Dipl.-Soz. Dr. Roswitha Breckner, Privatdoz.
Business Card: vCard
Research Profile: u:cris
Office Hours: On appointment by email
Teaching (iCal)
- 400006 SE Analyses following interpretative methodologies - Research workshop
- 230156 VO Visual Sociology: an Introduction with Focus on Images
- 230157 SE Interpretive Picture Analysis - A Methodical Approach
- 230130 VO Sociological methodology and methods - Basics, critique, and new developments in empirical research
- 230154 VO+SE Principles, Approaches and Practices of Visual Methods
- 400005 SE Interpretative Methodologies - Research workshop
- 230122 SE Interaction in online worlds - A challenge for classical social theories?
- 230156 VO Visual Sociology: an Introduction with Focus on Images
- 400008 SE Research workshop - Research workshop
- 230123 SE Symbol Theories and their sociological relevance
- 230130 VO Sociological methodology and methods - Basics, critique, and new developments in empirical research
- 230153 VO+SE Principles, Approaches and Practices of Visual Methods
- 400005 SE Research workshop - Research workshop
- 230130 VO Sociological methodology and methods - Basics, critique, and new developments in empirical research
- 230156 VO Visual Sociology: an Introduction with Focus on Images
- 230164 SE Master-Thesis-Seminar
- 400011 SE SE for Doctoral Candidates: Research workshop
- 230123 SE Symbol Theories and their sociological relevance
- 230130 VO Sociological methodology and methods - Basics, critique, and new developments in empirical research
- 230156 VO+SE Principles, Approaches and Practices of Visual Methods
- 230157 FS Research Lab 2: Visual Communication in Social Media
- 400007 SE Research workshop: Analysing empirical data by using qualitative and interpretive methods - SE for Doctoral Candidates: Research workshop
- 230006 VO Sociological methodology and methods - Basics, critique, and new developments in empirical research
- 230029 VO Visual Sociology: an Introduction with Focus on Images
- 230063 VO+SE Sociology of Social Media and visual communication
- 230079 FS Research Lab 1: Visual Communication in Social Media
- 400001 SE Research workshop - SE for Doctoral Candidates: Research workshop
- 400005 FK ViDSS Introduction Course: From Research Idea to a Successful Public Presentation - Colloquium for Doctoral Candidates
- 230006 VO Sociological methodology and methods - Basics, critique, and new developments in empirical research
- 230078 VO+SE Principles, Approaches and Practices of Visual Methods
- 230134 SE Symbol Theories and their sociological relevance
- 400001 SE Research workshop: Analysing empirical data by using qualitative and interpretive methods
- 230029 VO Visual Sociology: an Introduction with Focus on Pictures
- 230076 SE Visual Biographies in Social Media
- 400001 SE Forschungswerkstatt mit qualitativ-empirischer Ausrichtung: Auswertung qualitativen Datenmaterials
- 230006 VO Sociological methodology and methods - Basics, critique, and new developments in empirical research
- 230073 VO+SE Principles, Approaches and Practices of Visual Methods
- 400001 SE Forschungswerkstatt mit qualitativ-empirischer Ausrichtung: Auswertung qualitativen Datenmaterials - Seminar für DissertantInnen: Forschungswerkstatt
- 400005 FK Colloquium for Doctoral Candidates
- 230049 VO Visual Sociology: an Introduction with Focus on Pictures
- 230080 SE Pictures and Biographies in networked lifeworlds
- 230116 SE Master-Thesis-Seminar
- 400002 SE Analysing empirical data by using qualitative and interpretive methods - SE for Doctoral Candidates: Research workshop
- 400001 SE Analysing empirical data by using qualitative and interpretive methods - SE for Doctoral Candidates: Research workshop
- 230048 VO+SE Digital Displays Pictorial Self-Presentation in Everyday Life
- 230072 SE Master-Thesis-Seminar
- 230107 UE Interpreting Pictures based on Segment Analysis
- 400001 SE Analysing empirical data by using qualitative and interpretive methods - SE for Doctoral Candidates: Research workshop
- 230006 VO Sociological methodology and methods - Basics, critique, and new developments in empirical research
- 230049 VO Visual Sociology: an Introduction with Focus on Pictures
- 230064 VO+SE Sociology of Migration
- 230107 FS Research Lab 2: Developing Iconic Worlds in Present Societies
- 400001 SE Research workshop: Analyzing empirical data by using qualitative and interpretive methods - Seminar for Doctoral Candidates
- 230107 FS Research Lab 1: Developing Iconic Worlds in Present Societies
- 230117 VO+SE Principles, Approaches and Practices of Visual Methods
- 400011 SE Research workshop: Analysing empirical data by using qualitative and interpretive methods - SE for Doctoral Candidates: Research worshop
- 230022 VO Visual Sociology: an Introduction with Focus on Pictures
- 230050 SE Master-Thesis-Seminar: Visual Sociology and Biographical Research
- 230063 VO Sociological methodology and methods - Basics, critique, and new developments in empirical research
- 230085 WS Diagnosis of Society: Migration Societies and their Images
- 400001 SE Analysing empirical data by using qualitative and interpretive methods - SE for Doctoral Candidates: Research workshop
- 230042 FPR FPR Research Practice 2: Research with visual methods
- 230117 SE Interpretive Picture Analysis - A Methodical Approach
- 400001 SE Analysing empirical data by using qualitative and interpretive methods - SE for Doctoral Candidates: Research workshop
- 230008 VO Selected Paradigms of Sociological Theory - Exemplified in the Field of Feminist Theory and Gender Studies
- 230024 FPR FPR Research Practice 1: Research with visual methods
- 230047 VO Visual Sociology: an Introduction with Focus on Pictures
- 230048 SE Master-Thesis-Seminar: Visual Sociology and Biographical Research
- 230170 VO Sociological methodology and methods - Basics, critique, and new developments in empirical research
- 400010 SE SE for Doctoral Candidates: Research worshop - Forschungswerkstatt: Methodische Wege zur Analyse qualitativen empirischen Materials
- 230079 WS Diagnosis of Society: Migration Societies and their Images
- 230098 VO+SE Visual Sociology: Basic Principles, Approaches and Practices
- 230101 FPR Visual Communication in Social Media
- 230008 VO Selected Paradigms of Sociological Theory - Exemplified in the Field of Feminist Theory and Gender Studies
- 230035 SE Master-Thesis-Seminar: Visual Sociology and Biographical Research
- 230047 VO Visual Sociology: an Introduction with Focus on Pictures
- 230097 SE SE Visual Sociology: Urban/Visual Studies-The city in its pictorial representations
- 230170 VO Sociological methodology and methods - Basics, critique, and new developments in empirical research
- 230009 FPR FPR Research Practice 2: Research with visual methods
- 230039 UE Interpreting Pictures based on Segment Analysis
- 230040 VO+SE Visual Surveillance
- 230046 VO Picture Theories from a Sociological Pespective. Basic Concepts and Developments
- 230060 MA Master-Thesis-Seminar: Visual Sociology and Biographical Research
- 400001 SE SE Methods for Doctoral Candidates - Social Scientific Research with Visual Methods
- 230008 VO Selected Paradigms of Sociological Theory - Exemplified in the Field of Feminist Theory and Gender Studies
- 230023 FPR FPR Research Practice 1: Research with visual methods
- 230076 VO+SE Visual Sociology Approaches and Practices
- 230087 SE SE Visual Sociology: Urban/Visual Studies-The city in its pictorial representations
- 230170 VO Sociological methodology and methods - Basics, critique, and new developments in empirical research
- 230046 VO Picture Theories in Socio-historical Contexts. Developments and Basic Concepts
- 230048 UE Interpreting Pictures based on Segment Analysis
- 230050 MA Master-Thesis-Seminar: Visual Sociology and Biographical Research
- 230060 FPR Practicing Visual Sociology
- 230004 VO STEOP: Introduction (Part 2): VO Applied Sociology - an Overview
- 230008 VO Selected Paradigms of Sociological Theory - Exemplified in the Field of Feminist Theory and Gender Studies
- 230036 VO+SE Visual Sociology Approaches and Practices
- 230087 SE SE Visual Sociology: Urban/Visual Studies-The city in its pictorial representations
- 230170 VO Sociological methodology and methods - Basics, critique, and new developments in empirical research
- 400016 FK Language, Biographies and Pictures in Migration Processes
- 230004 VO STEOP: Introduction (Part 2): VO Applied Sociology - an Overview
- 230047 FPR Visual Methods in Research II: Evaluation - Forschungspraktikum 2
- 230084 MA Master-Thesis-Seminar
- 230117 SE Interpretive Picture Analysis - A Methodical Approach
- 230008 VO Selected Paradigms of Sociological Theory - Exemplified in the Field of Feminist Theory and Gender Studies
- 230037 VO STEOP: Introduction (Part 2): VO Applied Sociology - an Overview
- 230052 MA Master-Thesis-Seminar
- 230123 FPR Visual Methods in Research I: Eliciting Data - Forschungspraktikum 1
- 230170 VO Methodological and Methodical Approaches in Social Research
- 210027 VO M10 a: Culture and Politics - Bildwelten, interdisziplinär. Theoretische Perspektiven, Methoden und Fallbeispiele
- 230002 VO Subject-specific Introduction Part 1: Applied Sociology - An Overview
- 230038 MA Master-Thesis-Seminar
- 230099 VO+SE Visual Sociology 2
- 230008 VO Selected Paradigms of Sociological Theory - Exemplified in the Field of Feminist Theory and Gender Studies
- 230123 VO+SE Visual Sociology 1
- 230180 VO New Developments in Methods of Empirical Social Research
- 230165 MA Master-Thesis-Seminar
- 230010 VO Selected Paradigms of Sociological Theory - Exemplified in the Field of Feminist Theory and Gender Studies
- 230095 SE Interpretive Picture Analysis - a Methodical Approach
- 230108 VO+SE Visual Sociology: Theoretical Foundations and Methodical Procedures of Interpretive Picture Analysis
- 230117 SE Master-Thesis-Seminar
- 230018 SE Interpretive Picture Analysis - A Methodical Approach
- 230080 VO Selected Paradigms of Sociological Theory - Exemplified in the Field of Feminist Theory and Gender Studies
- 230521 VO+SE Women's and Gender Studies: The Body and Gender
- 230589 SE Master Thesis Seminar
- 230215 VO Introduction-Overview about 3 Areas of Theory: Interpretative, Feminist and Systems Theories - Lecture Sociological Theories
- 230364 SE Interpretive Picture Analysis - Methods Semiar
- 230499 VO+SE Women's and Gender Studies: The Body and Gender - LE+SE: Women's and Gender Studies: The Body and Gender
- 230540 FS Research Sem. II: Culture, Society & Migration - Research Seminar for M.A. Students Focussing on Culture, Society and Migration Issues
- 230197 VO Interpretative, Feministische, System-Theorien - Einführung-Überblick über Systemtheorie, Interpretative Theorien, Feministische Theorien
- 230454 SE Spezielle Methoden: Bildanalyse als Kulturanalyse - Spezielle Methoden: Bildanalyse als Kulturanalyse
- 230456 FS Forschungsseminar I: Kultur und Gesellschaft - Forschungsseminar I: Kultur und Gesellschaft
- 230472 VO+SE VOSE Frauenfoschung/Geschlechterverhältnisse - VOSE Frauenfoschung/Geschlechterverhältnisse: Körper und Geschlecht
- 230505 FS Forschungsseminar I - Forschungsseminar I
- 230205 VO Interpretative, Feministische, System-Theorien - Einführung-Überblick über Systemtheorie, Interpretative Theorien, Feministische Theorien
- 230246 SE Spezielle Methoden: Bildanalyse - Spezielle Methoden: Bildanalyse
- 230247 SE Spezielle Methoden: Biographieforschung - Spezielle Methoden: Biographieforschung
- 406554 SE SE aus qualitativen Methoden: Interviewführung - SE aus qualitativen Methoden: Interviewführung
- 406557 VO+SE VOSE Frauenforschung/Geschlechterverhältnisse - VOSE Frauenforschung/Geschlechterverhältnisse
- 696751 SE SE aus qualitativen Methoden: Bildanalyse - SE aus qualitativen Methoden: Bildanalyse
- 696425 SE SE qualitative Methoden: Bildanalyse - SE qualitative Methoden: Bildanalyse
Last modified: Fr 24.01.2025 10:40
- Interpretive sociology
- Sociology of migration from a biographical perspective
- Concepts of the 'stranger' and 'strangeness'Information on the promotion of young professionals:
http://www.soz.univie.ac.at/forschung/forschungsteams/team-breckner/nachwuchsfoerderungInformation on Team Breckner: