Mag. Dr. Monika Bernold, Privatdoz.
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- Phone: +43-1-4277-41237
Business Card: vCard
Research Profile: u:cris
Teaching (iCal)
- 070037 UE Readings in the History of Historiography
- 070191 UE Guided Reading Austrian History 2
- 070015 VO Introductory Lecture - MA Contemporary History and Media
- 070016 UE Reading Course in Contemporary History and Media
- 070053 UE Reading Course in Contemporary History and Media
- 070058 UE Readings in the History of Historiography
- 070143 VO StEOP: Theories and History of Sources and Media
- 170002 VO STEOP: Lecture "Forms of Theatre and Media Staging"
- 170221 PS Introductory Seminar "Narrativity in Theatre, Film and Media" - Protest in the field of vision
- 170235 UE Exercise Course "Staged Spaces" - Decolonising the exhibition space
- 170620 SE MA 1.3. "Discourses and Methods" - Narrating, remembering, inventing lives - Mediations and collections of diasporic experience
- 170002 VO STEOP: Lecture "Forms of Theatre and Media Staging"
- 170126 UE Exercise Course "Media Analysis" - Media events / Media as events
- 170230 PS Introductory Seminar "Theatre and Media Spaces" - Sound and Senses. Cultural and media history of auditive spaces.
- 170510 UE Screenwise 2003/2023. Who Cares?! - Debates in contemporary queer-feminist film and media studies
- 170620 SE MA 1.3. "Discourses and Methods" - Knowledge of the Owls - Anthropocene/Critique
- 170002 VO STEOP: Lecture "Forms of Theatre and Media Staging"
- 170126 UE Exercise Course "Media Analysis"
- 170137 PS Introductory Seminar "Media Theory" - Television/Art
- 170620 SE MA 1.3. "Discourses and Methods" - Eco-Visions
- 170002 VO STEOP: Lecture "Forms of Theatre and Media Staging"
- 170126 UE Exercise Course "Media Analysis" - Dirty Media? Perspectives of sustainable media studies.
- 170137 PS Introductory Seminar "Media Theory" - Transnational Media Events in the 20th and 21st Century
- 170622 SE MA 1.3. "Discourses and Methods" - Memory/Media: Trauma, Resistance, History
- 070048 UE Guided Reading Contemporary History - Green Media? - Media waste and media representations of ecological devastation an environmental protection in the 20th and 21st century
- 070049 UE Reading Historiography
- 070060 UE Reading Course Contemporary History - Memory, Event, Experience
- 070071 UE Reading Course in Contemporary History and Media
- 070073 UE Reading Course in Contemporary History and Media
- 070092 VO StEOP: Theories and History of Sources and Media
- 070081 UE Guided Reading Contemporary History
- 070082 UE Reading Historiography
- 070194 UE Reading Historiography
- 070195 UE Reading Course in Contemporary History and Media
- 070196 UE Methodenkurs Contemporary History and Media
- 070093 UE Reading Historiography - Learning from History? Historiography and Practices of History
- 070111 SE Seminar - Public Screen and Images of Europe. ORF 1979 - 2019 - Öffentlich Rechtliches Fernsehen in Europa und Bilder von Europa im ORF 1979-2019
- 070116 UE Reading Course in Contemporary History and Media - Media and History: Readings
- 070117 UE Reading Course Contemporary History - Media: Memory, Experience, Event
- 070210 SE Seminar - Source studies / source criticism - Cinema / cultures / stories in the 20th and 21st centuries
- 070001 UE Reading Historiography - Doing and writing history
- 070013 UE Research Techniques and Academic Writing
- 070015 SE Seminar - Feminism, Journalism and the media in the 20th and 21st century
- 070001 UE Reading Historiography - Writing and Doing History
- 070002 UE Reading Course: Contemporary History and Media - Media - Critical Reading
- 070004 LK Reading Course: Contemporary History - Media History of the 20th and 21th Century - Contemporary History in a Media Perspective
- 070032 KU Reading Historiography - Historiography and Topicality. ‚New’ Approaches in Historiography and Mediation of History
- 070052 SE Seminar - History of Dance and Body Cultures since 1900
- 070074 LK Reading Course: Contemporary History and Media - Medien machen/sind Zeitgeschichte
- 070032 KU Reading Historiography - Learning from History?
- 070033 PS BA-Proseminar - Bodies/Clothes - Cultures and Economies of Fashion since the 1970s
- 070080 LK Reading course Contemporary History - Media History of the 20th and 21th century
- 070120 LK Reading Course: Contemporary History and Media - Medien machen/sind Zeitgeschichte
- 070021 PS BA-Proseminar - Feminism, Journalism and transformations of media publics
- 070026 KU Reading Historiography - Learning from History?
- 070052 SE Seminar (PM4) - For a better World - NGO´s after 1945. History, Ambivalences, Perspectives
- 070021 KU Reading Historiography - Cultural History Popular History
- 070074 LK Lektürekurs Zeitgeschichte und Medien
- 070075 GR Guided Reading - Media - Transformations-Revolutions
- 220064 SE FOSE - Communication Science Research Seminar
- 070009 KU Reading Historiography - Learning from History?
- 070048 SE Seminar (PM4) - The Tourist Gaze. Visual Cultures of Travelling.
- 220037 UE UE-FEM - Exercise Course on Feminist Communication Research
- 070009 KU Reading Historiography - Klio: Learning from History?
- 070116 SE Seminar (PM4) - 1970ies in Austria - a Television Age.
- 070273 LK Lektürekurs Zeitgeschichte und Medien
- 220064 SE FOSE - Communication Science Research Seminar
- 070008 KU Reading Historiography - Learning from History?
- 070047 GR Guided Reading - Metropolis. Historical analysis and utopias.
- 070063 PS Proseminar - Media Events in the 20th and 21th century
- 220037 UE UE-FEM - Exercise Course on Feminist Communication Research
- 070112 GR Guided Reading - Media Revolutions - Media of Revolution
- 220064 SE FOSE - Communication Science Research Seminar
- 240207 SE SE Theory I - Theories and Methods of Gender Studies
- 070051 KU Reading Historiography - Historiography and Public History
- 070062 SE Seminar (PM4) - Sound History.
- 070205 PS Proseminar - Konsumgeschichte und Geschichte der Konsumkritik
- 220037 UE UE-FEM - Exercise Course on Feminist Communication Research
- 070021 GR Guided Reading - History of consumption in the perspective of gender/media/cultural history
- 070282 KU Reading Historiography - Historiography and Popular History
- 220064 SE FOSE - Communication Science Research Seminar
- 240209 VO Theories and Methodics
- 070008 KU Reading Historiography - Cultures of Historiography
- 220037 UE UE-FEM - Exercise Course on Feminist Communication Research
- 070007 GR Guided Reading - Media Histories (20th, 21st Century)
- 070008 KU Reading Historiography - History's various Bodies
- 220064 SE FOSE - Communication Science Research Seminar
- 240216 VO Theories and Methods of Gender Studies
- 070018 KU Reading Historiography - Rendezvous with Clio
- 220037 UE UE-FEM - Exercise Course on Feminist Communication Research
- 240119 VO+UE M3 - Gender Studies Topics and Themes
- 070220 GR Guided Reading - Transnational Media Events in the 20th an 21st century
- 220039 UE UE-FEM - Exercise Course on Feminist Communication Research
- 070007 KU Transnationale Medien-Ereignisse im 20. und 21. Jahrhundert
- 220037 UE UE-FEM - Exercise Course on Feminist Communication Research
- 070011 KU Reading Historiography
- 240119 VO+UE Mediale Formatierungen des Privaten
- 070522 KU Text and Discourse Analysis - Travelling/Discourses
- 220039 UE UE-FEM - Exercise Course on Feminist Communication Research
- 070447 KU Reading Historiography
- 220037 UE UE-FEM - Exercise Course on Feminist Communication Research
- 070040 KU Zeitgeschichte als Geschichte des 20. und 21. Jahrhunderts
- 220033 UE UE-FEM - Exercise Course on Feminist Communication Research
- 070254 KU Introduction into the historical Cultural Studies - Consuming Elsewhere/s. (Visuelle) Kulturen des modernen Tourismus
- 220037 UE UE-FEM - Exercise Course on Feminist Communication Research
- 070188 KU Visual History - Visual History - Zugänge, Themen, Perspektiven
- 070155 KU Visualisation of Private Affairs
- 220254 UE UE-FEM - Exercise Course on Feminist Communication Research
- 220223 UE UE-FEM
- 170245 VO Ringvorlesung: Film und Kino IV - Ringvorlesung: Film und Kino IV Film / Repräsentation
- 170257 SE Expanded Television - Expanded Television-Formation and Transformation of TV
- 220223 UE UE-FEM - UE-FEM
- 170257 UE Whiteness in der visuellen Kultur - De/Konstruktion von Whiteness in der visuellen Kultur
- 220254 UE UE-FEM - UE-FEM
- 220223 UE UE-FEM - UE-FEM
- 497367 UE UE-FEM - UE-FEM
- 696823 UE UE-FEM - UE-FEM
- 729791 KU Informatik und Medien in der Geschichtswiss. - Informatik und Medien in der Geschichtswissenschaft: Zum Ort der Medien in der Geschichtswissenschaft
- 609431 UE Übung zum Praxisfeld Medienforschung - Übung zum Praxisfeld Medienforschung: Genderforschung
- 728121 SE Differenz im Bild - Differenz im Bild. Fernsehen in der Kontrollgesellschaft. Historische Perspektiven in der Fernsehfahndung.
- 609431 UE Übung zum Praxisfeld Medienforschung - Übung zum Praxisfeld Medienforschung: Genderforschung
- 609431 UE Übung zum Praxisfeld Medienforschung - Übung zum Praxisfeld Medienforschung: Genderforschung
- 700499 AR Die "langen 70er Jahre" - Die "langen 70er Jahre" Historische Rekonstruktionen und popularkulturelle Inszenierungen eines Jahrzehnts
- 609431 UE Übung zum Praxisfeld Medienforschung - Übung zum Praxisfeld Medienforschung: Genderforschung
- 754148 UE Proseminar für Zeitgeschichte - Proseminar für Zeitgeschichte: TeleVisionen. Fernsehen und/als Zeitgeschichte
- 609431 UE Übung zum Praxisfeld Medienforschung - Übung zum Praxisfeld Medienforschung: Genderforschung
- 754148 UE Proseminar für Zeitgeschichte - Proseminar für Zeitgeschichte: "Bad News". Politiken der Nachricht im Fernsehen
- 704680 AR Autobiographie-Photographie-Geschlecht - Autobiographie-Photographie-Geschlecht. Repräsentationen des "privaten" Lebens
- 609431 UE Übung zum Praxisfeld Medienforschung - Übung zum Praxisfeld Medienforschung: Genderforschung
- 754049 AR Fernseh-Sport - Fernseh-Sport. Geschlecht und nationale Identität am Beispiel der Geschichte des Sports im österreichischen Fernsehen
- 609431 UE Übung zum Praxisfeld Medienforschung - Übung zum Praxisfeld Medienforschung: Genderforschung
- 704844 AR TV und Identität - "Der Medienlipizzaner": TV und Identität nach 1955
- 704680 AR "Familien - Bilder" - "Familien-Bilder" - Zur Geschichte der Visualisierung des Privaten
- 609431 UE Übung zum Praxisfeld Medienforschung - Übung zum Praxisfeld Medienforschung: Genderforschung
- 704844 AR Fernsehgeschichte als Geschlechtergeschichte - Fernsehgeschichte als Geschlechtergeschichte. Repräsentation und Rezeption in der feministischen Fernsehforschung
- 704680 AR Topographien der Television I - Topographien der Television I: Historische Perspektiven zur Fernsehkultur
- 704844 AR AR zur Geschichte der technolog. Ausstattung - "Waschmaschine, Telefon, Fernsehapparat" - Zur Geschichte der technologischen Ausstattung des Privaten
- 704680 AR "Television Culture" - "Television Culture". Historische Perspektiven zu den Anfängen des Fernsehens in der 2. Republik
- 704844 AR "Consumerism" in der feminist. Theorie - "Consumerism" in der feministischen Theorie
- 704680 AR Geburt u.Tod in autobiograph. Erinnerungen - Geburt und Tod in autobiographischen Erinnerungen
Last modified: We 29.01.2025 05:00