Entwicklung und Förderung
Lehren und Lernen
490002 SE 3 ECTS Theory and practical experience of teaching and learning - Progressive Education ConceptsAtanasoska, Tu 14:15-18:30 (5×)
Schrittesser, Tu 15:00-16:30 (9×), Tu 12.05. 13:15-14:45, We 27.05. 08:00-09:30, Mo 29.06. 11:30-13:00
490007 SE 3 ECTS Theory and practical experience of teaching and learning - Lernen aus der Perspektive der PädagogikKirsch, Mo 02.03. 13:45-17:45, Mo 13:45-16:45 (4×), Mo 15.06. 13:45-17:15
490012 SE 3 ECTS Theory and practical experience of teaching and learning - Looking for the Fruitful Moments of Learning in SchoolSchrittesser
490017 SE 3 ECTS Theory and practical experience of teaching and learning - Medienpädagogik und -didaktik in der SchulpraxisScheidl, We 11.03. 09:00-12:15, We 09:00-13:00 (5×)
Schütz, Tu 15:00-16:30 (12×)
Bosse, Fr 06.03. 09:45-16:30, Sa 07.03. 09:45-16:30, Mo 09.03. 09:45-16:30, Tu 10.03. 09:45-14:45
Bosse, We 18.03. 16:00-20:00, Th 19.03. 09:45-16:30, Fr 20.03. 09:45-16:30, Sa 21.03. 09:45-16:30
490036 SE 3 ECTS Theory and practical experience of teaching and learning - Lernen als bildende ErfahrungRainer, We 13.05. 15:00-17:30, We 15:00-20:00 (4×)
490044 SE 3 ECTS Theory and practical experience of teaching and learning - Blended-Learning in Secondary EducationComber
490045 SE 3 ECTS Theory and practical experience of teaching and learning - Interkulturelle Bildung im schulpädagogischen KontextHeiser, Fr 06.03. 11:30-14:30, Sa 09:00-14:00 (4×)
490049 SE 3 ECTS [ en ] Theory and practical experience of teaching and learning - Digital games, simulation and virtual worlds for teaching and learningWalsh, Tu 24.03. 12:00-14:00, Tu 21.04. 09:00-14:00, Fr 08.05. 09:45-17:45, Tu 12.05. 09:45-17:45
490050 SE 3 ECTS Theory and practical experience of teaching and learning - Bildungspolitisches Thema - aktuelle Fragestellungen in der österreichischen SchulpädagogikHofer-Rybar
490051 SE 3 ECTS Theory and practical experience of teaching and learning - Performative Wege des Lehrens und LernensKöhler, Sa 09:45-15:00 (4×), Fr 24.04. 15:00-20:00, Fr 19.06. 15:00-18:15
490053 SE 3 ECTS Theory and practical experience of teaching and learning - Theorien der Wissensgenerieung für die Praxis nutzbar machenLingo, We 18:30-21:45 (4×), Sa 13.06. 09:00-17:00
490056 SE 3 ECTS Theory and practical experience of teaching and learning - Heterogenität - Diversity - IntersektionalitätSchneider, We 18.03. 16:30-18:45, We 16:30-20:15 (5×)
490062 SE 3 ECTS Theory and practical experience of teaching and learning - Lehr- und Lernprozesse im Spannungsfeld von Lernschwäche und HochbegabungSchretzmayer, Tu 03.03. 11:30-13:00, Tu 11:30-14:30 (7×)
490063 SE 3 ECTS Theory and practical experience of teaching and learning - Lehr- und Lernprozesse im Spannungsfeld von Lernschwäche und HochbegabungSchretzmayer, Tu 03.03. 13:00-14:30, Tu 11:30-14:30 (7×)
490085 SE 3 ECTS Theory and practical experience of teaching and learning - Differentiation and individualisationRosenberger, We 16:45-19:00 (10×)
490086 SE 3 ECTS Multilingualism Curriculum - the significance of language in learning processes I. elementary qualification for student teachers of all subjects.Vetter, We 11.03. 14:30-17:00, We 18.03. 13:15-17:15, We 09:00-11:45 (6×)
490104 SE 3 ECTS Theory and practical experience of teaching and learning - Classroom Management in challenging teaching situationsValtl, Sa 21.03. 09:45-17:45, Fr 09:45-17:45 (2×)
490130 SE 3 ECTS Theory and practical experience of teaching and learning - Neukreation von personen-zentriertem Lehren & Lernen. Ein erstes Treffen von John Macmurray und Carl R. RogersSchmölz, Th 09:45-16:30 (3×)
490131 SE 3 ECTS [ en ] Theory and practical experience of teaching and learning - Wise Humanising Creativity: Learning experienced as transformational agencySchmölz, We 25.03. 12:15-14:15, We 15.04. 09:45-14:45, Tu 28.04. 09:45-17:45, Sa 09.05. 09:00-17:00
490133 SE 3 ECTS Theory and practical experience of teaching and learning - Fördern und Bewerten von Leistung als schulisches HandlungsfeldVrabl, Th 09:45-12:45 (8×)
490139 SE 3 ECTS Theory and practical experience of teaching and learning - Videography-based analysis of classroom interactions and teacher actionValtl, Sa 09:45-17:45 (3×)
490396 SE 3 ECTS Theory and practical experience of teaching and learning - Pedagogical topics within music educationLion
Voraussetzungen und Folgen von Unterricht
Last modified: We 21.04.2021 11:38