Universität Wien

4.05. Masterstudium Quantitative Economics, Management, and Finance

Due to labelling changes within the supply of lectures due to new degree programs some adaptations concerning the offer of classes for the Master curriculum Quantitative Economics, Management, and Finance, Core Program C 1 (Economics) are necessary:
There used to be two different courses: UK Microeconomics and UK Formal Modelling. Now these are combined into just one lecture for: UK Consumption, Production and Welfare (B). In case that you have already completed one of the previous courses please contact the Vice-Director of Studies in charge, Prof. Thomas Gehrig (thomas.gehrig@univie.ac.at) in order to find a solution.
Please pay also attention to our expanded offer of lectures for the alternative required module group Finance!

1. Core-program

1.1. Economics

1.2. Econometrics

1.3. Optimization and Dynamical Systems

1.4. Management Science

2. Specialisation Programme

2.1. Economics

2.1.1. Theoretical Analysis

2.1.2. Empirical Analysis

2.1.3. Advanced Econometrics

2.1.4. Elective Module

2.2. Finance

2.2.1. Quantitative Methods

2.2.2. Economics

2.2.3. Finance

2.2.4. Elective Module

2.3. Management

2.3.1. Marketing

2.3.2. Production/ Logistics/ Transport

2.3.3. Controlling, Accounting, Taxes

2.3.4. Organization and Personnel

2.3.5. Elective Courses

2.4. Operations Research

2.4.1. Operations Research and Computers

2.4.2. Decision Support

2.4.3. Production Management/ Supply Chain Management/ Transportation Logistics

2.4.4. Simulation

2.4.5. LP/MIP

2.4.6. Metaheuristik

Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:38