Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Ute Smit
- Mail: ute.smit@univie.ac.at
- Phone: +43-1-4277-42432
Business Card: vCard
Research Profile: u:cris
Office Hours:
Next Office Hours (onsite or online):
Winter Semester 2024: usually once a week, for the actual days & times see the termino-link below)If you want to see me in one of my office hours, please sign up for a slot here (tick 2-3 slots f it concerns your master project that I supervise): https://www.termino.gv.at/meet/en/p/fa11c1c4b5e39cba05895971dd911dc1-198407Office hours will take place on-site or online (indicate your choice when signing up):
Meeting ID: 631 6236 8003; Passcode: 315923
Next Office Hours (onsite or online):
Winter Semester 2024: usually once a week, for the actual days & times see the termino-link below)If you want to see me in one of my office hours, please sign up for a slot here (tick 2-3 slots f it concerns your master project that I supervise): https://www.termino.gv.at/meet/en/p/fa11c1c4b5e39cba05895971dd911dc1-198407Office hours will take place on-site or online (indicate your choice when signing up):
Meeting ID: 631 6236 8003; Passcode: 315923
Out of office: Oct. 9-11, 21-23; Nov. 14-16, 27-29
Out of office and offline: Oct. 31, Dec. 27+30 (and on all weekends & Austrian public holidays)
Out of office and offline: Oct. 31, Dec. 27+30 (and on all weekends & Austrian public holidays)
Deputy Head - Research Platform Mediatised Lifeworlds: Young people's narrative constructions, connections and appropriations
Teaching (iCal)
- 122250 AR MA+MEd Advanced Course in Linguistics - Focus: Applied
- 124641 VO BEd 04.1: Language in a Social Context
- 126231 VK MEd 01A/B: VK Specific Issues in Language Learning and Teaching - CLIL
- 128162 SE SE Thesis Seminar (MA M06)
- 420004 SE Researching Learning
- 122010 VO STEOP: Introduction to the Study of Language 1
- 124090 VK BEd 09.2: VK Linguistics and Language Education
- 128301 AR Research methods in linguistics
- 120014 SE MEd 05: SE Thesis Seminar - Linguistics
- 120226 SE MA Seminar - Focus: Applied Linguistics / Linguistics Seminar
- 124641 VO BEd 04.1: Language in a Social Context
- 420010 SE Researching discourse(s) as a way of doing applied linguistics
- 122010 VO STEOP: Introduction to the Study of Language 1
- 122042 PS Proseminar Linguistics 1 (BA) - Phonetics and Phonology
- 128141 FS FS Research Seminar I / II - Narrative inquiry and English-medium higher education
- 128301 AR Research methods in linguistics
- 120014 SE MEd 05: SE Thesis Seminar - Linguistics
- 122251 AR MA+MEd Advanced Course in Linguistics - Focus: Applied
- 124094 VK BEd 09.2: VK Linguistics and Language Education - Classroom discourse
- 124641 VO BEd 04.1: Language in a Social Context
- 420010 SE Researching language in education: conceptual and methdological considerations
- 120225 SE MA Seminar - Focus: Applied Linguistics / Linguistics Seminar - Academic writing, literacy and ELF
- 122047 PS Proseminar Linguistics 2 (BA) - Multilingual language use
- 128162 SE SE Thesis Seminar (MA M06)
- 120014 SE MEd 05: SE Thesis Seminar - Linguistics
- 122010 VO STEOP: Introduction to the Study of Language 1
- 122221 SE Linguistics Seminar / BA Paper - Digital story-telling in E(LF)
- 122251 AR Advanced Course in Linguistics - Applied Linguistic: English-medium education: language policies & practices in higher education
- 128301 AR Research methods in linguistics
- 124094 VK BEd 09.2: VK Linguistics for Language Teachers - Approaching ESP Texts
- 124095 VK BEd 09.2: VK Linguistics for Language Teachers - Approaching ESP Texts
- 124641 VO BEd 04.1: Language in a Social Context
- 420004 SE Current Trends in Educational Linguistics
- 120014 SE MEd 05: SE Thesis Seminar - Linguistics
- 122010 VO STEOP: Introduction to the Study of Language 1
- 124094 VK BEd 09.2: VK Linguistics for Language Teachers - Classroom Discourse
- 128141 FS FS Research Seminar I - Moving beyond school walls. Investigating everyday English use in the lives of different target groups
- 128301 AR Research methods in linguistics
- 120005 SE MEd 03: SE Applied Research Seminar
- 124094 VK BEd 09.2: VK Linguistics for Language Teachers - Classroom discourse
- 124641 VO BEd 04.1: Language in a Social Context
- 122010 VO STEOP: Introduction to the Study of Language 1
- 122047 PS Proseminar Linguistics 2 - Code choice, codeswitching, translanguaging
- 122049 PS Proseminar Linguistics 2 - Code choice, codeswitching, translanguaging
- 128162 SE SE Thesis Seminar (MA M06)
- 120004 SE MEd 03: SE Applied Research Seminar
- 122010 VO STEOP: Introduction to the Study of Language 1
- 122220 SE Linguistics Seminar / BA Paper - English in the international university: policies and online practices
- 128301 AR Research methods in linguistics
- 122010 VO STEOP: Introduction to the Study of Language 1
- 124093 VK BEd 09.2: VK Linguistics for Language Teachers - Approaching ESP Texts
- 420009 SE Language in the Classroom: Research Approaches to Educational Linguistics
- 120228 SE MA Seminar - Focus: Applied Linguistics / Linguistics Seminar - Digital storytelling in E(LF)
- 122224 SE Linguistics Seminar / BA Paper - Digital storytelling in E(LF)
- 122224 SE Linguistics Seminar / BA Paper - Classroom discourse
- 124092 VK BEd 09.2: VK Linguistics for Language Teachers - Approaching ESP Texts
- 128301 AR Research methods in linguistics
- 420013 SE Applied linguistics: questions, answers, evidence
- 120228 SE Linguistics Seminar / MA applied linguistics & TEFL - English in tertiary education in the 21st century: policies and online practices
- 128141 FS FS Research Seminar I
- 128162 SE SE Thesis Seminar
- 128301 AR Research methods in linguistics
- 128600 SE Research Forum & Thesis Proposal / MA Seminar M06
- 122010 VO STEOP: Introduction to the Study of Language 1
- 122251 AR Linguistics Course (Advanced 1-5) - Appl. & TEFL - Approaching ESP Texts
- 128141 FS FS Research Seminar I - English in Austria: adapting sociolinguistic research designs to a new context
- 128162 SE SE Thesis Seminar
- 128600 SE Research Forum & Thesis Proposal / MA Seminar M06 / Thesis Seminar
- 122010 VO STEOP: Introduction to the Study of Language 1
- 122228 SE Linguistics Seminar / MA applied linguistics & TEFL - Using E (LF) online
- 128301 AR Research methods in linguistics
- 122228 SE Linguistics Seminar / MA applied linguistics & TEFL - Classroom Discourse
- 124641 VO BEd 04.1: Language in a Social Context
- 128301 AR Research methods in linguistics
- 420004 DS Selected theories and methods in applied linguistics
- 122229 SE Linguistics Seminar / MA applied linguistics & TEFL - Language Policy from a (Critical) Discourse Perspective
- 122251 AR Linguistics Course (Advanced 1-5) - Appl. & TEFL - Approaching ESP Texts
- 124641 VO BEd 04.1: Language in a Social Context
- 128301 AR Research methods in linguistics
- 128600 SE Research Forum & Thesis Proposal / MA Seminar M06
- 120411 VO STEOP (A046): BEd 1.1 Introduction to English Linguistics
- 122222 SE Linguistics Seminar / BA Paper - Classroom discourse
- 122223 SE Linguistics Seminar / BA Paper - Classroom discourse
- 129005 AR Research methods in linguistics
- 122222 SE Linguistics Seminar / BA Paper - English in tertiary education in the 21st century: policies, beliefs, practices
- 122231 AR Linguistics Course (interactive) - Content and Language Integrated Learning
- 122232 AR Linguistics Course (interactive) - Content and Language Integrated Learning
- 129005 AR Research methods in linguistics
- 420009 SE PhD-Seminar in Applied Linguistics
- 122224 SE Linguistics Seminar / BA-Paper / MA historical & descriptive linguistics / MA applied linguistics - Language and Identity in British Asian Film from a linguistic perspective
- 122233 AR Linguistics Course (interactive) - Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL)
- 122251 AR Linguistics Course (Advanced 1-5) - Appl. & TEFL - Approaching ESP Texts
- 128126 SE M.A. Seminar (Linguistics)
- 129005 AR Research methods in linguistics
- 122010 VO STEOP: Introduction to the Study of Language 1
- 122221 SE Linguistics Seminar / BA Paper / MA applied linguistics - English in everyday life in Austria: sociolinguistic perspectives
- 122822 SE Special Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Students = M.A. Seminar (Linguistics)
- 122823 SE Linguistics Seminar for Doctoral Students
- 129005 AR Research methods in linguistics
- 122010 VO STEOP: Introduction to the Study of Language 1
- 122223 SE Linguistics Seminar = Seminar 1/2 MA (Applied Linguistics & TEFL) - English in tertiary education in the 21st century: policies, beliefs, practices
- 122251 AR Linguistics Course (Advanced 1-5) - Appl. & TEFL - Approaching ESP Texts
- 122822 SE Special Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Students = M.A. Seminar (Linguistics)
- 122824 SE Linguistics Seminar for Doctoral Students
- 129005 AR Research methods in linguistics
- 122010 VO STEOP: Introduction to the Study of Language 1
- 122822 SE Special Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Students = M.A. Seminar (Linguistics)
- 122823 SE Linguistics Seminar for Doctoral Students
- 129005 AR Research methods in linguistics
- 120011 AR MA Adv. Course Ling. 1-5 (Adv. / Appl. & TEFL) = Adv. Course in English Ling. (225) - Approaching ESP Texts
- 120038 VO Introduction to the Study of Language 2
- 120075 SE Special Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Students = M.A. Seminar (Linguistics)
- 120037 AR Research Methodology (MA / Literature) = freies Wahlfach
- 120048 AR Research methods in linguistics
- 120051 SE Linguistics Seminar / BA-Seminar/BA-Arbeit / MA-Seminar applied linguistics & TEFL - World Englishes
- 120093 SE Special Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Students = M.A. Seminar (Linguistics)
- 120125 VO Introduction to the Study of Language 2
- 120048 AR Research methods in linguistics
- 120049 AR MA Adv. Course Ling. 1-5 (Adv. / Appl. & TEFL) = Adv. Course in English Ling. (225) - Approaching ESP Texts
- 120051 SE Linguistics Seminar (222) = Seminar Linguistik/BA Thesis / MA applied linguistics - English in everyday life in Austria: sociolinguistic perspectives
- 120075 SE Special Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Students = M.A. Seminar (Linguistics)
- 120125 VO Introduction to the Study of Language 2
- 120026 SE DiplomandInnenseminar = MA Research Forum & Thesis Proposal
- 120080 SE Linguistics Seminar (222) = Seminar 1/2 MA (Applied Linguistics & TEFL) - Classroom talk in English as a lingua franca (ELF)
- 120125 VO Introduction to the Study of Language 2
- 120129 VO Introduction to the Study of Language 1
- 120117 AR Advanced course in English linguistics (applied): Approaching ESP Texts
- 120129 VO Introduction to the Study of Language 1
- 120169 AR Begleitübung für BetreuungslehrerInnen
- 120113 VO Introduction to the Study of Language 1
- 120132 AR Interdisc. Course: Approaching ESP Texts
- 120091 VK Language Analysis 102
- 120129 VO Introduction to the Study of Language I
- 120135 PS English Linguistics: Introductory Seminar - The mental lexicon
- 120047 UE Language Analysis 102 - Language Analysis 102
- 120052 UE Language Analysis 102 - Language Analysis 102
- 120113 VO Introduction to the Study of Language I - Introduction to the Study of Language I
- 120132 AR Interdiscipl. course: Approaching ESP Texts - Interdisciplinary Course: Approaching ESP Texts
- 120113 AR Approaching ESP Texts - Approaching ESP Texts
- 120129 VO Introduction to the Study of Language I - Introduction to the Study of Language I
- 713121 VO Introduction to the Study of Language I - Introduction to the Study of Language I 201
- 728603 VO Approaching ESP Texts - Interdisziplinäre Lehrveranstaltung 501: Approaching ESP Texts
- 763916 VO Introduction to the Study of Language I - Introduction to the Study of Language I 201
- 713030 AR Approaching ESP Texts - Interdisziplinäre Lehrveranstaltung: Approaching ESP Texts 501
- 713121 VO Introduction to the Study of Language I - Introduction to the Study of Language I 201
- 713176 VO Introduction to the Study of Language I - Introduction to the Study of Language I 201
- 763916 VO Introduction to the Study of Language I - Introduction to the Study of Language I 201
- 713099 UE Linguistisches Proseminar - Linguistisches Proseminar (Aufnahme nach Uni.StG § 7Abs.8)
- 713812 UE Linguistisches Proseminar - Linguistisches Proseminar (Aufnahme nach § 7 Abs. 8 UniStG.)
- 713099 UE Linguistisches Proseminar - Linguistisches Proseminar (Aufnahme nach Uni.StG § 7Abs.8)
- 713241 UE Linguistisches Proseminar - Linguistisches Proseminar (Aufnahme nach § 7 Abs. 8 UniStG.)
- 713122 UE Linguistisches Proseminar - Linguistisches Proseminar (Aufnahme nach § 10 Abs. 4 AHStG.)
- 713263 UE Linguistisches Proseminar - Linguistisches Proseminar (Aufnahme nach § 10 Abs. 4 AHStG.)
- 791515 UE Linguistisches Proseminar - Linguistisches Proseminar (Aufnahme nach § 10 Abs. 4 AHStG.)
- 713122 UE Linguistisches Proseminar - Linguistisches Proseminar (Aufnahme nach § 10 Abs. 4 AHStG.)
- 713263 UE Linguistisches Proseminar - Linguistisches Proseminar (Aufnahme nach § 10 Abs. 4 AHStG.)
- 713184 UE Englische Sprachübungen I - Englische Sprachübungen I
- 713801 UE Linguistisches Proseminar - Linguistisches Proseminar (Aufnahme nach § 10 Abs. 4 AHStG.; beschr. Teilnehmerzahl)
- 713122 UE Linguistisches Proseminar - Linguistisches Proseminar (Aufnahme nach § 10 Abs. 4 AHStG.; beschr. Teilnehmerzahl)
- 713263 UE Linguistisches Proseminar - Linguistisches Proseminar (Aufnahme nach § 10 Abs. 4 AHStG.; beschr. Teilnehmerzahl)
- 713015 UE Linguistisches Proseminar - Linguistisches Proseminar
- 791515 UE Linguistisches Proseminar - Linguistisches Proseminar (Aufnahme nach § 10 Abs. 4 AHStG.; beschränkte Teilnehmerzahl)
- 713122 UE Linguistisches Proseminar - Linguistisches Proseminar (Aufnahme nach § 10 Abs. 4 AHStG.; beschr. Teilnehmerzahl)
Last modified: Th 16.01.2025 13:20