Dr. Gabriele Habinger
Business Card: vCard
Research Profile: u:cris
Teaching (iCal)
- 240004 PS BM2 New Critical Perspectives
- 240080 SE Theoretical Discourses
- 240502 SE MM1 The Postcolonial City - Theories and Debates
- 240035 VO BM7 Introduction to the Anthropology of Tourism
- 240047 PR BM8 Ethnographic Field School - The City as Contested Terrain - Negotiating Public Space
- 240078 SE Theoretical Discourses
- 240080 SE Theoretical Discourses
- 240502 SE MM1 The Postcolonial City - Theories and Debates
- 240535 VU MM4 Introduction to the methods of archival work
- 240014 PS BM2 New Critical Perspectives
- 240018 PS Reading Anthropological Texts
- 240078 SE Theoretical Discourses
- 240041 SE Theoretical discourses
- 240513 SE (Post)Coloniality in New Zealand/Aotearoa (P3)
- 240534 UE Fieldwork in the Archives - Introductory Course (P5)
- 240025 VO Tourism - local, global, intersectional. Introduction to the Anthropology of Tourism (3.3.4) - Einführung in die anthropologische Tourismusforschung
- 240032 VS Representation of the Other in Art, Media and Cultural Manifestations (3.3.6)
- 240040 SE Theoretical discourses
- 240018 VS Tourism, Development and the Sustainable Development Goals (3.2.3)
- 240039 SE Theoretical discourses
- 240509 VO Critical Whiteness Studies and Intersectionality as critical scientific paradigms (P2) - Kritische Ansätze der jüngeren Wissenschaftsgeschichte
- 240027 VO Post-colonial Fantasies. Representations of the Other in a globalised World (3.3.1)
- 240033 VS Racism in theory and praxis. Racism reasearch in Social and Cultural Anthropology (3.3.2)
- 240040 SE Theoretical discourses
- 240001 PS Introduction to scientific working in socio-scientific contexts
- 240023 VO Tourism - local, global, intersectional. Introduction to the Anthropology of Tourism (3.3.4) - Einführung in die anthropologische Tourismusforschung
- 240034 VS Representations of the "Other" in Art, Media and Culture in a Postcolonial World (3.3.6)
- 240515 SE Anthropology at Home: Urban Anthropology in Vienna (P3)
- 240028 VS Urban spatial Practices - Governmentality, Fragmentation and Resistance (3.3.3) - Prozesse der Raumnahme in der Stadt
- 240038 VO Introduction to the Anthropology and Ethnohistory of New Zealand/Aotearoa
- 240040 SE Theoretical discourses
- 240004 PS Introduction to scientific working in socio-scientific contexts
- 240013 PS Scientific Writing for Social and Cultural Anthropologists
- 240508 SE Conflict and Differences in New Zealand/Aotearoa since European Colonization (P3)
- 240524 UE Fieldwork in the Archive (P5) - Introductory Course to Archival Reasearch for Social and Cultural Anthropologists
- 240025 VO Tourism - local, global, intersectional. Introduction to the Anthropology of Tourism (3.3.4) - Einführung in die anthropologische Tourismusforschung
- 240036 SE Theoretical discourses
- 240508 VO Critical Whiteness Studies and Intersectionality (P2)
- 240004 PS Introduction to scientific working in socio-scientific contexts
- 240019 VS Tourism and Development (3.2.3)
- 240039 SE Theoretical discourses
- 240016 VS Racism in Theory and Practice. On the relevance of Racism Studies in Anthropology (3.2.2)
- 240024 VO (Post)colonial Fantasies. Representations of Self and Other in a Globalised World (3.3.1)
- 240036 SE Theoretical discourses
- 240023 VS Visual Representations of Orientalism and Exotism (3.2.6)
- 240025 VO Tourism - local, global, intersectional (3.3.4)
- 240039 SE Theoretical discourses
- 240017 VS Tourism and Development (3.2.3)
- 240027 VS Urban spatial Practices - Governmentality, Fragmentation and Resistance (3.3.3) - Prozesse der Raumnahme in der Stadt
- 240036 SE Theoretical discourses
- 240012 PS Reading Anthropological Texts
- 240018 VS Racism in Theory and Practice. On the relevance of Racism Studies in Anthropology (3.2.2) - Zur Relevanz der Rassismusforschung für die Kultur- und Sozialanthropologie
- 240025 VO (Post)colonial Fantasies. Representations of Self and Other in a Globalised World (3.3.1)
- 240532 UE Anthropology in the archives (P5) - Zur Geschichte ethnographisch-anthropologischer Wissenschaft und Forschung in Wien
- 240023 VO Tourism - local, global, intersectional (3.3.4)
- 240033 VO Introductuory Course: Anthropology of New Zealand/Aotearoa
- 240036 SE Theoretical discourses
- 240019 VS Tourism and Development (3.2.3)
- 240039 SE Theoretical discourses
- 240511 SE Historic and contemporary Fields of Conflict in New Zealand/Aotearoa (P3)
- 240031 VO Racism in Theory and Practice. On the relevance of Racism Studies in Anthropology (3.2.2) - Zur Relevanz der Rassismusforschung für die Kultur- und Sozialanthropologie
- 240040 VO (Post)colonial Fantasies. Representations of Self and Other in a Globalised World (3.3.1)
- 240056 SE Theoretical discourses
- 240017 PS Reading Anthropological Texts
- 240041 VS Visual Representations of Orientalism and Exotism (3.2.6)
- 240044 VO Tourism - local, global, intersectional (3.3.4)
- 240208 SE Gender Studies Topics and Themes II - Raum als umkämpftes Terrain
- 240111 VS Tourism and Development (3.2.3)
- 240128 PS Introduction to scientific working in socio-scientific contexts
- 240133 VS Urban spatial Practices - Governmentality, Fragmentation and Resistance (3.3.3) - Prozesse der Raumnahme in der Stadt
- 240137 PS Reading Anthropological Texts
- 240017 PS Reading Anthropological Texts
- 240037 VS Racism in theory and practice - on the relevance of racism (3.2.2)
- 240129 PS Introduction to scientific working in socio-scientific contexts
- 240137 PS Reading Anthropological Texts
- 240163 VS Visual Representations of Orientalism and Exotism (3.2.6)
- 240164 VO Tourism - local, global, intersectional (3.3.4)
- 240130 VO Introductory course: anthropological studies in colonialism, racism and ethnicity
- 240137 PS Reading Anthropological Texts
- 240163 VS Urban spatial Practices - Governmentality, Fragmentation and Resistance (3.3.3) - Prozesse der Raumnahme in der Stadt
- 240172 VO Introductory Course: Anthropology of New Zealand
- 240023 PS Scientific Writing for Social and Cultural Anthropologists
- 240043 VO (Post)colonial Fantasies. Representations of Self and Other in a Globalised World (3.3.1)
- 240056 SE Theoretical discourses
- 240119 VO+UE M3 - Themenfelder der Gender Studies
- 240132 VO Introductory course: anthropological studies in colonialism, racism and ethnicity
- 240163 SE Theoretical discourses
- 240037 VS To whom belongs the Town? - Difference, Power, Local and Global in Urban Space (3.3.3)
- 240047 SE Theoretical discourses
- 240053 PS Scientific Writing for Social and Cultural Anthropologists
- 240129 VO 2.1 Core Issues: Introductory course: anthropological studies in colonialism, racism and ethnicity
- 240171 SE Theoretical discourses
- 240191 VO From Differences to Intersections: History and Potentials of the intersectionality debate (P2) - Entwicklung und Potentiale der Intersektionalitäts-Debatte
- 240160 SE Theoretical discourses
- 240187 SE Fieldwork in the archives
- 240190 PR Fieldwork in the archives
- 240027 VO Introductory Course: Anthropology of New Zealand
- 240049 SE Theoretical discourses
- 240059 SE To whom belongs the Town? - Difference, Power, Local and Global in Urban Space
- 240004 VO Introductory course: anthropological studies in colonialism, racism and ethnicity
- 240014 PS Scientific writing for social and cultural anthropologists
- 240057 SE CREOLE: Methods-P1 MSE - the exotic in Vienna 19th century
- 240062 PR Fieldwork in the archives - the exotic in Vienna in 19th century
- 240081 SE Power of spaces - spaces of power - about the relations between space, power and gender
- 240134 PS Scientific Writing for Social and Cultural Anthropologists
- 240170 VS Tourism and Gender - Femaleness and Maleness in Tourism(industry), Travelling and Othering
- 240208 VS The Self and the Other in Female Travelogues - Fremdrepräsentation und Selbstpositionierung in Reisetexten von Frauen
- 240209 VO+SE Power of Spaces - Spaces of Power - About the Relations Between Space, Power and Gender
- 140319 VO Lecture Series: Tourism and Development - Entwicklung durch Tourismus oder Tourismus als Folge von Entwicklung?
- 240006 VO Introductory Course: Anthropological Studies in Colonialism, Racism and Ethnicity
- 240090 VS Gender, Orientalism and Colonial Discourses - Gender, Orientalismus und koloniale Diskurse
- 240011 PS Scientific Writing for Social and Cultural Anthropologists
- 240031 SE Power of Space - Space of Power - Relations of Space, Power and Gender
- 240092 PS Reading Anthropological Texts
- 240010 PS Scientific Writing for Social and Cultural Anthropologists
- 240066 VO Genderstudies: Power of Space - Space of Power: Relations of Space, Power and Gender
- 240058 VO Genderforschung: Das Geschlecht d. Kolonialismus - Genderforschung: Das Geschlecht des Kolonialismus: Gender, Orientalismus und koloniale Diskurse
- 140467 VO RV: Tourismus und die umstrittene Entwicklung - RV: Tourismus und die umstrittene Entwicklung
- 240088 PS PS 2: Kultur- und Sozialanthropol. Schreiben - PS 2: Kultur- und Sozialanthropologisches Schreiben
- 240122 VO Genderforschung: Das Fremde und das Eigene - Genderforschung: Das Fremde und das Eigene. Fremdrepräsentation und Selbstpositionierung in historischen Reisetexten von Frauen
Last modified: Fr 31.01.2025 08:00