Univ.-Prof. Dr. Hans Bernhard Schmid
- Mail: hans.bernhard.schmid@univie.ac.at
- Phone: +43-1-4277-46488
Business Card: vCard
Research Profile: u:cris
Office Hours: Upon appointment through Kristina Bogdan (kristina.bogdan@univie.ac.at) usually on Friday, 4-5PM
Teaching (iCal)
- 180002 VO M-01.b STEOP: Introduction to Practical Philosophy
- 180135 SE Interdisciplinary Research Seminar in Philosophy and Economics
- 430002 SE Seminar for Doctoral Candidates
- 180132 SE Philosophy of Sexuality
- 180148 SE Practical Rationality
- 180236 SE-MA Seminar for master's candidates
- 180039 SE Practical Rationality
- 180151 VO M-01.b STEOP: Introduction to Practical Philosophy
- 430005 SE Seminar for Doctoral Candidates
- 180128 SE Collective Intentionality
- 180202 SE-MA Seminar for master's candidates
- 180042 PS Plato, Politeia
- 180113 SE Practical Rationality
- 180122 SE-MA Seminar for Master Candidates
- 970021 KU univie: Vienna Doctoral Summer School in Philosphy - Models and Methods: A Summer School on the Philosophy of Science and Mathematics
- 180113 SE Topics of recent social ontology
- 180163 SE Alter Ego
- 180170 SE Neoliberalism
- 180005 VO M-01.b STEOP: Introduction to Practical philosophy
- 180114 SE-MA Seminar for Master Candidates
- 180138 SE Interdisciplinary Research Seminar in Philosophy and Economics
- 970021 KU univie: summer school Resistance
- 180094 SE Collective Responsibility
- 180205 PS Platon Politeia
- 430004 SE PhD colloquium
- 180009 VO M-01.b STEOP: Introduction to Practical philosophy
- 180100 SE Practical Rationality
- 180155 SE Theories of Philosophical Practice
- 430007 SE Seminar for Doctoral Candidates
- 180019 PS David Hume's Moral Philosophy
- 180118 SE Cultural Evolution
- 180119 SE Nationalism
- 430015 SE Seminar for Doctoral Candidates
- 180005 VO M-01.b STEOP: Introduction to Practical philosophy
- 180065 SE Plato, Politeia
- 180104 SE Consent
- 430006 SE Seminar for Doctoral Candidates
- 180044 VO Practical Rationality
- 180047 SE Social Ontology
- 180061 SE Social Justice, Discrimination and Affirmative Action
- 430010 SE Seminar for Doctoral Candidates
- 180006 VO M-01.b STEOP: Introduction to Practical philosophy
- 180080 PS Platon: Politeia
- 180114 SE Philosophy of Economics
- 180116 PS John Locke - Two Treatises of Government
- 180023 SE Construction of social reality
- 180029 VO-L Practical Rationality
- 180082 SE The First Person - Singular and Plural
- 430004 SE Seminar for Doctoral Candidates
- 040250 SE Philosophy of Economics (MA)
- 180003 EV-L STEOP: Practical Philosophy
- 180029 SE Robert Nozick: Anarchy, State, and Utopia
- 180087 VO-L Philosophical Perspectives | Escape, asylum, human rights
- 180174 SE The Ethics of Immigration
- 180048 SE D. Ethics/ Applied Ethics, Political Philosophy, Social Philosophy
- 180049 SE Jean-Jacques Rousseau's Political Philosophy
- 180076 EV-L STEOP: Practical Philosophy
- 180086 VO MEi:CogSci Cognitive Science Lecture Series
- 180175 PS Moral dilemmas and dirty hands
- 430011 SE Doctoral Research Seminar
- 040155 SE Philosophy of Experimental Economics (MA)
- 180064 SE Collective Emotions
- 180078 EV-L STEOP: Practical Philosophy
- 180170 SE Aristotle, Politics
- 430007 SE PhD- and MA-Colloquim
- 180055 VO-L Practical Rationality
- 180069 PS Thomas Hobbes: Leviathan
- 180080 SE Rationality
- 180086 VO MEi:CogSci Cognitive Science Lecture Series
- 180002 EV-L STEOP: Practical Philosophy
- 180068 PS Platon, Politeia
- 180142 FS Cooperation in Humans and Other Animals
- 180168 VO-L Philosophy Lectures - Epistemology, Philosophy of Science, Social Ontology
- 430014 SE Colloquium
- 180035 PS Aristoteles, Nicomachean Ethics
- 180040 VO-L Plato´s "Politeia" - An introduction to Political Philosophy
- 180060 SE M3 as metaphysics / ontology, phenomenology, philosophy of mind
- 180063 SE Philosophical Moral Psychology
- 180076 VO MEi:CogSci Cognitive Science Lecture Series
- 180175 VO-L Philosophy Lectures - Epistemology, Philosophy of Science, Social Ontology
- 180094 SE Phenomenology of the intersubjectivity and of culture
- 180141 VO-L practical rationality
- 180142 EV-L STEOP: Practical Philosophy
- 180146 VO-L Lectures on Philosophy of Science
- 430007 SE Masters and Doctoral Students - Prospects and problems of social philosophy
- 180137 SE Collective Intentionality
- 180164 SE Augustine, Confessions
- 180165 VO-L Doing Evil
- 180166 PS Moral Dilemmas and Dirty Hands
- 180181 VO-L Doing Evil
- 180076 EV-L STEOP: Practical Philosophy
- 180096 VO-L Lecture on Philosophy of Science
- 180105 SE Machiavelli and Machiavellism
- 180119 SE Problems and Perspectives in Social Philosophy
- 180148 SE Group Agency
- 180061 SE Platos Politeia
- 180062 VO-L Practical rationality
- 180078 SE John R. Searle`s social ontology
- 430008 SE DissertantInnen Seminar
Last modified: We 29.01.2025 05:00