOP: Compulsory Practical Exercise - Sachenrecht
- 030793 KU Interactive Course on Civilian Foundations - Law of Obligations and Principles
- 030806 UE Exercise on Civilian Foundations
- 030822 VO History of Roman Law and selected fields of the law of persons and family law
- 030180 UE Compulsory Practical Exercise on Civilian Foundations - Law of Obligations
- 030272 KU Digest Exegesis
- 030285 VO Law and society in historical perspective: antiquity
- 030373 VO Lecture Series: Work in Progress - Reports on act. fields of research in legal & constitut.hist. at Vienna Law Fac.
- 030458 PF STEOP: Compulsory Practical Exercise on Civilian Foundations - Sachenrecht
- 030549 SE Seminar on Roman Law: Homerus teste utitur - Graeca exempla and ius Romanum - for diploma and doctoral students
- 030003 KU Interactive Course on Civilian Foundations - Law of Obligations and Principles
- 030038 UE Exercise on Civilian Foundations
- 030206 PF StEOP: Compulsory Practical Exercise - Sachenrecht
- 030240 VO History of Roman Law and selected fields of the law of persons and family law
- 030373 VO Lecture Series: Work in Progress - Reports on act. fields of research in legal & constitut.hist. at Vienna Law Fac.
- 030549 SE Pignus, mandatum qualificatum and fideiussio - Security interest in Roman law and Ancient Legal History
- 030180 UE Compulsory Practical Exercise on Civilian Foundations - Law of Obligations
- 030272 KU Digest Exegesis
- 030373 VO Lecture Series: Work in Progress - Reports on act. fields of research in legal & constitut.hist. at Vienna Law Fac.
- 030458 PF STEOP: Compulsory Practical Exercise on Civilian Foundations - Sachenrecht
- 030549 SE Roman Procedural Law: From Summons to the Legal Consequences of a judgement
- 030003 KU Interactive Course on Civilian Foundations - Law of Obligations and Principles
- 030091 KU Interactive Course on Civilian Foundations - Law of Property and Principles
- 030269 KU Digest Exegesis
- 030373 VO Lecture Series: Work in Progress - Reports on act. fields of research in legal & constitut.hist. at Vienna Law Fac.
- 030549 SE Digest 24,1: Gifts between Husband and Wife? - Zum römischen Ehegattenschenkungsverbot und den damit verbundenen dogmatischen Problemstellungen
- 030023 VO Law and society in historical perspective: antiquity
- 030180 UE Compulsory Practical Exercise on Civilian Foundations - Law of Obligations
- 030272 KU Digest Exegesis
- 030373 VO Lecture Series: Work in Progress - Reports on act. fields of research in legal & constitut.hist. at Vienna Law Fac.
- 030458 PF STEOP: Compulsory Practical Exercise on Civilian Foundations - Sachenrecht
- 030549 SE Seminar on Roman Law
- 030003 KU Interactive Course on Civilian Foundations - Law of Obligations and Principles
- 030180 UE Compulsory Practical Exercise on Civilian Foundations - Law of Obligations
- 030206 PF StEOP: Compulsory Practical Exercise - Sachenrecht
- 030373 VO Lecture Series: Work in Progress - Reports on act. fields of research in legal & constitut.hist. at Vienna Law Fac.
- 030549 SE Seminar on Roman Law - Norm und Interpretation: Römisches Recht im griechischen Mittelalter
- 030180 UE Compulsory Practical Exercise on Civilian Foundations - Law of Obligations
- 030373 VO Work in Progress: Reports on act. fields of research in legal & constitut.hist. at Vienna Law Fac.
- 030458 PF STEOP: Compulsory Practical Exercise on Civilian Foundations - (Sachenrecht)
- 030549 SE Seminar on Roman Law - Norm und Interpretation: Das Beispiel der Senatus Consulta
- 030180 PF Compulsory Practical Exercise on Civilian Foundations - Law of Obligations - (Schuldrecht)
- 030206 PF STEOP: Compulsory Practical Exercise - Sachenrecht
- 030373 VO Work in Progress: Reports on act. fields of research in legal & constitut.hist. at Vienna Law Fac.
- 030549 SE Seminar on Roman Law - Ius controversum: Rechtsschulen und Juristenkontroversen
- 030180 PF Compulsory Practical Exercise on Civilian Foundations - Law of Obligations
- 030186 PF Compulsory Practical Exercise on Civilian Foundations - Law of Obligations
- 030373 VO Work in Progress: Reports on act. fields of research in legal & constitut.hist. at Vienna Law Fac.
- 030091 KU Interactive Course on Civilian Foundations - Law of Property and Principles
- 030180 PF Compulsory Practical Exercise on Civilian Foundations - Law of Obligations - (Schuldrecht)
- 030373 VO Work in Progress: Reports on act. fields of research in legal & constitut.hist. at Vienna Law Fac.
- 030458 PF STEOP: Compulsory Practical Exercise on Civilian Foundations - (Sachenrecht)
- 030549 SE Seminar on Roman Law - Abzählen, abmessen, abwiegen: Zu Bestimmung der Leistungspflicht und ihrer Erfüllung (für DiplomandInnen und DissertantInnen)
- 030103 PF STEOP: Compulsory Practical Exercise on Civilian Foundations - (Sachenrecht)
- 030180 PF Compulsory Practical Exercise on Civilian Foundations - Law of Obligations - (Schuldrecht)
- 030186 PF Compulsory Practical Exercise on Civilian Foundations - Law of Obligations - (Schuldrecht)
- 030373 VO Work in Progress: Reports on act. fields of research in legal & constitut.hist. at Vienna Law Fac.
- 030549 SE Seminar on Roman Law - Realverträge und ihre Durchsetzung: Schriftformel und Subsumption (auch für DiplomandInnen und DissertantInnen)
- 030091 KU Interactive Course on Civilian Foundations - Law of Property and Principles
- 030180 PF Compulsory Practical Exercise on Civilian Foundations - Law of Obligations - (Schuldrecht)
- 030187 PF Compulsory Practical Exercise on Civilian Foundations - Law of Obligations - (Schuldrecht)
- 030373 VO Work in Progress: Reports on act. fields of research in legal & constitut.hist. at Vienna Law Fac.
- 030103 PF STEOP: Compulsory Practical Exercise - (Sachenrecht)
- 030186 PF Compulsory Practical Exercise on Civilian Foundations - Law of Obligations - (Schuldrecht)
- 030178 PF Compulsory Practical Exercise on Civilian Foundations - Law of Obligations - (Schuldrecht)
- 030187 PF Compulsory Practical Exercise on Civilian Foundations - Law of Obligations - (Schuldrecht)
- 030103 PF Compulsory Practical Exercise on Civilian Foundations - (Sachenrecht)
- 030186 PF Compulsory Practical Exercise on Civilian Foundations - Law of Obligations - (Schuldrecht)
- 030187 PF Compulsory Practical Exercise on Civilian Foundations - Law of Obligations - (Schuldrecht)
- 030018 PF Compulsory Practical Exercise on Civilian Foundations - (Sachenrecht)
- 030186 PF Compulsory Practical Exercise on Civilian Foundations - Law of Obligations - (Schuldrecht)
- 030018 PF Compulsory Practical Exercise on Civilian Foundations - Sachenrecht
- 030187 PF Compulsory Practical Exercise on Civilian Foundations - Law of Obligations - (Schuldrecht)
- 030018 PF Compulsory Practical Exercise on Civilian Foundations
- 030186 PF Compulsory Practical Exercise on Civilian Foundations - Law of Obligations
- 030373 VO Work in Progress:Reports on act. fields of research in Legal & Contsitut.Hist. at Vienna Law Faculty - (vertiefende LV gem. § 21 (3) Stp)
- 030018 PF Compulsory Practical Exercise on Civilian Foundations - Law of Property
- 030187 PF Compulsory Practical Exercise on Civilian Foundations - Law of Obligations
- 030018 PF Compulsory Practical Exercise on Civilian Foundations - Law of Obligations
- 030186 PF Compulsory Practical Exercise on Civilian Foundations - Law of Property
- 030123 KU Latin based Legal Terminology - Latin based Legal Terminology
- 030186 PF Compulsory Practical Exercise on Civilian Foundations - Law of Property
- 030018 KU Latin based Legal Terminology - Latin based Legal Terminology
- 030187 PF Compulsory Practical Exercise on Civilian Foundations - Law of Obligations
- 030018 KU Latin based Legal Terminology - Latin based Legal Terminology
- 030186 PF Compulsory Practical Exercise on Civilian Foundations - Law of Property
- 030018 KU Latin based Legal Terminology
- 030187 PF Compulsory Practical Exercise on Civilian Foundations - Law of Obligations
- 030018 KU Latin based Legal Terminology - Latin based Legal Terminology
- 030186 PF Compulsory Practical Exercise on Civilian Foundations - Law of Property
- 030018 KU Latin based Legal Terminology - Latin based Legal Terminology
- 030187 PF Comp. pract. Exerc. on Romanistic Foundat. - Compulsory practical exercise on Romanistic Foundations - Contract Law
- 030186 PF Pflichtübung Romanistische Fundamente - Pflichtübung Romanistische Fundamente
- 030608 KU Latin based Legal Terminology - Rechtsterminologie lateinischen Ursprungs
- 030187 PF Pflichtübung Römischem Privatrecht (Schuldrecht) - Pflichtübung aus römischem Privatrecht (Obligationenrecht)
- 030186 PF Pflichtübung aus römischem Privatrecht (Anfänger) - Pflichtübung aus römischem Privatrecht für Anfänger (Sachenrecht)
- 302072 PF Pflichtübung aus römischem Privatrecht - Pflichtübung aus römischem Privatrecht (Obligationenrecht)
- 302061 PF Pflichtübung aus römischem Privatrecht (Anfänger) - Pflichtübung aus römischem Privatrecht für Anfänger (Sachenrecht)
Last modified: Tu 28.01.2025 20:40