1. Introductory Module
Das Eingangsmodul ist verpflichtend zu Beginn des Studiums zu absolvieren.
240104 GR 4 ECTS M1 - GR Guided Reading (4 ECTS) - Raewyn Connell. Der gemachte Mann und Southern TheoryVater, Mo 18:00-21:00 (8×)
240120 UE 5 ECTS M1 - UE Introduction to Inter- and Transdisciplinary Gender Studies (5 ECTS) - Gender Studies in the Social Sciences and HumanitiesWöhrer, Mo 04.03. 15:30-16:30, Fr 15:30-20:30 (5×), Fr 17.05. 17:00-20:00, Mo 17.06. 17:00-21:00, We 19.06. 17:00-20:00, Th 23.01. 12:00-13:00, Th 23.01. 13:00-13:45
240121 VO 3 ECTS M1 - VO Introduction to Inter- and Transdisciplinary Gender Studies (3 ECTS) - Gender Studies in the Social Sciences and HumanitiesNiederkofler, Mo 04.03. 16:35-17:50, Mo 16:30-18:00 (13×)
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:37