Univ.-Prof. Dr. Tatjana Thelen, M.A.
- Mail: tatjana.thelen@univie.ac.at
- Phone: +43-1-4277-49560
Business Card: vCard
Research Profile: u:cris
Vice-Director of Studies - Social Sciences Directorate of Doctoral Studies
Teaching (iCal)
- 240028 VO BM5 Selected Theoretical Debates in Anthropology
- 240507 SE MM2 Multispecies care: Researching more-than-human care schemes in Berlin
- 240510 PR MM2 Multispecies care: Researching more-than-human care schemes in Berlin
- 400001 FK Introduction Course: From Research Proposal to Successful Public Presentation - Introduction Course
- 400006 SE Ethnographic Research Workshop - Research Workshop
- 240025 SE BM5 Ethnographic Reading: Anthropology of the state
- 240501 VO MM1 Orientation in the Study Programme and anthropological research fields
- 240507 SE MM2 Environment and Care in Galati (Romania)
- 240510 PR MM2 Environment and Care in Galati (Romania)
- 400001 FK Introduction Course: From Research Proposal to Successful Public Presentation - Introduction Course
- 240065 VO Introduction in forms of social organization
- 240507 SE MM1 Defining an MA Thesis Project
- 240516 SE MM3 Environment and Care: Access to resources in Romania - Preparation Course for fieldschool in Spring 2024
- 400002 FK Ethnographic Critique - Research colloquium
- 240504 SE Reading Theories - Selected anthropological debates (P2)
- 400001 FK Introduction Course: From Research Idea to a Successful Public Presentation - Introduction course
- 400002 FK State, Care, Kinship - Research colloquium
- 400009 SE Ethnography advanced: Developing interpretation and theoretical arguments - Advanced level methods seminar
- 240007 VO Introduction in forms of social organization
- 240503 PR Local Solidarities (P1)
- 240506 SE Local Solidarities (P1)
- 400001 FK Introduction Course: From Research Idea to a Successful Presentation
- 400010 SE Ethnography - Research Workshop
- 240517 SE Preparatory Seminar for fieldwork course in Hungary (P4)
- 240530 AL Anthro Lab (P6)
- 400001 FK Introduction Course: From Research Idea to a Successful Public Presentation - Colloquium for Doctoral Candidates
- 400003 FK Research Colloquium - Colloquium for Doctoral Candidates
- 240007 VO Introduction in forms of social organization
- 240505 SE Reading Theories - Selected anthropological debates (P2)
- 240527 AL Anthro Lab (P6)
- 400012 SE Critique: Aim or object of social scientific theory?
- 070059 VO Introduction to Multidisciplinary East European Studies
- 240517 SE Anthropology of Bureaucracy (P4)
- 240518 SE Care as Social Organisation (P4)
- 240529 AL Anthro Lab (P6)
- 400011 SE Ethnographische Methoden/Ethnographic Methods - Seminar für DissertantInnen: Methoden
- 240014 PS Qualitative Research Methods
- 240506 SE Working with theories, selected anthropological debates (P2)
- 240527 AL Anthro Lab (P6)
- 400006 FK Forschungskolloquium - Critical Ethnography in/of contemporary world
- 070246 VO Introduction to the interdisciplinary studies on Eastern Europe
- 240037 SE Bachelor Seminar: Empiric Data Collecting and Analysis
- 240515 SE Kinship: Prove, Measurement, Evaluation (P4)
- 400002 SE Research Workshop: Applying quantitative methodologies - SE for Doctoral Candidates: Research workshop
- 240007 VO Introduction in forms of social organization
- 240506 SE Working with theories -selected anthropological debates (P2)
- 240514 SE Responsibility, need and Care. Anthropological approaches (P4)
- 400003 FK Care: Kinship and Beyond - Colloquium for Doctoral Candidates
- 410004 SE Seminar Doctoral College Galicia - Thesis Writing Seminar
- 240037 SE Bachelor Seminar: Empiric Data Collecting and Analysis
- 240521 SE Childhoods and parenthood between the 'private' and the 'public' sphere (P4)
- 400015 SE States, welfare and bureaucratic practices - SE Theory for Doctoral Candidates
- 240516 SE Anthropology of Childhood and Parenthood (P4)
- 400007 SE Ethnographic methods - SE Methods for Doctoral Candidates
- 240516 SE Anthropology of the state (P4)
- 400002 FK Kinship and State - Colloquium for Doctoral Candidates
- 070327 SE SE Forschungszugänge, Methoden und Techniken
- 240058 SE Bachelor Seminar: Empiric Data Collecting and Analysis
- 240518 SE Anthropology of Childhood and Parenthood (P4)
- 400011 FK Colloquium for Doctoral Candidates - Kindheit und Elternschaft: Sozialwissenschaftliche Perspektiven
- 240009 VO Introduction in forms of social organization
- 240028 PS Qualitative Research Methods
- 240083 SE Anthropology of the state (P4)
- 400005 SE SE Methods for Doctoral Candidates - Ethnographic Methods
- 240185 SE Anthropology of Childhood and Parenthood (P4)
- 240197 AL Anthro Lab (P6)
- 400007 SE SE Theory for Doctoral Candidates - State formations, images and practices: Interdisciplinary approaches
- 240009 VO Introduction in forms of social organization
- 240028 PS Qualitative Research Methods
- 240090 SE Ethnography of the State (P4)
- 400004 SE SE Methods for Doctoral Candidates - Ethnographic network analysis
- 240179 SE Bachelor Seminar: Empiric Data Collecting and Analysis
- 240187 SE Social network analysis as relational theory in Anthropology (P1)
- 400001 SE SE Methods for Doctoral Candidates - Ethnographic Research Design
- 240208 SE Siblingship - a neglected category within the Anthropology of kinship (P4)
- 240209 SE Care: Constriction, reproduction and dissolvement of meaningful relations (P4)
- 400002 SE SE Methods for Doctoral Candidates - Ethnographic Interviews
- 210077 UE M2: Methods of Political Science
- 240047 VS Anthropology of the state (3.3.1)
- 240080 SE Ethnography of postsocialist Europe (P3)
- 400002 SE Ethnographic Methods
- 210110 UE M2: Methods of Political Science
- 240227 SE Social security and care
Last modified: We 29.01.2025 05:00