Universität Wien

33.01. Nutritional Sciences

A. Bachelor Degree Programme in Nutritional Sciences (2009)

Module 1 BACH (2013) STEOP Introduction iinto Nutritional Sciences

Module 2 BACH (2013) STEOP Basics of Chemistry

Module 3 BACH (2013) Introduction into Biostatistics and Scientific Work

Module 4 BACH (2013) General and Molecular Biology

Module 5 BACH (2013) Basics in Medicine and Biochemistry

Module 6 BACH (2013) Chemical Consolidation

Module 7 BACH (2013) Consolidation into Chemical Practice

Module 8 BACH (2013) Food Science

Module 9 BACH (2013) Human Nutrition I

Module 10 BACH (2013) Human Nutrition II

Module 11 BACH (2013) Food Safety

Module 12 BACH (2013) Public Health Nutrition and Dietetics

Module 13 BACH (2013) Alternative Compulsory Modules

Module 13.1 BACH (2013) Alternative Compulsory Module Quality Management

Module 13.2 BACH (2013) Alternative Compulsory Module Community Nutrition

Module 13.3 BACH (2013) Alternative Compulsory Module Advanced Botany

Module 13.4 BACH (2013) Alternative Compulsory Module Introduction into Molecular Nutritiony

Module 13.5 BACH (2013) Alternative Compulsory Module Nutrition Ecology

Module 13.6 BACH (2013) Alternative Compulsory Module Basics of Economics

Module 14 BACH (2013) Scientific Writing and Presenting

Module 15 BACH (2013) Complementary Study Programmes - Special Teaching Programmes 0.06 Complementary Study Programmes (Minors) - Courses for Students from other Degree Programmes

A[3] Bachelor Degree Programme in Nutritional Sciences (2011)

Module 1 BACH 2011) Dietetics: Applied and Multidisciplinary (Introductory and orientation period-STEOP)

Module 2 BACH (2011) Basics of Human Physiology (Introductory and orientation period-STEOP)

Module 2 BACH 2011) Human Anatomy and Histology (Introductory and orientation period-STEOP)

Module 4 BACH (2011) Basics of Chemistry and Biochemistry and In-Depth Training in Histology and Cytology

Module 5 BACH (2011) Basics of Biology/Nutrition and Health

Module 6 BACH (2011) Physics

Module 7 BACH (2011) Chemistry of Natural Materials and Analytical Chemistry

Module 8 BACH (2011) In-Depth Training in Biochemistry

Module 9 BACH (2011) Human Nutrition I

Module 10 BACH (2011) Principles of Food Science I

Module 11 BACH (2011) Principles of Food Science II (Optional Required Module)

Module 12 BACH (2011) Hygienic, Chemical and Sensory Aspects of Food Quality

Module 13 BACH (2011) Biometry, Statistics and Computing

Module 14 BACH (2011) Economics (Optional Required Module)

Module 15 BACH (2011) Human Nutrition II

Module 16 BACH (2011) Special Biochemistry and Pathophysiology

Module 17 BACH (2011) Food Chemistry and Food Technology

Module 18 BACH (2011) Food Quality

Module 19 BACH (2011) Special Nutrition and Dietetics

Module 20 BACH (2011) Sientific In-Depth Studies and Bachelor's Paper or Project

Bachelor Teacher accreditation programmes School Subject Household Economy and Nutrition

School Subject Household Economy and Nutrition: Basics in Nutrition

Basics in Natural Sciences for the Subject Household Economy and Nutrition

Household and Economy for the Subject Household Economy and Nutrition

Human Nutrition

Food Science for the Subject Household Economy and Nutrition

Food Production

Introduction in Teaching Structure

Methodological Competence for the Subject Household Economy and Nutrition

Transmit of practical skills in Household Economy and Nutrition

Free choice for Students of the Teaching Curriculum

Transmit of practical skills in Household Economy and Nutrition

Scientific work

B. Master Degree Programme - Nutritional Sciences

Specialisation in Molecular Nutrition (Module 1-12)

Module 1 Molecular Nutrition as Basis for Integrative Human Nutrition

Module 2 Biostatistics, Bioinformatics and Molecular Nutrition

Module 3 Metabolic Regulation and Diet Therapy

Module 4 Experimental Nutrition Research

Module 5 Basics of Molecular Biology and Genetics

Module 6 Nutritional Requirements in Health and Disease

Module 7 Cultural History of Nutrition and Nutritional Epidemiology

Module 8 Nutrition Safety

Module 9 Practical Skills I

Module 10 Practical Skills II

Module 11 Scientific Research and Master's Thesis

Module 12 Master's Thesis

Specialisation in Food Quality and Food Safety (Module 1-12)

Module 1 Integrative Human Nutrition and Food Quality

Module 2 Biostatistics, Bioinformatics and Food Quality

Module 3 Special Aspects of Food Production

Module 4 Food Quality

Module 5 Food Safety

Module 6 Modern Aspects of Food Science

Module 7 Environment Quality

Module 8 Food for Particular Nutritional Needs

Module 9 Practical Skills I

Module 10 Practical Skills II

Module 11 Scientific Research and Master's Thesis

Module 12 Master's Thesis

Specialisation in Public Health Nutrition (Module 1-12)

Module 1 Integrative Human Nutrition and Public Health Nutrition

Module 2 Biostatistics, Bioinformatics and Public Health Nutrition

Module 3 Basics of Public Health

Module 4 Basics of Health Promotion

Module 5 Health Impact of Physical Activity

Module 6 Assessment of Nutritional Status and Nutritional Epidemiology

Module 7 Food and Nutrition Policy

Module 8 EU Basics - Public Health Nutrition

Module 9 Practical Skills I

Module 10 Practical Skills II

Module11 Scientific Research and Master's Thesis

Module 12 Master's Examination

D. Teacher Training Programme in Home Economics and Nutrition

First Stage of the Degree Programme

Second Stage of the Degree Programme

E. Doctoral Degree Programme - Nutritional Sciences

Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:39