Prof. Dr. Margit Datler
Business Card: vCard
Teaching (iCal)
- 950013 SE B1.2 Work Discussion II
- 251302 SE B1.1 Work Discussion I
- 251302 SE B1.1 Work Discussion I
- 490070 PS Fostering Development
- 490165 PS School and Classroom Teaching Research
- 490181 PS School and Classroom Teaching Research
- 490195 SE Bachelor Papers Seminar
- 490165 PS School and Classroom Teaching Research
- 490195 SE Bachelor Papers Seminar
- 490007 PS Fostering Development
- 490165 PS School and Classroom Teaching Research
- 490195 SE Bachelor Papers Seminar
- 490203 PS School and Classroom Teaching Research
- 251214 SE Lernprozessreflexion V
- 251237 SE Work Discussion
- 490165 PS School and Classroom Teaching Research
- 490203 PS School and Classroom Teaching Research
- 251036 SE Lernprozessreflexion IV
- 490165 PS School and Classroom Teaching Research
- 490202 PS School and Classroom Teaching Research
- 490222 KU Guided Reading
- 490242 UE Guided Reading: Emotional and Social Development
- 251189 SE Lernprozessreflexion III
- 490165 PS School and Classroom Teaching Research
- 490222 KU Guided Reading
- 490242 UE Guided Reading: Emotional and Social Development
- 251340 SE Deskription und Analyse schulischer Situationen II: Die Arbeit mit Praxisprotokollen
- 251341 SE Lernprozessreflexion Il
- 490165 PS School and Classroom Teaching Research
- 490268 PS School and Classroom Teaching Research
- 251306 SE Deskription und Analyse schulischer Situationen I: Die Arbeit mit Beobachtungs- und Praxisprotokolle
- 251307 SE Lernprozessreflexion I
- 490068 KU Guided Reading
- 490103 KU Guided Reading
- 490165 PS School and Classroom Teaching Research
- 490183 UE Guided Reading: Emotional and Social Development
- 251201 SE Beobachtung und Analyse schulischer Situationen
- 251202 SE Lernprozessanalyse
- 490035 PS Fostering Development - Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Leistungsbeurteilungs- und Prüfungskultur
- 490048 KU Guided Reading
- 490165 PS School and Classroom Teaching Research
- 490165 PS School and Classroom Teaching Research
- 490183 UE Guided Reading: Emotional and Social Development
- 490157 KU Guided Reading
- 490165 PS School and Classroom Teaching Research
- 251101 SE D.1.1 Geisteswissenschaftliche Methoden
- 251103 UE D.1.2 Schreibwerkstatt I
- 490165 PS School and Classroom Teaching Research
- 490089 SE Theory and practical experience of education and consulting - Beobachten - Verstehen - Beraten
- 490107 SE Theory and practical experience of education and consulting - Lange vorbei und noch immer wirksam .. Reflexion von biografischen Schulerfahrungen und ihre Auswirkungen auf professionelles Handeln im Bereich Erziehen und Beraten
- 490132 VO Theory and practical experience of education and consulting
- 490244 VÜ Pedagogical Problems of ontogenetic development - Developemental Psychology and School
- 490089 SE Theory and practical experience of education and consulting - Beobachten - Verstehen - Beraten
- 490107 SE Theory and practical experience of education and consulting - Lange vorbei und noch immer wirksam .. Reflexion von biografischen Schulerfahrungen und ihre Auswirkungen auf professionelles Handeln im Bereich Erziehen und Beraten
- 490132 VO Theory and practical experience of education and consulting
- 490244 VÜ Pedagogical Problems of ontogenetic development - Developemental Psychology and School
- 490089 SE Theory and practical experience of education and consulting - Beobachten - Verstehen - Beraten
- 490244 VÜ Pedagogical Problems of ontogenetic development - Developemental Psychology and School
- 490132 VO Theory and practical experience of education and consulting
- 490179 SE Theory and practical experience of education and consulting - Beobachten - Verstehen - Beraten
- 490244 VÜ Pedagogical Problems of ontogenetic development - Developemental Psychology and School
- 190174 SE Theory and practical experience of education and consulting - long gone and still effective
- 190179 SE Theory and practical experience of education and consulting - Beobachten - Verstehen - Beraten
- 190132 VO Theory and practical experience of education and consulting
- 190244 VO+UE Pedagogical Problems of ontogenetic development - Developemental Psychology and School
- 190134 SE Theory and practical experience of education and consulting - Observing-Understanding-Councelling. Possibilities of Intervention and councelling in school.
- 190007 VO+UE Pedagogical Problems of ontogenetic development - Grow up in School. "Development in the Course of Life"
- 190134 SE Theory and practical experience of education and consulting - Observing-Understanding-Councelling. Possibilities of Intervention and councelling in school.
- 190785 VO+UE Pedagogical Problems of ontogenetic development - Grow up in School. "Development in the Course of Life"
- 190007 VO+UE Pedagogical Problems of ontogenetic development - Grow up in School. "Development in the Course of Life"
- 190134 SE Theory and practical experience of education and consulting - Observing-Understanding-Councelling. Possibilities of Intervention and councelling in school.
- 190337 SE Theory and practical experience of education and consulting - The teachers` experience of the antagonism of power a.powerlessness - professional ways of understanding, supporting and counseling "difficult" pupils and students
- 190785 VO+UE Pedagogical Problems of ontogenetic development - Grow up in School. "Development in the Course of Life"
- 190134 SE Theory and practical experience of education and consulting - Observing-Understanding-Councelling. Possibilities of Intervention and councelling in school.
- 190337 SE Theory and practical experience of education and consulting - The teachers` experience of the antagonism of power a.powerlessness - professional ways of understanding, supporting and counseling "difficult" pupils and students
- 190785 VO+UE Pedagogical Problems of ontogenetic development - Grow up in School. "Development in the Course of Life"
- 190134 SE Theory and practical experience of education and consulting - Observing-Understanding-Councelling. Possibilities of Intervention and councelling in school.
- 190337 SE Theory and practical experience of education and consulting - The teachers` experience of the antagonism of power a.powerlessness - professional ways of understanding, supporting and counseling "difficult" pupils and students
- 190785 VO+UE Pedagogical Problems of ontogenetic development - Grow up in School. "Development in the Course of Life"
- 190249 UE School Theory - Analytical reflections about the antagonism of the role as a pupil, a student and a teacher
- 190337 SE Theory and practical experience of education and consulting - The teachers` experience of the antagonism of power a.powerlessness - professional ways of understanding, supporting and counseling "difficult" pupils and students
- 190785 VO+UE Pedagogical Problems of ontogenetic development - Grow up in School. "Development in the Course of Life"
- 190086 SE Theory and practical experience of education and consulting - Observing-Understanding-Councelling. Possibilities of Intervention and councelling in school.
- 190337 SE Theory and practical experience of education and consulting - The teachers` experience of the antagonism of power a.powerlessness - professional ways of understanding, supporting and counseling "difficult" pupils and students
- 190785 VO+UE Pedagogical Problems of ontogenetic development - Grow up in School. "Development in the Course of Life"
- 190009 UE School Theory - Analytical reflections about the antagonism of the role as a pupil, a student and a teacher
- 190235 SE The impact of the initial communication for the working process
- 190337 SE Theory and practical experience of education and consulting - The teachers` experience of the antagonism of power a.powerlessness - professional ways of understanding, supporting and counseling "difficult" pupils and students
- 190785 VO+UE Pedagogical Problems of ontogenetic development - Grow up in School. "Development in the Course of Life"
- 190009 UE School Theory - First Steps in Professional Pedagogical Thinking and Acting - analytical reflections about the antagonism of the role as a pupil, a student and a teacher
- 190337 SE Theory and practical experience of education and consulting - The teachers` experience of the antagonism of power a.powerlessness - professional ways of understanding, supporting and counseling "difficult" pupils and students
- 190785 VO+UE Pedagogical Problems of ontogenetic development - Grow up in School. Introduction into the Topic "Development in the Course of Life" - for Student-Teachers
- 190009 SE Analytical reflections about the antagonism of the role as a pupil, a student and a teacher - First Steps in Professional Pedagogical Thinking and Acting
- 190337 SE The teachers' experience of antagonism of power and powerlessness - The teachers` experience of the antagonism of power and powerlessness - professional ways of understanding, supporting and counseling "difficult" pupils and students
- 190785 VO+UE Grow up in School. "Development in the Course of Life" - Introduction into the Topic "Development in the Course of Life" - for Student-Teachers
- 190009 UE Analytical reflections about the antagonism - First Steps in Professional Pedagogical Thinking and Acting - analytical reflections about the antagonism of the role as a pupil, a student and a teacher
- 190337 SE experience of antagonism of power + powerlessness - The teachers` experience of the antagonism of power a.powerlessness - professional ways of understanding, supporting and counseling "difficult" pupils and students
- 190785 VO+UE Grow up in School - Grow up in School. Introduction into the Topic "Development in the Course of Life" - for Student-Teachers
- 190009 UE Einführung professionelles päd. Denken u. Handeln - Einführung in professionelles pädagogisches Denken und Handeln. Reflexion der Antinomie von Schüler-Studierenden-LehrerInnenrolle
- 190337 SE Das Erleben von Macht und Ohnmacht - Das Erleben von Macht und Ohnmacht im Umgang mit schwierigen SchülerInnen: Möglichkeiten des Verstehens, Unterstützens und Beratens
- 190009 UE Einführung professionelles päd. Denken u. Handeln - Einführung in professionelles pädagogisches Denken und Handeln. Reflexion der Antinomie von Schüler-Studierenden-LehrerInnenrolle
- 190337 SE Das Erleben von Macht und Ohnmacht - Das Erleben von Macht und Ohnmacht im Umgang mit schwierigen SchülerInnen: Möglichkeiten des Verstehens, Unterstützens und Beratens
- 190009 SE "Was ist da los?" - Analytische Reflexion - Einführung in professionelles pädagogisches Denken und Handeln - Analytische Reflexion der Antinomie von Schüler-, Studierenden- und LehrerInnenrollen
- 190337 SE Erleben von Macht und Ohnmacht - Das Erleben von Macht und Ohnmacht im Umgang mit schwierigen SchülerInnen: Möglichkeiten des Verstehens, Unterstützens und Beratens
- 406706 SE Was ist da los? - Was ist da los? Reflektieren von LehrerInnen-SchülerInnen-Interaktionen
- 901410 SE Das Erleben von Macht und Ohnmacht - Das Erleben von Macht und Ohnmacht im Umgang mit schwierigen SchülerInnen: Möglichkeiten des Verstehens, Unterstützens und Beratens
- 901410 SE Das Erleben von Macht und Ohnmacht - Das Erleben von Macht und Ohnmacht im Umgang mit schwierigen SchülerInnen: Möglichkeiten des Verstehens, Unterstützens und Beratens
- 901410 SE Das Erleben von Macht und Ohnmacht - Das Erleben von Macht und Ohnmacht im Umgang mit schwierigen SchülerInnen: Möglichkeiten des Verstehens, Unterstützens und Beratens
- 901423 SE Das Erleben von Macht und Ohnmacht - Das Erleben von Macht und Ohnmacht im Umgang mit schwierigen SchülerInnen: Möglichkeiten des Verstehens, Unterstützens und Beratens
- 901410 SE Das Erleben von Macht und Ohnmacht - Das Erleben von Macht und Ohnmacht im Umgang mit schwierigen SchülerInnen: Möglichkeiten des Verstehens, Unterstützens und Beratens
Last modified: We 15.01.2025 14:20