Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Oliver Marchart
- Mail: oliver.marchart@univie.ac.at
- Phone: +43-1-4277-49413
Business Card: vCard
Research Profile: u:cris
Teaching (iCal)
- 210023 VO BAK4 History of Political Ideas and Political Theory
- 210089 VO M1a: Basics of Political Science
- 210027 VO BAK5: History of Theory and Debates on Theory
- 210118 SE M3: Political Theories and Research on Theory - Activating the demos. Popular sovereignty, populism, constituent power
- 210028 VO BAK5 History of Theory and Debates on Theory
- 210132 SE M13: Seminar for MA
- 210027 VO BAK5: History of Theory and Debates on Theory
- 210117 SE M3: Political Theories and Research on Theory - Freedom and liberation. Republican, liberal and radical theories of liberty
- 210029 VO BAK5: History of Theory and Debates on Theory
- 210096 VO M1a: Basics of Political Science
- 210135 SE M13: Seminar for MA
- 210029 VO BAK5: History of Theory and Debates on Theory
- 210101 VO M3: SpezialVO Political Theories and Research on Theory - Democratic principles: freedom, equality, solidarity, popular sovereignty
- 210103 SE M3: Political Theories and Research on Theory - The fear of the demos. Criticism of populism theories
- 210137 SE M13: Seminar for MA
- 210030 VO BAK5: History of Theory and Debates on Theory
- 210109 VO M1a: Introduction into Political Science
- 210144 SE M11: Research Practice - Cultural policy and the political in the culture
- 210029 VO BAK5: History of Theory and Debates on Theory
- 210101 VO M3: SpezialVO Political Theories and Research on Theory - The democratic horizon. Freedom, equality and solidarity in a radical democratic perspective
- 210137 SE M13: Seminar for MA
- 400010 SE Probleme der Theoriearbeit in den Sozialwissenschaften
- 210030 VO BAK5: History of Theory and Debates on Theory
- 210108 SE M3: Political Theories and Research on Theory - Politics of the Performative: Space - Event Alterity
- 210136 SE M11: FOP Research Practice - Conflicting aesthetics. Concepts, discourses and practices between art and politics
- 210031 VO BAK5: History of Theory and Debates on Theory
- 210110 VO M1a: Introduction into Political Science
- 210116 SE M3: Political Theories and Research on Theory - Karl Marx. Die politischen Schriften.
- 210145 SE M13: Seminar for MA
- 400017 SE SE Theory for Doctoral Candidates
- 210030 VO BAK5: History of Theory and Debates on Theory
- 210136 SE M11: FOP Research Practice - Hegemonie, Populismus, Diskurs, Radikale Demokratie. Die Perspektive der Essex School um Ernesto Laclau und Chantal Mouffe
- 210153 SE M3: Political Theories and Research on Theory - Socialism or Barbarism. The Relationship between Theory and Practise in Castoriadis, Lefort, and Gauchet
- 210030 VO BAK5: VO History of Theory and Debates on Theory
- 210137 SE M11: FOP Research Practice - Technik - Macht - Gewalt. Günther Anders und die Politik/das Politische
- 400012 SE "Wrestling with the Angels" - - SE Theory for Doctoral Candidates
- 210030 VO BAK5: VO History of Theory and Debates on Theory
- 210138 SE M11: FOP Research Practice - Das Ende der Zukunft und die Realität der Utopie
- 210147 SE M13: Seminar for MA- and PhD-students old
- 210082 UE BAK17b.1 Political Science in practice - Art as a Field of Politics
- 210095 VO M3 a: SpezialVO Political Theories and Research on Theory - Theorien radikaler Demokratie
- 210097 SE M3 a: Political Theories and Research on Theory - VertiefungsSE
- 400005 FK Beyond Illustration and Decoration. Working with Theory in the Social Sciences - Colloquium for Doctoral Candidates
- 210065 SE BAK9 Political Theories and Research on Theories - What is politics? A systematic approach
- 210103 SE M3 b: Political Theories and Research on Theory - SpezialisierungsSE: New populism(s)
- 180338 PS Globus - Mundus - Globus - Mundus - Philosophische Implikationen der Globalisierungsdebatte(§ 3/2/7)
- 210138 PS D2/G10: Was heißt "Hegemonie"? - Was heißt "Hegemonie"? Konturen eines Politikkonzepts von Gramsci bis Laclau (D2/G10)
- 696489 PS D2: Public Space(s): Demokratie und Öffentlichkeit - Public Space(s): Demokratie und Öffentlichkeit (D2)
- 696928 PS Die Einheit Europas und ihre Grenzen - Die Einheit Europas und ihre Grenzen. Philosophische Perspektiven (8) (3/2/7)
- 696083 PS D2: Politik ohne Garantien - Politik ohne Garantien: Zur gegenwärtigen Hannah Arendt-Rezeption
- 693811 PS D2: Radikale Demokratie - D2: Radikale Demokratie
- 601678 VO+UE Von Machiavelli zu Arendt - Von Machiavelli zu Arendt: Traditionsbestände des republikanischen Denkens (2, 8) (PPP § 5/2/a/3)
- 601668 VO Hannah Arendt in der Gegenwartsrezeption - Hannah Arendt in der Gegenwartsrezeption: Macht, Agonalität, Urteilskraft (8) (PPP § 5/2/a/1)
- 601590 VO Grundzüge der pol. Philosophie Hannah Arendts - Grundzüge der politischen Philosophie Hannah Arendts: Freiheit, Pluralität, Ereignis (8) (PPP § 5/2/a/3)
- 601544 VO Der "transcendental turn" in der pol. Phil. III - Der "transcendental turn" in der politischen Philosophie III am Beispiel der deutschsprachigen Rezeption der Demokratietheorie Claude Leforts: Rödel, Frankenberg, Dubiel (3,8)
- 601433 VO Der transcendetal turn i.d. polit. Philosophie - Der transcendetal turn in der politischen Philosophie. Am Beispiel des Demokratietheorien von Claude Lefort, Ernesto Laclau und Chantal Mouffe
Last modified: We 29.01.2025 05:00