Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Christiane Dalton-Puffer
- Mail: christiane.dalton-puffer@univie.ac.at
- Phone: +43-1-4277-42443
Business Card: vCard
Research Profile: u:cris
Office Hours: Thursdays 15:00-16:45 (during term-time)
other weekdays during vacationDuring weeks where I am unavailable on the designated day, online office hour by appointment (send me an e-mail).Out of office: September 19-20, 26-27, Oct 10-11
other weekdays during vacationDuring weeks where I am unavailable on the designated day, online office hour by appointment (send me an e-mail).Out of office: September 19-20, 26-27, Oct 10-11
https://www.termino.gv.at/meet/p/c0dc6014326dd7873c7d9c8072b4d3f5-196594Office hours are held on-site by default. If you want to talk online, please send me an e-mail ahead of time. On the day, use the Zoom-link below:https://univienna.zoom.us/j/93875197461?pwd=SExubklubkg3TE9Rc1drbWFKdUlSZz09
https://www.termino.gv.at/meet/p/c0dc6014326dd7873c7d9c8072b4d3f5-196594Office hours are held on-site by default. If you want to talk online, please send me an e-mail ahead of time. On the day, use the Zoom-link below:https://univienna.zoom.us/j/93875197461?pwd=SExubklubkg3TE9Rc1drbWFKdUlSZz09
Teaching (iCal)
- 120003 SE MEd 03: SE Applied Research Seminar - Classroom based research in L2 teaching and learning
- 120014 SE MEd 05: SE Thesis Seminar - Linguistics
- 120015 SE MEd 05: SE Thesis Seminar - Didactics
- 124090 VK BEd 09.2: VK Linguistics and Language Education - Perspectives on Learner Language
- 420004 SE Researching Learning
- 120003 SE MEd 03: SE Applied Research Seminar - Classroom based research in L2 teaching and learning
- 120014 SE MEd 05: SE Thesis Seminar - Linguistics
- 120411 VO STEOP (A046): BEd 1.1 Introduction to English Linguistics
- 124641 VO BEd 04.1: Language in a Social Context
- 128301 AR Research methods in linguistics
- 120003 SE MEd 03: SE Applied Research Seminar - Classroom based research in L2 teaching and learning
- 122051 PS PS Linguistics (BEd) - Lexicogrammar
- 126010 FK BEd 05.1: ELT Foundations 1
- 129002 AR Phonetic Transcription
- 120001 SE MEd 03: SE Applied Research Seminar - Classroom based research in L2 teaching and learning
- 120002 SE MEd 03: SE Applied Research Seminar - Classroom based research in L2 teaching and learning
- 120004 SE MEd 03: SE Applied Research Seminar - Classroom based research in L2 teaching and learning
- 120014 SE MEd 05: SE Thesis Seminar - Linguistics
- 120411 VO STEOP (A046): BEd 1.1 Introduction to English Linguistics
- 124641 VO BEd 04.1: Language in a Social Context
- 128301 AR Research methods in linguistics
- 120002 SE MEd 03: SE Applied Research Seminar - Investigating Learner Language
- 120010 OV Orientation Meeting Anglistik BA
- 120014 SE MEd 05: SE Thesis Seminar - Linguistics
- 120015 OV Orientation Meeting Anglistik BEd
- 120411 VO STEOP (A046): BEd 1.1 Introduction to English Linguistics
- 122010 VO STEOP: Introduction to the Study of Language 1
- 128301 AR Research methods in linguistics
- 120002 SE MEd 03: SE Applied Research Seminar - Investigating Learner Language
- 120003 SE MEd 03: SE Applied Research Seminar - Investigating Learner Language
- 120021 OV Orientation Meeting Anglistik BEd / BA
- 120024 OV Orientierungsveranstaltung Anglistik MA Literature & Linguistics - Orientation & Welcome Session
- 120002 SE MEd 03: SE Applied Research Seminar - Investigating learner language
- 120021 OV Orientation Meeting Anglistik BEd
- 120024 OV Orientation Meeting Anglistik MA Literature & Linguistics - Orientation & Welcome Session
- 120411 VO STEOP (A046): BEd 1.1 Introduction to English Linguistics
- 128301 AR Research methods in linguistics
- 120021 OV Orientation Meeting Anglistik BEd
- 120024 OV Orientation Meeting Anglistik MA Literature & Linguistics - Orientation & Welcome Session
- 122020 VO Introduction to the Study of Language 2
- 124096 VK BEd 09.2: VK Linguistics for Language Teachers - Systemic Functional Linguistics and Language Education
- 420004 SE Current Trends in Educational Linguistics
- 120012 VO Approaching English Linguistics
- 120021 OV Orientierungsveranstaltung Anglistik BEd
- 120022 OV Orientierungsveranstaltung Anglistik BA
- 120024 OV Orientierungsveranstaltung Anglistik MA Literature & Linguistics - Orientation & Welcome Session
- 124090 VK BEd 09.2: VK Linguistics for Language Teachers - Systemic Functional Linguistics and Language Education
- 120004 SE MEd 03: SE Applied Research Seminar
- 124090 VK BEd 09.2: VK Linguistics for Language Teachers - Systemic Functional Linguistics and Language Education
- 124092 VK BEd 09.2: VK Linguistics for Language Teachers - Systemic Functional Linguistics and Language Education
- 120004 SE MEd 03: SE Applied Research Seminar
- 120005 OV Orientierungsveranstaltung Anglistik BA
- 120010 OV Orientierungsveranstaltung Anglistik BEd
- 124092 VK BEd 09.2: VK Linguistics for Language Teachers - Systemic Functional Linguistics and Language Education
- 124641 VO BEd 04.1: Language in a Social Context
- 128141 FS FS Research Seminar I - Subject literacies in English: students’ and teachers’ language use in Content-and-Language Integrated Learning
- 128301 AR Research methods in linguistics
- 120010 OV Orientierungsveranstaltung BEd
- 120014 OV Orientierungsveranstaltung BA
- 124091 VK BEd 09.2: VK Linguistics for Language Teachers - Systemic Functional Linguistics and Language Education
- 124092 VK BEd 09.2: VK Linguistics for Language Teachers - Systemic Functional Linguistics and Language Education
- 128123 AR Structural Analysis
- 124092 VK BEd 09.2: VK Linguistics for Language Teachers - Learner Language
- 128301 AR Research methods in linguistics
- 124092 VK BEd 09.2: VK Linguistics for Language Teachers - Learner Language
- 124641 VO BEd 04.1: Language in a Social Context
- 128301 AR Research methods in linguistics
- 120411 VO STEOP (A046): BEd 1.1 Introduction to English Linguistics
- 122223 SE Linguistics Seminar / BA Paper - The Lexicon - description, use and acquisition
- 122225 SE Linguistics Seminar / BA Paper - The Lexicon - description, use and acquisition
- 420013 SE Applied linguistics: questions, answers, evidence
- 120410 VO STEOP (A046): BEd 1.1 Introduction to English Linguistics
- 122020 VO Introduction to the Study of Language 2
- 122225 SE Linguistics Seminar / BA Paper - The Lexicon - description, use and acquisition
- 128301 AR Research methods in linguistics
- 129004 KO Thesis Supervision
- 420004 SE Research perspectives on English (applied) linguistics
- 122224 SE Linguistics Seminar / BA Paper - Learner Language
- 128543 SE PhD Seminar - Research Perspectives on English (applied) linguistics
- 122224 SE Linguistics Seminar / BA Paper - Learner Language
- 128301 AR Research methods in linguistics
- 420004 DS Selected theories and methods in applied linguistics
- 122224 SE Linguistics Seminar / BA Paper - Intercultural Communication
- 122228 SE Linguistics Seminar - Educational Linguistics
- 124641 VO BEd 04.1: Language in a Social Context
- 126222 UE Literature and Culture in the EFL Classroom - Intercultural Pragmatics and Language Teaching
- 128301 AR Research methods in linguistics
- 128600 SE Research Forum & Thesis Proposal / MA Seminar M06
- 122010 VO STEOP: Introduction to the Study of Language 1
- 122224 SE Linguistics Seminar / BA Paper - Educational Linguistics
- 122223 SE Linguistics Seminar / BA Paper - A discourse approach to instructed language learning
- 122224 SE Linguistics Seminar / BA Paper - A discourse approach to instructed language learning
- 129005 AR Research methods in linguistics
- 420009 SE PhD-Seminar in Applied Linguistics
- 122040 PS Proseminar Linguistics 1
- 122221 SE Linguistics Seminar / BA Paper / MA applied linguistics & TEFL - Educational Linguistics
- 129005 AR Research methods in linguistics
- 122010 VO STEOP: Introduction to the Study of Language 1
- 122221 SE Linguistics Seminar / BA Paper / MA applied linguistics & TEFL - Issues in English language education (BA06.2, M05)
- 122224 SE Linguistics Seminar / BA-Paper / MA historical & descriptive linguistics / MA applied linguistics - Educational linguistics (BA06.2, M04, M05)
- 122020 VO Introduction to the Study of Language 2
- 122210 VO Communication, Code and Culture
- 122222 SE Linguistics Seminar / BA Paper / MA applied linguistics - Linguistic Approaches to Learner Language
- 122822 SE Special Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Students = M.A. Seminar (Linguistics)
- 122824 SE Linguistics Seminar for Doctoral Students
- 129005 AR Research methods in linguistics
- 122020 VO Introduction to the Study of Language 2
- 122210 VO Communication, Code and Culture
- 122251 AR Linguistics Course (Advanced 1-5) - Appl. & TEFL - Learner Language
- 122822 SE Special Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Students = M.A. Seminar (Linguistics)
- 122823 SE Linguistics Seminar for Doctoral Students
- 129005 AR Research methods in linguistics
- 120075 SE Special Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Students = M.A. Seminar (Linguistics)
- 120105 VO Introduction to the Study of Language 1
- 120120 SE Linguistics Seminar / BA-Arbeit / MA applied linguistics - Intercultural Communication
- 120026 UE Topic Related Course (Didactics of English) - Principle and practice of Content and language integrated learning (CLIL)
- 120038 VO Introduction to the Study of Language 1
- 120048 AR Research methods in linguistics
- 120075 SE Special Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Students = M.A. Seminar (Linguistics)
- 120080 SE Linguistics Seminar = Seminar 1/2 MA (Applied Linguistics & TEFL) - The lexicon - description, use and acquisition
- 120048 AR Research methods in linguistics
- 120075 SE Special Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Students = M.A. Seminar (Linguistics)
- 120125 VO Introduction to the Study of Language 2
- 120023 AR Linguistics course (interactive) 223/224 - Principles of CLIL - Content and Language Integrated Learning
- 120029 SE DiplomandInnenseminar = Research Forum & MA-Seminar
- 120080 SE Linguistics Seminar (222) = Seminar 1/2 MA (Applied Linguistics & TEFL) - Learner Language
- 120129 VO Introduction to the Study of Language 1
- 120013 SE Research Forum & Thesis Proposal (Linguistics) - Special Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Students
- 120023 AR Linguistics course (interactive) 223/224: Principles of CLIL - Content and Language Integrated Learning
- 120125 VO Introduction to the Study of Language 2
- 120169 AR Begleitübung für BetreuungslehrerInnen
- 120079 VO Introduction to the Study of Language 2
- 120173 SE Special Seminar for Diploma and Doctoral Students
- 120013 SE Special seminar for diploma and doctoral students - Linguistics
- 120066 PS Introduction to the history of English
- 120119 SE Linguistic perspectives on CLIL (content and language integrated learning) - Linguistics Seminar
- 120125 PS Introduction to the History of English - Introduction to the History of English
- 120163 SE Linguistics Seminar: Learner Language - Linguistics Seminar: Learner Language
- 120173 SE Special seminar for diploma and doctoral students - Special seminar for diploma and doctoral students
- 120013 SE Special seminar for diploma and doctoral students - Special seminar for diploma and doctoral students
- 120067 SE Ling. seminar: Discourse in foreign lang. edu. - Ling. seminar: Discourse in foreign lang. education
- 120119 SE Ling. Seminar: Discourse in foreign lang edu. - Linguistics Seminar: Discourse in foreign language education
- 120125 VO Introduction to the Study of Language II - Introduction to the Study of Language II
- 120028 PS Introduction to the History of English - Introduction to the History of English
- 120046 SE Special seminar for diploma and doctoral students - Special seminar for diploma and doctoral students
- 120113 VO Introduction to the Study of Language I - Introduction to the Study of Language I
- 120117 AR Ling. Course: Approaches to Learner Language - Linguistics course : Approaches to Learner Language
- 120067 PS Introduction to the history of English - Introduction to the history of English
- 120119 SE Seminar: English as a Medium of Instruction - Seminar: English as a Medium of Instruction
- 120129 VO Introduction to the Study of Language I - Introduction to the Study of Language I
- 713075 PS Introduction to the History of English - Introduction to the History of English
- 713121 VO Introduction to the Study of Language I - Introduction to the Study of Language I
- 763400 PS Introduction to the History of English - Introduction to the History of English
- 713285 PS Introduction to the history of English - Introduction to the history of English 203
- 763916 VO Introduction to the Study of Language I - Introduction to the Study of Language I 201
- 713075 PS Introduction to the History of English - Introduction to the History of English 203
- 763400 PS Introduction to the History of English - Introduction to the History of English 203
- 713097 UE Einführung in die englische Sprachgeschichte - Einführung in die englische Sprachgeschichte (Aufnahme nach Uni.StG § 7 Abs.8)
- 763400 UE Einführung in die englische Sprachgeschichte - Einführung in die englische Sprachgeschichte (Aufnahme nach Uni.StG § 7 Abs.8)
- 713097 UE Einführung in die englische Sprachgeschichte - Einführung in die englische Sprachgeschichte (Aufnahme nach Uni.StG § 7 Abs.8)
- 763400 UE Einführung in die englische Sprachgeschichte - Einführung in die englische Sprachgeschichte (Aufnahme nach Uni.StG § 7 Abs.8)
- 713122 UE Linguistisches Proseminar - Linguistisches Proseminar (Aufnahme nach UniStG § 7 Abs. 8)
- 713002 UE Linguistisches Proseminar - Linguistisches Proseminar: (Aufnahme nach § 7 Abs. 8 UniStG)
- 713241 UE Linguistisches Proseminar - Linguistisches Proseminar: (Aufnahme nach § 7 Abs. 8 UniStG.)
- 713097 UE Einführung in die englische Sprachgeschichte A - Einführung in die englische Sprachgeschichte A (Aufnahme nach § 10 Abs. 4 AHStG.)
- 713285 UE Einführung Englische Sprachgeschichte B - Einführung in die englische Sprachgeschichte B (Aufnahme nach § 10 Abs. 4 AHStG.)
- 713002 UE Einführung in die engl. Sprachgeschichte - Einführung in die englische Sprachgeschichte (Aufnahme nach § 10 Abs. 4 AHStG.)
- 713097 UE Einführung in die englische Sprachgeschichte A - Einführung in die englische Sprachgeschichte A (Aufnahme nach § 10 Abs. 4 AHStG.)
- 713285 UE Einführung Englische Sprachgeschichte B - Einführung in die englische Sprachgeschichte B (Aufnahme nach § 10 Abs. 4 AHStG.)
- 713002 UE Einführung in die engl. Sprachgeschichte - Einführung in die englische Sprachgeschichte (Aufnahme nach § 10 Abs. 4 AHStG.; beschränkte Teilnehmerzahl)
- 713097 UE Linguistisches Proseminar - Linguistisches Proseminar
- 713285 UE Linguistisches Proseminar - Linguistisches Proseminar
- 713241 UE Linguistisches Proseminar - Linguistisches Proseminar
- 713252 UE Linguistisches Proseminar - Linguistisches Proseminar (Aufnahme nach § 10 Abs. 4 AHStG., beschr. Teilnehmerzahl)
- 713097 UE Einf.in die englische Sprachgeschichte A - Einführung in die englische Sprachgeschichte A (Aufnahme nach § 10 Abs. 4 AHStG.; beschränkte Teilnehmerzahl)
- 713285 UE Einf.in d. englische Sprachgeschichte B - Einführung in die englische Sprachgeschichte B (Aufnahme nach § 10 Abs. 4 AHStG.; beschränkte Teilnehmerzahl)
- 713002 UE Einführung in die englische Sprachgeschichte A - Einführung in die englische Sprachgeschichte A (Aufnahme nach § 10 Abs. 4 AHStG.; beschränkte Teilnehmerzahl)
Last modified: We 29.01.2025 05:00
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