Mag. Dr. Friedrich Tietjen
Currently not an active member of staff
Teaching (iCal)
- 070054 KU Project Course - Collecting, Questioning, Researching, Exhibiting - Private fotography in Austria, 1930 - 1950
- 070145 SE SE Seminar (PM 3) - "Österreich Normal. Vom "Ständestaat" zu den Allierten 1935 - 1948. Zur Analyse von Privatfotos des Alltags"
- 080080 SE Seminar:
- 080087 SE Seminar: - von Ritterburgen gibt, aber nur selten von antiken Tempeln (m./nst.K.)
- 080099 SE Research Seminar
- 080080 SE Seminar: New Deals and Great Depressions - The photographic Campaigns of the Farm Security Administration (FSA) between historic Document and Work of Art
- 080087 SE Seminar: Aesthetics of Everyday Culture
- 080099 SE Research Seminar
- 080050 VO On the History of Photography
- 080087 SE Seminar: Catalogue and Exhibitions. On the Relation of Two Media of the Art since Modernity
- 080089 EX Art in Vienna: The City as an Image. An Excursion into the Urban Space of Vienna
- 080099 SE Research Seminar
- 080047 VO Bad Art. The Modernity of Value Judgments
- 080049 SE Seminar: Heroic Representations. Visual Modernism and Aesthetic Barbarism
- 080053 PS Case Study: Reproduction as a Practice of Production in Modern and Contemporary Art
- 080081 EX Art in Vienna: The Austrian Museum of Folk Life and Folk Art. An Excursion to Exhibitions & Archives
- 080083 UE Tutorial:After Images. Hist. of Art Reproduction - Tutorial: After Images. On the History of Art Reproduction
Last modified: We 01.03.2023 05:07