Mag. Dr. Michael Wininger
Business Card: vCard
Office Hours: Nach Vereinbarung per Mail
Teaching (iCal)
- 190118 VO PaP 2: Psychoanalytical Theories of Development
- 490207 VU Emotional and Social Development: Influencing Factors, Interferences and Facilitators
- 190118 VO PaP 2: Psychoanalytical Theories of Development
- 490207 VU Emotional and Social Development: Influencing Factors, Interferences and Facilitators
- 190118 VO PaP 2: Psychoanalytical Theories of Development
- 490062 VO Emotional and Social Development: Influencing Factors, Interferences and Facilitators
- 190017 VO Module 3: Genesis of the Subject from the Perspective of Psychoanalysis - Subjektentwicklung in Adoleszenz und jungem Erwachsenenalter. Psychoanalytische und psychoanalytisch-pädagogische Perspektiven.
- 190128 PR M16 Science Practicum
- 190019 VO Bm 3 Fields of Educational Practice (PP) - Zur Relevanz psychoanalytischer Entwicklungstheorien für ausgewählte Praxisfelder
- 190151 SE Processes of Development in Counseling and Psychotherapy - Developmental processes in the context of psychoanalytic psychotherapy and counselling.
- 490062 VO Emotional and Social Development: Influencing Factors, Interferences and Facilitators
- 190143 VO Individual and Development - Development in Adolescence and Young Adulthood. Psychoanalytic and educational perspectives.
- 190151 SE Processes of Development in Counseling and Psychotherapy - Development and Counselling in Adolescence.
- 190143 VO Individual and Development - Development in early and middle childhood. Psychoanalytic and educational perspectives.
- 190151 SE Processes of Development in Counseling and Psychotherapy - Developmental processes in the context of psychoanalytic psychotherapy and counselling.
- 190143 VO Individual and Development - Development in Adolescence and Young Adulthood. Psychoanalytic and educational perspectives.
- 490173 SE Theory and practical experience of education and consulting - Psychodynamische Aspekte des Lehrens, Lernens und Beratens in der Schule
- 190143 VO Individual and Development - Development in early and middle childhood. Psychoanalytic and educational perspectives.
- 190151 SE Processes of Development in Counseling and Psychotherapy - Developmental processes in the context of psychoanalytic psychotherapy and counselling.
- 490173 SE Theory and practical experience of education and consulting - Psychodynamische Aspekte des Lehrens, Lernens und Beratens in der Schule
- 190143 VO Individual and Development - Development in Adolescence and Young Adulthood. Psychoanalytic and educational perspectives.
- 190151 SE Processes of Development in Counseling and Psychotherapy - Development and Counselling in Adolescence.
- 190143 VO Individual and Development - Development in early and middle childhood - Psychoanalytic and educational perspectives
- 190151 SE Processes of Development in Counseling and Psychotherapy - Developmental processes in the context of psychoanalytic psychotherapy and counselling.
- 190143 VO Individual and Development - Development in Adolescence and Young Adulthood - Psychoanalytic and educational perspectives
- 190151 SE Processes of Development in Counseling and Psychotherapy - Development and Counselling in Adolescence
- 190143 VO Individual and Development - Development in early and middle childhood - Psychoanalytic and educational perspectives
- 190151 SE Processes of Development in Counseling and Psychotherapy - Developmental processes in the context of psychoanalytic psychotherapy and counselling.
- 190143 VO Individual and Development - Development in Adolescence and Young Adulthood - Psychoanalytic and educational perspectives
- 190151 SE Processes of Development in Counseling and Psychotherapy - Development and Counselling in Adolescence
- 190143 VO Individual and Development - Psychoanalytic perspectives on the development of subjectivity
- 190151 SE Processes of Development in Counseling and Psychotherapy - Developmental processes in the context of psychoanalytic psychotherapy and counselling
- 190267 PS Individual and Development - Adolescence and young adulthood - Challenge and (second) opportunity
- 190298 SE Seminar for Diploma Students
- 190041 SE Bachelor's Paper I - Tutorial
- 190191 VO Principles and Developments in the field of "Psychoanalysis in Education"
- 190192 SE Seminar for Diploma Students
- 190181 VO Concepts and approaches in psychoanalytic education
- 190325 PS Concepts and Constructions of Humans - The idea of man in psychoanalysis: Consequences and challenges for education?
- 190355 SE Research Practicum - Mentalization and reflexive competence
- 190037 SE Fundamental terms and basic concepts of special education in view of their practical consequences
- 190095 PS Approaches of psychological and scenic understanding in the analysis of pedag. interaction processes
- 190012 PS STEP2: Introduction to scientific Methods in Education - with references to psychoanalytic education-experiments
- 190895 PS Categorical Remedial Educational Theory with Special Need - Education and development guidance for children and adolescents with intellectual and/or developmental disorders
- 190895 PS Categorical remedial educational theory with special need - Education and development guidance for children and adolescents with intellectual and/or developmental disorders
- 190914 PS Introduction to scientific Methods in Education - with references to Siegfried Bernfelds writings on psychoanalytic education
- 190976 SE Quality assessment - in preschool childcare
- 190095 SE Research methods of Psychoanalytic in Education - Research designs concering reception to psychoanalysis in education in the first half of 20 th century
- 190470 PS Introduction to scientific Methods in Education - with references to Hans Zellingers writings on psychoanalytic education
- 190778 PS Alfred Adlers idea of man - Alfred Adlers idea of man and its potential consequences for education
- 190779 SE Concepts in psychoanalytic Education - Applied educational concepts against the background of the development of psychoanalytic theories
- 190471 PS 2.3.3 [21d1; FK I/4] Päd.Anthrop.Alfred Adlers - (Reform-)Pädagogische Perspektiven auf das Menschenbild Alfred Adlers
Last modified: Fr 31.01.2025 05:00