Univ.-Prof. Dr. Patrick Müller, Privatdoz. M.A.
Business Card: vCard
Research Profile: u:cris
Professor, Center for European Integration Research (EIF)
Teaching (iCal)
- 210094 VO M1b: Basics of Political Science
- 210128 SE M13: Master's Seminar
- 210098 SE BAK18: Bachelor's Seminar
- 210124 SE M5: EU and Europeanisation - EU Foreign Policy in Times of Multiple Crises: The EU's Role in a Changing International Environment (engl.)
- 210065 SE BAK11: European Union and Europeanisation - External and Internal Challenges for EU Foreign Policy: From Europeanisation to De-Europeanisation?
- 210097 VO M1: SpezialVO Basics of Political Science
- 210105 SE BAK18: Bachelor's Seminar
- 210123 SE M5: EU and Europeanisation - EU Foreign Policy in Times of Populism
- 210064 SE BAK11: European Union and Europeanisation - European crisis governance - Conceptualizing crises, exceptionalism, and management
- 210110 SE M5: European Union and Europeanisation - EU Foreign Policy and Conflict Resolution: Institutions, Instruments, and Case Studies
- 210146 SE M13: Seminar for MA
- 210157 SE EC: The EU and Global Governance - (engl.)
- 210111 SE M5: European Union and Europeanisation - EU Foreign Policy and Conflict Resolution: Institutions, Instruments, and Case Studies
- 210140 SE EC: The EU’s regulatory policies - (engl.)
- 210111 VO M1b: Introduction into Political Science
- 210144 SE M13: Seminar for MA
- 210066 SE BAK11: European Union and Europeanisation - The Foreign Policy of the EU and (De)Europeanization
- 210154 SE M13: Master's Seminar
- 210105 SE BAK18: Bachelor's Seminar
- 210122 SE M5: EU and Europeanisation - EU Foreign Policy Facing New Realities: Addressing Global Challenges in Times of Domestic Crises
- 210069 SE BAK12 SE Austrian Politics - Austrian Security and Defence Policy in a Changing International Environment
- 210152 SE EC SE - The EU and global governance
- 210087 SE M4b: SpezialisierungsSE Österreichs Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik
- 210130 SE EC: The EU and global governance
- 210230 SE BAK12 Austrian Politics
- 210321 SE The EU and global governance
- 210151 SE The EU and global governance
- 210050 LK BAK6 The Austrian Political System and the EU
- 210079 SE BAK12 Austrian Politics - Zwischen Europäisierung und nationaler Selbstbehauptung
- 210039 LK BAK6 The Austrian Political System and the EU
- 210101 SE M6 a: Austrian Politics
- 210305 PS C4: Gemeinsame Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik d. EU - Grundkurs Internationale Politik: Gemeinsame Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik in der EU (C4)
- 210210 PS C4: Grundkurs Internationale Politik - Grundkurs Internationale Politik. Gemeinsame Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik der Europäischen Union (C4)
Last modified: Tu 28.01.2025 20:40