Mag. Eva Mandl, MA
- Mail:
- Phone: +43-1-4277-58042
Business Card: vCard
Research Profile: u:cris
Office Hours: Mi, 15 - 16 Uhr (N 4.04) oder online nach Terminvereinbarung
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Teaching (iCal)
- 340136 UE Text and written and oral communication German
- 340198 UE Text and oral communication German
- 340245 UE Text and written communication German
- 340254 UE Discourse analysis and text design for different text fuctions, text types and media German B
- 340318 UE Functional grammar and stylistics German
- 340011 UE Text and written communication German
- 340029 UE Functional grammar and stylistics German
- 340198 UE Text and oral communication German
- 340206 UE Discourse analysis and text design for different text functions, text types and media German B
- 340387 UE Text and written and oral communication German
- 340136 UE Text and written and oral communication German
- 340198 UE Text and oral communication German
- 340245 UE Text and written communication German
- 340254 UE Discourse analysis and text design for different text fuctions, text types and media German B
- 340318 UE Functional grammar and stylistics German
- 340011 UE Text and written communication German
- 340029 UE Functional grammar and stylistics German
- 340198 UE Text and oral communication German
- 340206 UE Discourse analysis and text design for different text fuctions, text types and media German B
- 340387 UE Text and written and oral communication German
- 340136 UE Text and written and oral communication German
- 340198 UE Text and oral communication German
- 340245 UE Text and written communication German
- 340254 UE Discourse analysis and text design for different text fuctions, text types and media German B
- 960015 UE General Principles of Teaching German as a Foreign Language
- 340011 UE Text and written communication German
- 340198 UE Text and oral communication German
- 340206 UE Discourse analysis and text design for different text fuctions, text types and media German B
- 340387 UE Text and written and oral communication German
- 340136 UE Text and written and oral communication German
- 340198 UE Text and oral communication German
- 340245 UE Text and written communication German
- 340254 UE Discourse analysis and text design for different text fuctions, text types and media German B
- 340011 UE Text and written communication German
- 340198 UE Text and oral communication German
- 340206 UE Discourse analysis and text design for different text fuctions, text types and media German B
- 340387 UE Text and written and oral communication German
- 340136 UE Text and written and oral communication German
- 340198 UE Text and oral communication German
- 340240 VO Text and culture 2 German B-Language
- 340245 UE Text and written communication German
- 340011 UE Text and written communication German
- 340198 UE Text and oral communication German
- 340262 VO Text and culture 2 German B-Language
- 340387 UE Text and written and oral communication German
- 340136 UE Text Competence oral: German
- 340198 UE Listening Comprehension and Text Production: German
- 340240 PS Culture and Communikation: German
- 340245 UE Text Competence written: German
- 340011 UE Text Competence oral: German
- 340198 UE Listening Comprehension and Text Production: German
- 340262 PS Culture and Communikation: German
- 340387 UE Text Competence written: German
- 340136 UE Text Competence oral: German
- 340198 UE Listening Comprehension and Text Production: German
- 340240 PS Culture and Communikation: German
- 340245 UE Text Competence written: German
- 340011 UE Text Competence oral: German
- 340198 UE Listening Comprehension and Text Production: German
- 340262 PS Culture and Communikation: German
- 340387 UE Text Competence written: German
- 340136 UE Text Competence oral: German
- 340198 UE Listening Comprehension and Text Production: German
- 340240 PS Culture and Communikation: German
- 340245 UE Text Competence written: German
- 340011 UE Text Competence oral: German
- 340198 UE Listening Comprehension and Text Production: German
- 340262 PS Culture and Communikation: German
- 340387 UE Text Competence written: German
- 340136 UE Text Competence oral: German
- 340198 UE Listening Comprehension and Text Production: German
- 340240 PS Culture and Communikation: German
- 340245 UE Text Competence written: German
- 340011 UE Text Competence oral: German
- 340198 UE Listening Comprehension and Text Production: German
- 340247 UE Oral Communication: German
- 340262 PS Culture and Communikation: German
- 340024 UE Text Competence oral: German
- 340136 UE Text Competence oral: German
- 340198 UE Listening Comprehension and Text Production: German
- 340240 PS Culture and Communication: German
- 340011 UE Text Competence oral: German
- 340198 UE Listening Comprehension and Text Production: German
- 340247 UE Oral Communication: German
- 340262 PS Cultural Competence: German
- 340136 UE Text Competence oral: German
- 340240 PS Culture and Communication: German
- 340011 UE Text Competence oral: German
- 340262 PS Cultural Competence: German
- 340136 UE Text Competence oral: German
- 340240 PS Culture and Communication: German
- 340003 UE Text Competence oral: German
- 340262 PS Cultural Competence: German
- 340035 UE Listening Comprehension and Text Production: German
- 340240 PS Culture and Communication: German
- 340003 UE Text Competence 2 (oral): German
- 340262 PS Cultural Competence: German
- 340003 UE Text Competence 2 (oral): German
- 340262 PS Cultural Competence: German
- 340003 UE Text Competence 2 (oral): German
- 340245 UE Text Competence 1: German
- 340255 UE Grammar in Context: German
- 340398 VO Introduction to the Study Programme "Transcultural Communication"
- 340003 UE Text Competence 2 (oral): German
- 340198 UE Listening Comprehension and Text Production: German
- 340237 UE Oral Communication: German
- 340245 UE Text Competence 1: German
- 340255 UE Grammar in Context: German
- 340362 UE Cultural Competence: German
- 340398 VO Introduction to the Study Programme "Transcultural Communication"
- 340003 UE Text Competence: German
- 340198 UE Listening Competence and Text Production: German
- 340245 UE Basic Text Competence: German
- 340255 UE Grammar in Context: German
- 340362 UE Cultural Competence: German
- 340398 VO Introduction to the Study Programme "Transcultural Communication"
- 340403 UE Practical Training in eLearning and Media-based Teaching - Tutorials to courses in Translation Studies
- 100114 PR E-Tutorien - E-Tutorien für Studierende der Translationswissenschaft (Projekt TransDaF) (DaF 8)
- 340194 UE Oral communication: German - Oral communication: German
- 340198 UE Listening comprehension and text production: Ger. - Listening comprehension and text production: German
- 340245 UE Text competence: German - Text competence: German
- 340255 UE German grammar - German grammar
- 340362 UE The culture of the German-speaking countries 2a - The culture of the German-speaking countries 2a
- 100107 PR E-Tutorien - E-Tutorien für Studierende der Translationswissenschaft (Projekt TransDaF)
- 340194 UE Mündliche Kommunikation Deutsch 1. Fremdsprache - Mündliche Kommunikation Deutsch 1. Fremdsprache
- 340198 UE Hörverstehen und Textproduktion: Deutsch - Hörverstehen und Textproduktion: Deutsch
- 340245 UE Übersetzungsrelevante Textkompetenz: Deutsch - Übersetzungsrelevante Textkompetenz: Deutsch
- 340255 UE Übungen zur deutschen Grammatik - Übungen zur deutschen Grammatik
- 340362 UE Übungen zur deutschen Kulturkunde 2a - Übungen zur deutschen Kulturkunde 2a
- 340141 UE Kommunikation: Mutter-/Bildungssprache Deutsch - Kommunikation: Mutter-/Bildungssprache Deutsch
- 340194 UE Mündliche Kommunikation Deutsch 1. Fremdsprache - Mündliche Kommunikation Deutsch 1. Fremdsprache
- 340198 UE Hörverstehen und Textproduktion: Deutsch - Hörverstehen und Textproduktion: Deutsch
- 340245 UE Übersetzungsrelevante Textkompetenz: Deutsch - Übersetzungsrelevante Textkompetenz: Deutsch
- 340255 UE Übungen zur deutschen Grammatik - Übungen zur deutschen Grammatik
- 340362 UE Übungen zur deutschen Kulturkunde 2a - Übungen zur deutschen Kulturkunde 2a
- 340051 UE Übungen zur deutschen Kulturkunde 2a - Übungen zur deutschen Kulturkunde 2a
- 340107 UE Textkompetenz: Deutsch - Textkompetenz: Deutsch
- 340141 UE Kommunikation: Muttersprache Deutsch B - Kommunikation: Muttersprache Deutsch B
- 340194 UE Mündliche Kommunikation: Deutsch 1. FS - Mündliche Kommunikation: Deutsch 1. FS
- 340198 UE Hörverstehen und Textproduktion: Deutsch - Hörverstehen und Textproduktion: Deutsch
- 340254 UE Hörverstehen und Textproduktion Deutsch - Hörverstehen und Textproduktion Deutsch
- 726403 UE Mündliche Kommunikation: Muttersprache Deutsch - Mündliche Kommunikation: Muttersprache Deutsch
- 726548 UE Mündliche Kommunikation Deutsch 1. Fremdsprache - Mündliche Kommunikation Deutsch 1. Fremdsprache
- 726570 UE Hörverstehen und Textproduktion: Deutsch - Hörverstehen und Textproduktion: Deutsch
- 729743 UE Mündliche Kommunikation 1. Fremdsprache Deutsch - Mündliche Kommunikation 1. Fremdsprache Deutsch
- 562368 UE Mündliche Kommunikation, 1. Fremdsprache Deutsch - Mündliche Kommunikation, 1. Fremdsprache Deutsch
- 726403 UE Mündliche Kommunikation: Deutsch - Mündliche Kommunikation: Deutsch
- 726570 UE Hörverstehen und Textproduktion: Deutsch - Hörverstehen und Textproduktion: Deutsch
- 729743 UE Mündliche Kommunikation 1. Fremdsprache Deutsch - Mündliche Kommunikation 1. Fremdsprache Deutsch
Last modified: We 29.01.2025 05:00