Mag. Wilfried Göttlicher
Currently not an active member of staff
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Teaching (iCal)
- 190037 SE Bachelor's Paper I - Was liegt im Keller des Unterrichtsministeriums? Eine Literatur-Exploration zum Nutzen erziehungswissenschaftlicher Forschung.
- 190085 SE Theory of Educational Science: Curriculum and Instructions - School reform and the persistence of the traditional grammar of schooling. The perspective of educational history.
- 190015 PVU STEOP2: Education, Teaching and Learning I
- 190016 PVU STEOP2: Education, Teaching and Learning II
- 190077 SE Research Practicum - What does the Ministry of Education Have in Its Cellar? A literary exploration for the benefit of educational science research.
- 190085 SE Theory of Educational Science: Curriculum and Instructions - Reformpädagogik. An alternative blueprint with its own history.
- 190043 SE Bachelor's Paper I - Pedagogy - Political Pawn or Beneficiary of Politics? The role of pedagogy in relation to political system change in 1918/19, 1934, 1938 und 1945.
- 190052 PVU Service course for the module examinations StEOP2
- 190074 SE Historical and Social Conditions of Teaching and Learning - School reforms from the Perspective of History of Education
- 190075 SE Bachelor's Paper II - Findings of History of Education on Reform Pedagogy
- 190077 SE Research Practicum - Pedagogy: Political Pawn or Beneficiary of Politics? The role of pedagogy in relation to political system change in 1918/19, 1934, 1938 and 1945.
- 190038 SE Bachelor's Paper I - After National Socialism and War: Approval of Texttbooks by the Federal Ministry of Education and by the Allies in the Postwar Period (1945-1955). The Reports in the Austrian State Archive
- 190048 PS History of Education, with Special Consideration of Austria - Debates on School Reform in Austrian Teachers' Journals, 1919-1938. Exploration of an Historical Source.
- 190052 PVU Service course for the module examinations StEOP2
- 190058 PVU Service course for the module examinations StEOP2
- 190226 PS History of Education, with Special Consideration of Austria - Debates on School Reform in Austrian Teachers' Journals, 1919-1938. Exploration of an Historical Source.
- 190226 PS History of Education, with Special Consideration of Austria - An Inquiry about the Historiographie on Otto Glöckel's School Reform, 1919-34. Sources, Narratives and Gaps
- 190058 PVU Service course for the module examinations StEOP1 and StEOP2
- 190204 SE Historical and Social Conditions of Teaching and Learning - How children were supposed to see the world. Textbooks for Austrian primary schools, 1900-2000 examined from sociological, political and didactical perspectives. Also, a critical report on an anthology on the subject currently in preparation
- 190226 PS History of Education, with Special Consideration of Austria - Forgotten debates on school reform. The Austrian rural school and its reform within the short twentieth century
- 190226 PS History of Education, with Special Consideration of Austria - School under National Socialism
- 190226 PS History of Education, with Special Consideration of Austria - Reform Pedagogy in Austria and Germany, 1918-1933(34)
- 190097 SE Bachelor's Paper I - Pedagogic topics, discourse and proponents in Austria, 1918-38. - Austrian educational journals as a source for the history of education
- 190226 PS History of Education, with Special Consideration of Austria - from the late 18th century on
- 190097 SE Bachelor's Paper I - school and education research
- 190226 PS History of Education, with Special Consideration of Austria - Reform Pedagogy in Austria and Germany, 1918-1933(34)
- 190904 SE Research practicum - Pedagogic topics, discourse and proponents in Austria, 1918-38. - Austrian educational journals as a source for the history of education
Last modified: We 15.03.2023 05:06