Univ.-Prof. Dr. Thomas Prügl
- Mail: thomas.pruegl@univie.ac.at
- Phone: +43-1-4277-30202
Business Card: vCard
Research Profile: u:cris
Deputy Head - Department of Historical Theology
Teaching (iCal)
- 010015 VO Advanced Course Church History I - The Relationship between Church and State
- 010057 SE The Catholic Church during the Third Reich
- 010058 FS Faith, Church and Heretical Popes - William of Occam's 'Dialogus'
- 010007 VO Advanced Course Church History II. History of the Papacy
- 010058 FS Scriptural exegesis and hermeneutics in early christianity and medieval times
- 010116 EX Christianity in Medieval Vienna
- 070235 VO Further Approaches - History of Political Thought
- 010015 VO Advanced Course Church History I - Status, social life and mentalities
- 010057 SE Monks, Monasteries and Orders. Religious life in the medieval and early modern periods
- 010058 FS Text and Interpretation. Reading and understanding pre-modern theology
- 010063 SE Skills and research methods in Church History
- 070235 VO Further Approaches - History of Political Thought
- 100010 VO Lecture course: Medieval and Early German Literature
- 010007 VO Advanced Course Church History II - History of Councils
- 010020 SE Witchcraft and Demonology in the late medieval and early modern periods
- 010023 FS Spiritual Power and Secular State - Ecclesiology and political theory in Marsilius of Padua (1275/80 - ca. 1342) and Giles of Rome (ca. 1247-1316)
- 010004 VO Advanced Course Church History I: The Relationship between Church and State
- 010020 SE The Council of Trent: at the Origins of Catholicism
- 010007 VO Advanced Course Church History II: History of the Papacy
- 010058 SE Papal Primacy and Infallibility. Its significance in history and theology
- 070235 VO Further Approaches - History of Political Thought
- 010004 VO Advanced Course Church History I: Status, social life and mentalities
- 010013 SE The History of Priestly Celibacy
- 010041 FS The Church. Forms and patterns of ecclesiology in medieval theology
- 010007 VO Advanced Course Church History II: History of Councils
- 010070 SE "Adversus Iudaeos." The Church and the Jews in the Middle Ages
- 010071 FS Thomism: its history and its intellectual nature.
- 010116 EX Female Religious Orders in Vienna
- 010004 VO Advanced Course Church History I - The relationship between Church and State
- 010013 SE Gregory the Great (†604) : Pope and Theologian at the Turn from Antiquity to the Middle Ages
- 010041 FS The Church. Forms and patterns of ecclesiology in medieval theology
- 010116 EX Female Religious Orders in Vienna
- 010007 VO Advanced Course Church History II - Die Geschichte des Papsttums
- 010013 SE The Relationship between Church and State from Antiquity to the Modern Period
- 010004 VO Advanced Course Church History I - The relationship between Church and State
- 010041 FS Bible an religious violence. Traces in the history of biblical exegesis
- 010043 EX Catholic Reform and Counterreformation in Vienna
- 010045 VO Introduction to the History and the Theologies of the Reformation
- 010007 VO Advanced Course Church History II - Papst und Konziliengeschichte
- 010013 SE Skills and research methods in Church History
- 010043 SE Medieval Conciliarism
- 010004 VO Advanced Course Church History I - The relationship between Church and State
- 010007 FS Medieval Theology
- 010043 SE Poverty and Mendicant Orders in the Middle Ages
- 010007 VO Advanced Course Church History II
- 010043 SE Thomas Aquinas: The life, work and world of a medieval master and monk
- 010325 VO Church History IV - 19th - 20th Centuries
- 010004 VO Advanced Course Church History I - The relationship between Church and State
- 010005 FS The relationship between Church and State in Antiquity and in the Middle Ages
- 010013 VO Church History III - The late medieval and early modern period
- 010028 VO Church History - Part II: The Church in the Middle Ages
- 010043 SE The Kappadokian Fathers
- 010045 FS Medieval Theology. Figures, Themes and Styles
- 010075 EX Christianity in Medieval Vienna
- 010013 VO Church History - Part I - The Origins of the Church and its Growth in Antiquity
- 010056 SE Skills and research methods in Church History
- 010059 FS The Development of Papal Primacy
- 010040 FS The Bishop in the Eastern and Western Churches. History and theology of the episcopal office
- 010043 SE Jan Hus and the Origins of Hussitism
- 010325 VO Church History IV - 19th - 20th Centuries
- 010013 VO Church History - Part III - Church from the late Middle Ages to the Age of Enlightment
- 010043 SE "The Galilei Affair. Church and science in conflict
- 010045 FS Ecumenical Councils. History, theology, organization
- 010028 VO Church History - Part II: The Church in the Middle Ages
- 010038 BA The History of Priestly Celibacy in the Western Church
- 010040 FS Current trends and topics in historical theology
- 010013 VO Church History - Part I - The Origins of the Church and its Growth in Antiquity
- 010021 FS Ecclesiology and Politics: Church authority and secular power in medieval political thought
- 010076 DS Skills and research methods in Church History
- 010021 FS Basic Texts in the History of Theology
- 010025 BA The History of the Church in Bohemia
- 010030 EX Excursion Czech Republic: The Church in Bohemia - Historical Spotlights and the Situation today
- 010325 VO Church History IV - 19th - 20th Centuries
- 010013 VO Church History III - Late Medieval and Reformation
- 010016 FS Exegesis of the Old Testament in Medieval Christian Theology
- 010076 DS Medieval Theology and Church History. Basic Texts
- 010013 VO Church History - Part I
- 010076 DS The History of Papal Infallibility
- 360003 PV Privatissimum
- 010025 BA The Mendicant Orders in the Middle Ages
- 010325 VO Church History IV - The Church from the Age of Enlightment to the Present
- 360003 PV Privatissimum
- 010013 VO Church History - Part II - The Church from the late Middle Ages to the Age of Enlightment
- 010021 FS Conciliarists in Late Medieval Vienna - Die erste Generation der Wiener Theologen im Mittelalter
- 010092 VO Methods in Theology
- 360003 PV Privatissimum
- 010015 EX Rome - Center of Communion
- 010028 VO Church History - Part II: The Church in the Early and High Middle Ages
- 010029 SE Thomas Aquinas. Life and Works
- 010212 PV Doctoral Seminar - für DiplomandInnen und DissertantInnen
- 010013 VO Church History - Part I - The Origins of the Church and its Growth in Antiquity
- 010015 PV Doctoral Seminar - für Diplomanden und Dissertanten
- 010021 SE Popes, Cardinals and the Curia. Governing the Church Efficiently
- 010092 VO Methods in Theology
- 010211 SE The Church Fathers and the Bible
- 010212 PV Privatissimum
- 010325 VO Church History IV - The Church from the Age of Enlightment to the Present
- 010013 VO Church History Part III - The Church from the late Middle Ages to the Age of Enlightment
- 010015 PV Doctoral Seminar - für Diplomanden und Dissertanten
- 010021 SE Conciliarism and Church Reform in the Later Middle Ages
- 010092 VO Methods in Theology
- 010211 SE Pope Gregory the Great : His life, his works, and his legacy.
- 010212 PV Privatissimum
- 010352 VO Church History. - Part II. - The Church in the Early and High Middle Ages
Last modified: Tu 28.01.2025 21:00