Dr. Carolin Krahn
Currently not an active member of staff
Office Hours: by appointment via e-mail
Teaching (iCal)
- 160014 SE Grazie, prego, scusi … amore! Stereotypes in Italo Pop since 1945
- 160015 UE What Does "Music" Mean?
- 160008 VO Music in Rome during the early 20th century
- 160009 PR Music appreciation: formats, strategies and challenges
- 160013 SE Modernità e tradizione: Music in Italy during the 1920ies
- 160014 MA Research Seminar for Master Candidates
- 160014 PS Religious 'opere serie'? Joseph Haydn's Spiritual Oratorios
- 160015 UE Current Musicology
- 160006 MA Research Seminar for Master Candidates
- 160010 SE Musicologies around the world
- 160029 PS Critics, Literati, Connoisseurs. Music Authors in the 19th Century
- 160059 UE The Manufacture of Music History: How 19th-century Vienna Became a Metropolis of Austro-German Music - Wie Wien im "langen 19. Jahrhundert" zu einer dt.-österr. Musikhauptstadt wurde
Last modified: Su 03.09.2023 00:02