Mag. Christian Kohner-Kahler
Currently not an active member of staff
Teaching (iCal)
- 190068 SE Concepts of Humans and Theories of Education - In dubio pro Freud. Summing up the Freudian Subject in Times of Crises.
- 190088 SE Ethic Challenges in Education - Challenges for the ethics of freedom in the age of risk.
- 190030 SE Concepts of Humans and Theories of Education - Illusionary Pictures-Exchange of Words - On the Media Theory of Jacques Lacan
- 190198 SE Processes of Development in Counseling and Psychotherapy - On Transference by Freud und Lacan
- 190088 SE Ethic Challenges in Education - Which Kind of Ethic(s) beyond Oedipus?
- 190200 SE Theory and practical experience of education and consulting - The Group as a Resource - Learning by Experience based on Action Research
- 190200 PS Scientific Methods in Education in Theory and Practice - The Group as a Resource - Learning by Experience based on Action Research
- 190202 SE Bachelor's Paper II - The Methodology of the Discourse - Discourseanalysis after Michel Foucault
- 190274 SE Je est un autre - Me is an Other - Situation of Problems in latemodern Education- and Subjecttheory.
- 190188 SE Homo oeconomicus and dilettante subject - Breaklines and borders in the position of the subject
- 190180 SE Behind the mirrors - Subjectivity and blind spots in times of visual codifications
- 190148 SE The power of language and the force of pictures - Postmodern dialectics between language and picture and the consequences for the subject
- 190143 SE The economy of discipline in modernity Part III - "What have they done to you, poor child?" - The Phenomenology of Victims in postmodern-secular Society.
- 190520 SE The economy of discipline in modernity II - Healing-Helping-Governing. Basic principles of "meducational" modes of inclusion and exclusion
- 190230 SE 5.8.4 [51b4aa-dd] Disziplinierungsökon. d. Moderne - Disziplinierungsökonomien der Moderne I. Das Strafbedürfnis der Gesellschaft am Beispiel von Freiheitsentzug und Schuldbekenntnis.
- 696906 SE+EX 5.8.4 [51b4aa-dd] Die geschlossene Gesellschaft - Die geschlossene Gesellschaft. Zur Frage eines pädagogischen Mehrwerts von Strafhaft
- 696906 SE 5.8.4 [51b4aa-dd] Kontroll.Hilfe-HelfendeKontrolle - Kontrollierende Hilfe - Helfende Kontrolle. Zur Antinomie sozialpädagogischer Interventionsformen
Last modified: Th 10.12.2020 05:06