Univ.-Prof. Timothy Taylor, BA MA PhD
Currently not an active member of staff
Office Hours: In der Vorlesungszeit: Fr, 12 - 13:00
Teaching (iCal)
- 060030 VO Introduction Theory and Methods
- 060060 SE Holocene to Anthropocene Eurasia
- 060096 SE Thesis Seminar
- 060045 VO Introduction to Archaeological Theory and method
- 060075 VO Advanced Archaeological Theory: key concepts
- 060095 SE Thesis Seminar
- 060052 VO Introduction Theory and Methods
- 060060 PR Training Excavation 1+2
- 060091 SE Thesis Seminar
- 060051 VO Introduction Theory and Methods
- 060072 SE SE Prehistory - Inter- and Transdiscipliniarity in Archaeological Scholarship: case studies
- 060081 VO Inter- and Transdiscipliniarity in Archaeological Scholarship
- 060091 SE Thesis Seminar
- 060020 VO Introduction Theory and Methods
- 060042 PR Practical fieldwork 1+2 - Attergau
- 060059 SE Seminar Theory and Methods of Prehistory and Historical Archaeology - Materiality and material engagement theory
- 060066 SE Personal support tutorials for MA and PhD
- 060051 VO Introduction Theory and Methods
- 060083 SE Introduction to World Prehistory: case studies
- 060090 VO Advances in World Prehistory: thematic overviews
- 060103 SE Thesis Seminar
- 060027 VO Introduction to Archaeological Theory and Method
- 060054 PR Practical fieldwork (4 weeks) - Buchberg am Attersee, 10./17.07.-04./11.08.2017
- 060067 SE The Archaeology of Identity
- 060075 PV Privatissimum
- 060027 VO Introduction to Archaeological Theory and Method
- 060051 PR Training in excavation and fieldwork (4 weeks) - Buchberg am Attersee
- 060069 SE Appreciating prehistoric art
- 060099 PV Privatissimum
- 060107 VO Theory and Philosophy of Cultural and Natural sciences
- 060028 VO Introduction Theory and Methods
- 060076 SE Advanced Archaeological Theory - Advanced Archaeological Theory
- 060079 PV Privatissimum
- 060094 VO Cultural Behaviour
- 060094 PR Practical fieldwork (4 weeks, Attersee/Mondsee region)
- 060098 PV Privatissimum
- 060103 VO Advanced Archaeological Theory
- 060109 VO Introduction Theory and Methods
- 060070 VO Introduction to Archaeological Theory and Method
- 060087 PV Privatissimum
- 060089 VO Places in the Past: Key sites in Eurasian Prehistory
- 060090 VO Events in the Past: Key changes in Eurasian Prehistory
- 060041 PR Practical fieldwork 2 (4 weeks) - (Trockenbodensiedlung)
- 060042 PV Privatissimum
- 060070 VO Introduction to Archaeological Theory and Method
- 060091 SE Appreciating prehistoric art
- 060070 VO Introduction to Archaeological Theory and Method
- 060099 PV Privatissimum
- 060114 SE Prehistory of Eurasia
- 060086 LG LG Practical fieldwork I (4 weeks)
- 060102 SE SE Gender, Death and Identity in Prehistory
- 060108 PV Privatissimum
- 060097 SV Advanced Theoretical Archaeology
- 700219 SV The Emergence of Archaeological Thinking - The Emergence of Archaeological Thinking
- 700223 SE Issues in Archaeological Method and Theory I - Central Issues in Archaeological Method and Theory I
- 700225 UE Issues in Archaeological Method and Theory II - Central Issues in Archaeological Method and Theory II
Last modified: Tu 18.10.2022 18:27