Sawitri Saharso
Currently not an active member of staff
Teaching (iCal)
- 210353 PS D1, G8: PS Gender, Immigr. a. Cit.ship - PS zur VO: Gender, Immigration and Citizenship in Europe (D1/G8)
- 210354 VO D1, G8: Gender, Immigration and Cit.ship in Europe - Gender, Immigration and Citizenship in Europe (D1/G8)
- 210355 SE G8: Gender Equality and Cultural Diversity - Gender Equality and Cultural Diversity: A Discussion of Paradigmatic Cases (G8)
- 210356 SE G8: Theories of Multiculturalism and Gender - Theories of Multiculturalism and Gender (G8)
Last modified: Tu 12.06.2018 13:26