Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Wolfgang Mueller
- Mail: w.mueller@univie.ac.at
- Phone: +43-1-4277-41106
Business Card: vCard
Research Profile: u:cris
Vice-Director of Studies - History Directorate of Studies
Deputy Head - Department of East European History
Teaching (iCal)
- 070005 VO Further Approaches - East-West relations 1945-2025
- 070006 PS BA-Proseminar - Russia's war against Ukraine
- 070087 SE Master's Thesis Seminar
- 070090 UE Guided Reading Modern History - Russia and the West 1500-1900
- 070040 VO Further Historical Approaches - Ukraine
- 070041 VO Further Historical Approaches - Political Thought in Russia 1500-2000
- 070048 VO Introduction to East European History
- 070053 VO Introduction to Multidisciplinary East European Studies
- 070087 SE Master's Thesis Seminar
- 070090 UE Guided Reading Modern History - The First World War: Historiographical Debates
- 070255 SE Seminar - Research Accounts, Methods and Techniques
- 950153 KU European Integration since 1945
- 950155 VU International Relations after 1945 Part I
- 070087 SE Master's Thesis Seminar
- 070090 UE Guided Reading East European History - Ukrainian History
- 070094 SE BA-Seminar - Russian War against the Ukraine
- 070304 UE Readings in the History of Historiography
- 070005 VO Further Approaches - Russia from the Beginning until the Revolution of 1917
- 070053 VO Introduction to Multidisciplinary East European Studies
- 070113 VO Introductory Lecture Specialisation - Preparation for the focus on East European History
- 070255 SE Seminar - Research Accounts, Methods and Techniques
- 070099 VO Further Approaches - Eastern Europe in the Interwar Period - Between Democracy and Royal Dictatorship
- 070083 VO Further Historical Approaches - The Soviet Union 1917-1991
- 070084 UE Guided Reading East European History - The Soviet Union 1917-1991
- 070113 VO Introductory Lecture Specialisation - Preparation for the focus on East European History
- 070167 VO Introduction to Multidisciplinary East European Studies
- 070170 VO Further Approaches - History of Ukraine
- 070255 SE Seminar - Research Accounts, Methods and Techniques
- 251110 VO+UE Integrationspolitik seit 1945
- 410001 FKO Colloquium of the SHCS´research cluster East European and Eurasian Studes
- 070077 VO Further Approaches - The Cold War 1945-90
- 070084 UE Guided Reading East European History - The Caucasus from Modernity until Today - History, Culture, Conflicts
- 070087 SE Master Seminar
- 070226 KU Methods of Historical Research and Writing
- 251098 VO+SE Geschichte der internationalen Beziehungen nach 1945 II
- 070065 VO Further Approaches - Political Thought in Russia 1500-2020
- 070066 PS Proseminar - A Global History of Communism
- 070135 VO Preparation for the focus on East European History
- 070167 VO Introduction to Multidisciplinary East European Studies
- 070255 SE Research Accounts, Methods and Techniques
- 251109 VO+SE Internationale Beziehungen nach 1945 I
- 251110 VO+UE Integrationspolitik seit 1945
- 410001 FKO Colloquium of the SHCS´research cluster East European and Eurasian Studes
- 070075 VO Further Approaches - The Soviet Union 1917-1991
- 070076 UE Guided Reading East European History - Toleration and Enlightenment in Russia
- 070132 VO Introduction to Multidisciplinary East European Studies
- 070135 VO Preparation for the focus on East European History
- 070279 SE Master Seminar
- 070346 PS BA-Proseminar - Russia and the Middle East 1800-2020
- 251068 VO+SE Internationale Beziehungen nach 1945 I
- 251069 VO+UE Integrationspolitik seit 1945
- 070007 VO Further Approaches - Russian History 800-1917
- 070010 SE Master Seminar/M.A. Seminar/Ph.D. Seminar
- 070171 UE Reading Historiography
- 070331 UE Guided Reading Contemporary History - Russian Foreign Policy after 1991
- 251141 VO+SE Internationale Beziehungen nach 1945 II
- 070047 KU Methods of Historical Research and Writing
- 070048 UE Guided Reading - A Global History of Communism
- 070059 VO Introduction to Multidisciplinary East European Studies
- 070138 LK Reading Course - Introduction to East European History
- 070279 SE Master Seminar
- 070346 PS BA-Proseminar - The Late Cold War 1975-87 - Third-World Interventions and European Rearmament
- 251068 VO+SE Internationale Beziehungen nach 1945 I
- 251069 VO+UE Integrationspolitik seit 1945
- 070020 VO Further Approaches - Eastern Europe in the short 20th century
- 070021 SE BA-Seminar - Russia and the Balkans in the 19th century
- 070279 SE Master Seminar - East European History
- 070331 GR Guided Reading - Cultural History of Muscovy in the Early Modern Period
- 251179 VO+SE Internationale Beziehungen nach 1945 Teil 2
- 070153 SE Seminar - History of Stalinism - Culture, Politics, Economy and Society
- 070211 VO Introduction to In-Depth Studies: East European History
- 070245 PS BA-Proseminar - Russia from Yeltsin to Putin - Politics, Economy, Society
- 070246 VO Introduction to the interdisciplinary studies on Eastern Europe
- 070279 SE Master Seminar - East European History
- 070330 VO Further Historical Approaches: Russian Political Thought 1760-2000
- 070331 GR Guided Reading - The Kievan Rus'
- 251141 VO+UE Integrationspolitik seit 1945
- 251149 VO+SE Internationale Beziehungen nach 1945 Teil 1
- 070163 PS BA-Proseminar - Reforms in (Early) Modern Russia
- 070167 PS BA-Proseminar - Russian Nationalism and National Consciousness
- 070170 SE Seminar - The USSR and the Mediterranean
- 070330 VO Further approaches (The Cold War)
- 251150 VO+SE Internationale Beziehungen nach 1945 Teil 2
- 070170 VO Further appr.: The Echo of the Russian Oct. Revolution 1917 in East Central & South Eastern Europe
- 070226 KU Reading Historiography
- 070330 VO Further approaches (History of the Soviet Union)
- 070332 SE BA-Seminar - Uprising, Revolt, Revolution in East European History
- 070333 SE Master Seminar
- 251142 VO+UE Europäische Integrationspolitik seit 1945
- 251153 VO+SE Geschichte der internationalen Beziehungen nach 1945 Teil 1
- 070330 VO Russian History at a Glance - Geschichte Russlands im Überblick
- 070331 GR Guided Reading - The West in Russian Eyes - Russland und der Westen aus russischer Sicht (Ideengeschichte 18.-19. JH)
- 070332 SE BA-Seminar - The Cold War
- 070333 SE Master Seminar
- 251149 VO+SE Internationale Beziehungen nach 1945 Teil 2
- 251150 VO+SE Internationale Beziehungen nach 1945 Teil 2
- 251041 VO+UE Europäische Integrationspolitik seit 1945
- 251047 VO+SE Geschichte der internationalen Beziehungen nach 1945 Teil 1
- 251070 VO+SE Internationale Beziehungen nach 1945 Teil 2
- 251091 VO+SE Geschichte der internationalen Beziehungen nach 1945 Teil 2
- 251048 VO+UE Integrationspolitik seit 1945
- 251091 VO+SE Geschichte der internationalen Beziehungen nach 1945 Teil 1
- 070267 SE Specialisation Eastern European History I - The Revolutions of 1989 and Austria
- 070316 KU Reading Historiography - Eastern Europe in the 20th Century
- 070317 PS Proseminar - Eastern Europe in the 20th Century
- 070319 SE Specialisation Eastern European History I - Eastern Europe in the 20th Century
- 070321 VO Specialisation Eastern European History II - Eastern Europe in the 20th Century
- 070252 VO Specialisation Eastern European History I / II - Eastern Europe in the 20th Century
- 070404 VO Specialisation Eastern European History I
- 070435 KU Late Modern History (approx. 1800 to approx. 1914)
- 070028 KU Text and Discourse Analysis - Political Thought in Russia in the 19th and 20th Centuries
- 070711 KU Soviet Foreign Policy 1945-1985
Last modified: Th 30.01.2025 11:00