Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Thierry Langer
- Mail: thierry.langer@univie.ac.at
- Phone: +43-1-4277-55103
Business Card: vCard
Research Profile: u:cris
Deputy Head - Research Platform Next Generation Macrocycles to Address Challenging Protein Interfaces
Teaching (iCal)
- 321029 VO Pharmaceutical Chemistry 2 - B15
- 322005 VO (Bio)pharmaceuticals with Effect on the Cardiovascular System - M4
- 322006 VO (Bio)pharmaceuticals with Effect on the Nervous System - M5
- 322026 VU Selected Chapters of Pharmaceutical-Chemical Research - M13
- 323001 VU Introduction to Drug Discovery and Preclinical Drug Development - MPS1
- 323002 UE Introduction to Experimental Methods in Drug Discovery and Preclinical Drug Development - MPS1
- 323008 SE Case Studies in Drug Discovery and Preclinical Drug Development - MPS7 - (2 Courses)
- 323101 VU Pharmacoinformatics - MPS5
- 053640 SE Master's Seminar
- 262005 VO Introduction to Computational Biology and Drug Discovery
- 321001 VO Steop Introduction in Pharmaceutical Sciences - B1
- 321028 VO Pharmaceutical Chemistry 1 - B15
- 322001 VO (Bio)pharma. with Effect on Metabolic Imbalances & Impaired Organ- and System Functions - M1
- 322002 VO Antiinfectives, Antineoplastic Drugs & (Bio)pharma. with Effect on the Immune System - M2
- 322026 VU Selected Chapters of Pharmaceutical-Chemical Research - M13
- 323001 VU Introduction to Drug Discovery and Preclinical Drug Development - MPS1
- 323002 UE Introduction to Experimental Methods in Drug Discovery and Preclinical Drug Development - MPS1
- 323003 VO Basics of Drug Discovery - MPS2
- 323004 VO Drug Discovery - MPS3
- 251393 VO Pharmaceutical chemistry (VO)
- 301817 UE MPM 6 - Practical Course: Pharmacoinformatics and structure-based drug design
- 321029 VO Pharmaceutical Chemistry 2 - B15
- 322005 VO (Bio)pharmaceuticals with Effect on the Cardiovascular System - M4
- 322006 VO (Bio)pharmaceuticals with Effect on the Nervous System - M5
- 322022 VU Selected Chapters of Pharmaceutical-Chemical Research - M13
- 323001 VU Introduction to Drug Discovery and Preclinical Drug Development - MPS1
- 323002 UE Introduction to Experimental Methods in Drug Discovery and Preclinical Drug Development - MPS1
- 323008 SE Case Studies in Drug Discovery and Preclinical Drug Development - MPS7 - (2 Courses)
- 323101 VU Pharmacoinformatics - MPS5
- 262005 VO Introduction to Computational Biology and Drug Discovery
- 321001 VO Steop Introduction in Pharmaceutical Sciences - B1
- 321028 VO Pharmaceutical Chemistry 1 - B15
- 322001 VO (Bio)pharma. with Effect on Metabolic Imbalances & Impaired Organ- and System Functions - M1
- 322002 VO Antiinfectives, Antineoplastic Drugs & (Bio)pharma. with Effect on the Immune System - M2
- 322022 VU Selected Chapters of Pharmaceutical-Chemical Research - M13
- 323001 VU Introduction to Drug Discovery and Preclinical Drug Development - MPS1
- 323003 VO Basics of Drug Discovery - MPS2
- 323004 VO Drug Discovery - MPS3
- 251393 VO Pharmaceutical chemistry (VO)
- 301817 UE MPM 6 - Practical Course: Pharmacoinformatics and structure-based drug design
- 321029 VO Pharmaceutical Chemistry 2 - B15
- 322005 VO (Bio)pharmaceuticals with Effect on the Cardiovascular System - M4
- 322006 VO (Bio)pharmaceuticals with Effect on the Nervous System - M5
- 322022 VU Selected Chapters of Pharmaceutical-Chemical Research - M13
- 323001 VU Introduction to Drug Discovery and Preclinical Drug Development - MPS1
- 323002 UE Introduction to Experimental Methods in Drug Discovery and Preclinical Drug Development - MPS1
- 323008 SE Case Studies in Drug Discovery and Preclinical Drug Development - MPS7 - (2 Courses)
- 323101 VU Pharmacoinformatics - MPS5
- 262005 VO Introduction to Computational Biology and Drug Discovery
- 321001 VO Steop Introduction in Pharmaceutical Sciences - B1
- 321028 VO Pharmaceutical Chemistry 1 - B15
- 322001 VO (Bio)pharma. with Effect on Metabolic Imbalances & Impaired Organ- and System Functions - M1
- 322002 VO Antiinfectives, Antineoplastic Drugs & (Bio)pharma. with Effect on the Immune System - M2
- 322022 VU Selected Chapters of Pharmaceutical-Chemical Research - M13
- 323001 VU Introduction to Drug Discovery and Preclinical Drug Development - MPS1
- 323002 UE Introduction to Experimental Methods in Drug Discovery and Preclinical Drug Development - MPS1
- 323003 VO Basics of Drug Discovery - MPS2
- 323004 VO Drug Discovery - MPS3
- 251393 VO Pharmaceutical chemistry (VO)
- 321029 VO Pharmaceutical Chemistry 2 - B15
- 322005 VO (Bio)pharmaceuticals with Effect on the Cardiovascular System - M4
- 322006 VO (Bio)pharmaceuticals with Effect on the Nervous System - M5
- 322022 VU Selected Chapters of Pharmaceutical-Chemical Research - M13
- 323001 VU Introduction to Drug Discovery and Preclinical Drug Development - MPS1
- 323002 UE Introduction to Experimental Methods in Drug Discovery and Preclinical Drug Development - MPS1
- 323007 UE Experimental Methods in Drug Discovery und Preclinical Drug Development - MPS6 - DD7 - ( 2 Courses)
- 323008 SE Case Studies in Drug Discovery and Preclinical Drug Development - MPS7 - (2 Courses)
- 323101 VU Pharmacoinformatics - MPS5
- 251260 VO Pharmaceutical chemistry (VO)
- 320042 SE Current research results in Pharmaceutical Chemist
- 320052 PR Practical course in Pharmaceutical Chemistry
- 321001 VO Steop Introduction in Pharmaceutical Sciences - B1
- 321028 VO Pharmaceutical Chemistry 1 - B15
- 322001 VO (Bio)pharma. with Effect on Metabolic Imbalances & Impaired Organ- and System Functions - M1
- 322002 VO Antiinfectives, Antineoplastic Drugs & (Bio)pharma. with Effect on the Immune System - M2
- 322022 VU Selected Chapters of Pharmaceutical-Chemical Research - M13
- 323001 VU Introduction to Drug Discovery and Preclinical Drug Development - MPS1
- 323002 UE Introduction to Experimental Methods in Drug Discovery and Preclinical Drug Development - MPS1
- 323003 VO Basics of Drug Discovery - MPS2
- 323004 VO Drug Discovery - MPS3
- 320042 SE Current research results in Pharmaceutical Chemist
- 320052 PR Practical course in Pharmaceutical Chemistry
- 321029 VO Pharmaceutical Chemistry 2 - B15
- 322005 VO (Bio)pharmaceuticals with Effect on the Cardiovascular System - M4
- 322006 VO (Bio)pharmaceuticals with Effect on the Nervous System - M5
- 322022 VU Selected Chapters of Pharmaceutical-Chemical Research - M13
- 323001 VU Introduction to Drug Discovery and Preclinical Drug Development - MPS1
- 323002 UE Introduction to Experimental Methods in Drug Discovery and Preclinical Drug Development - MPS1
- 323007 UE Experimental Methods in Drug Discovery und Preclinical Drug Development - MPS6 - DD7 - ( 2 Courses)
- 323008 SE Case Studies in Drug Discovery and Preclinical Drug Development - MPS7 - (1 Course)
- 323101 VU Pharmacoinformatics - MPS5
- 251086 VO Pharmaceutical chemistry (VO)
- 320042 SE Current research results in Pharmaceutical Chemist
- 320052 PR Practical course in Pharmaceutical Chemistry
- 321001 VO Steop Introduction in Pharmaceutical Sciences - B1
- 321028 VO Pharmaceutical Chemistry 1 - B15
- 322001 VO (Bio)pharma. with Effect on Metabolic Imbalances & Impaired Organ- and System Functions - M1
- 322002 VO Antiinfectives, Antineoplastic Drugs & (Bio)pharma. with Effect on the Immune System - M2
- 322022 VU Selected Chapters of Pharmaceutical-Chemical Research - M13
- 323001 VU Introduction to Drug Discovery and Preclinical Drug Development - MPS1
- 323002 UE Introduction to Experimental Methods in Drug Discovery and Preclinical Drug Development - MPS1
- 323003 VO Basics of Drug Discovery - MPS2
- 323004 VO Drug Discovery - MPS3
- 251105 VO Pharmaceutical chemistry
- 320042 SE Current research results in Pharmaceutical Chemist
- 320052 PR Practical course in Pharmaceutical Chemistry
- 322005 VO (Bio)pharmaceuticals with Effect on the Cardiovascular System - M4
- 322006 VO (Bio)pharmaceuticals with Effect on the Nervous System - M5
- 322022 VU Selected Chaptures of Pharmaceutical-Chemical Research - M13
- 323001 VU Introduction to Drug Discovery and Preclinical Drug Development - MPS1
- 323002 UE Introduction to Experimental Methods in Drug Discovery and Preclinical Drug Development - MPS1
- 323007 UE Experimental Methods in Drug Discovery und Preclinical Drug Development - MPS6 - DD7 - ( 2 Courses)
- 323008 SE Case Studies in Drug Discovery and Preclinical Drug Development - MPS7 - (1 Course)
- 323101 VU Pharmacoinformatics - MPS5
- 251104 VO Pharmaceutical chemistry
- 320042 SE Current research results in Pharmaceutical Chemist
- 320052 PR Practical course in Pharmaceutical Chemistry
- 321001 VO Steop Introduction in Pharmaceutical Sciences - B1
- 321028 VO Pharmaceutical Chemistry 1 - B15
- 322001 VO (Bio)pharma. with Effect on Metabolic Imbalances & Impaired Organ- and System Functions - M1
- 322002 VO Antiinfectives, Antineoplastic Drugs & (Bio)pharma. with Effect on the Immune System - M2
- 322022 VU Selected Chaptures of Pharmaceutical-Chemical Research - M13
- 323001 VU Introduction to Drug Discovery and Preclinical Drug Development - MPS1
- 323002 UE Introduction to Experimental Methods in Drug Discovery and Preclinical Drug Development - MPS1
- 323003 VO Basics of Drug Discovery - MPS2
- 323004 VO Drug Discovery - MPS3
- 050082 PR Practical Course Scientific Computing with Bachelor's Paper
- 251111 VO Pharmaceutical chemistry
- 320042 SE Current research results in Pharmaceutical Chemist
- 320052 PR Practical course in Pharmaceutical Chemistry
- 321029 VO Pharmaceutical Chemistry 2 - B15
- 322005 VO (Bio)pharmaceuticals with Effect on the Cardiovascular System - M4
- 322006 VO (Bio)pharmaceuticals with Effect on the Nervous System - M5
- 322022 VU Selected Chaptures of Pharmaceutical-Chemical Research - M13
- 323101 VU Pharmacoinformatics - MPS5
- 050037 VU Computational Life-Sciences
- 251111 VO Pharmaceutical chemistry
- 320042 SE Current research results in Pharmaceutical Chemist
- 320052 PR Practical course in Pharmaceutical Chemistry
- 321001 VO Steop Introduction in Pharmaceutical Sciences - B1
- 321028 VO Pharmaceutical Chemistry 1 - B15
- 321037 VU Pharmaceutical Sciences - B20
- 322001 VO (Bio)pharma. with Effect on Metabolic Imbalances & Impaired Organ- and System Functions - M1
- 322002 VO Antiinfectives, Antineoplastic Drugs & (Bio)pharma. with Effect on the Immune System - M2
- 322022 VU Selected Chaptures of Pharmaceutical-Chemical Research - M13
- 323001 VU Introduction to Drug Discovery and Preclinical Drug Development - MPS1
- 323002 UE Introduction to Experimental Methods in Drug Discovery and Preclinical Drug Development - MPS1
- 323003 VU Basics of Drug Discovery - MPS2
- 323004 VU Drug Discovery - MPS3
- 251087 VO Pharmaceutical chemistry
- 320042 SE Current research results in Pharmaceutical Chemist
- 320052 PR Practical course in Pharmaceutical Chemistry
- 050037 VU Computational Life-Sciences
- 251087 VO Pharmaceutical chemistry
- 320003 VO Biophysical Pharmaceutical Chemistry
- 320042 SE Current research results in Pharmaceutical Chemist
- 320052 PR Practical course in Pharmaceutical Chemistry
- 321001 VO Steop Introduction in Pharmaceutical Sciences - B1
- 321028 VO Pharmaceutical Chemistry 1 - B15
- 322001 VO (Bio)pharma. with Effect on Metabolic Imbalances & Impaired Organ- and System Functions - M1
- 322002 VO Antiinfectives, Antineoplastic Drugs & (Bio)pharma. with Effect on the Immune System - M2
- 322022 VU Selected Chapters of Pharmaceutical Research - MA22 - M13
- 323001 VU Introduction to Drug Discovery and Preclinical Drug Development - MPS1
- 323002 UE Introduction to Experimental Methods in Drug Discovery and Preclinical Drug Development - MPS1
- 323003 VU Basics of Drug Discovery - MPS2
- 323004 VU Drug Discovery - MPS3
- 251087 VO Pharmaceutical chemistry
- 320022 VO Pharmacoinformatics
- 320042 SE Current research results in Pharmaceutical Chemist
- 320052 PR Practical course in Pharmaceutical Chemistry
- 321029 VO Pharmaceutical Chemistry 2 - B15
- 322005 VO (Bio)pharmaceuticals with Effect on the Cardiovascular System - M4
- 322006 VO (Bio)pharmaceuticals with Effect on the Nervous System - M5
- 322022 VU Selected Chaptures of Pharmaceutical-Chemical Research - M13
- 050037 VU Computational Life-Sciences
- 251076 VO Pharmaceutical chemistry
- 320003 VO Biophysical Pharmaceutical Chemistry
- 320042 SE Current research results in Pharmaceutical Chemist
- 320052 PR Practical course in Pharmaceutical Chemistry
- 321001 VO Steop Introduction in Pharmaceutical Sciences - B1
- 321028 VO Pharmaceutical Chemistry 1 - B15
- 322001 VO (Bio)pharma. with Effect on Metabolic Imbalances & Impaired Organ- and System Functions - M1
- 322002 VO Antiinfectives, Antineoplastic Drugs & (Bio)pharma. with Effect on the Immune System - M2
- 322022 VU Selected Chaptures of Pharmaceutical-Chemical Research - M13
- 320008 SE Current research results in pharmaceutical chemistry
- 320022 VO Pharmacoinformatics
- 320040 VO Pharmaceutical Chemistry I
- 320052 PR Practical course in Pharmaceutical Chemistry
- 320147 VO Pharmaceutical Chemistry III
- 322051 VU Selected Chaptures of Pharmaceutical-Chemical Research - M13
- 050037 VU Computational Life-Sciences
- 050081 VU Computational Drug Design
- 320003 VO Biophysical Pharmaceutical Chemistry
- 320037 SE Advanced Methods in Pharmacoinformatics
- 320042 SE Current research results in Pharmaceutical Chemist
- 320052 PR Practical course in Pharmaceutical Chemistry
- 320077 SE+EX Excursion for Students of Pharmacy
- 320118 VO Pharmaceutical Chemistry II
- 321001 VO Steop Introduction in Pharmaceutical Sciences - B1
- 321031 PR Biochemical Methods and Advanced Pharmaceutial - Chemical Techniques - B17 - (6 Kurse)
- 322051 VU Selected Chaptures of Pharmaceutical-Chemical Research - M13
- 320007 SE Current research results in pharmaceutical chemistry
- 320040 VO Pharmaceutical Chemistry I
- 320042 PR Courses in quantitative pharmaceutical analytics - (6 Kurse)
- 320046 VO Pharmacoinformatics
- 320052 PR Practical course in Pharmaceutical Chemistry
- 320147 VO Pharmaceutical Chemistry III
- 320152 PR Drug analysis and drug development - (5 Kurse)
- 050037 VU Computational Life-Sciences
- 320003 VO Biophysical Pharmaceutical Chemistry
- 320007 SE Current research results in Pharmaceutical Chemist
- 320010 VO Comprehensive lecture series in pharmacy
- 320037 SE Advanced Methods in Pharmacoinformatics
- 320052 PR Practical course in Pharmaceutical Chemistry
- 320077 SE+EX Excursion for Students of Pharmacy
- 320118 VO Pharmaceutical Chemistry II
- 320152 PR Drug analysis and drug development
- 320007 SE Current research results in Pharmaceutical Chemist
- 320040 VO Pharmaceutical Chemistry I
- 320052 PR Practical course in Pharmaceutical Chemistry
- 320147 VO Pharmaceutical Chemistry III
- 320152 PR Drug analysis and drug development - (6 Kurse)
Last modified: We 29.01.2025 05:00